Top 4 Keto Sweeteners To Use Instead of Sugar - Splenda® (2024)

Cut net carbs and calories with these great-tasting, sugar free sugar substitutes - allulose, monk fruit, erythritol, and stevia.

April 22, 2021

When you embark on a keto diet, you must bid farewell to sugar. Sugar isn’t a keto-friendly sweetener.

But giving up sugar can be tough, especially if you have a sweet tooth. How will you make Grandma’s famous chocolate chip cookies now?

Don’t worry, you have options. Allulose, monk fruit, stevia, and erythritol are all keto sweeteners that taste and bake like sugar, without the negative health impacts.

In fact, these low-carb sweeteners (all of which can be found right here at Splenda) have health benefits. You’ll feel good about eating your keto cookie.

We’ll cover allulose and the rest of the sweet keto gang in a moment. First, let’s talk about what they’re replacing.

The Problem With Added Sugar

When people talk about sugar, they’re usually talking about sucrose, also called table sugar. They might also be talking about high fructose corn syrup, a compound similar to sucrose used to sweeten beverages. (Note: Both sucrose and high fructose corn syrup are combinations of the simple sugars glucose and fructose).

Much research suggests that added sugar (especially from sugary drinks) is driving the obesity epidemic in America.1 Why? Because empty sugar calories are easy to overconsume. They don’t fill us up like protein, fat, or fiber do.

Sugar also causes metabolic issues. Specifically, high sugar intakes are linked to insulin resistance, the metabolic problem underlying type 2 diabetes (T2D).1 Insulin resistance is the reason blood sugar stays high and excessive fat gets stored in T2D.

Since added sugar is clearly hazardous to our health, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends Americans limit sugar intake to 6 to 9 teaspoons per day. (6 for women and 9 for men).2

Top 4 Keto Sweeteners To Use Instead of Sugar - Splenda® (1)

How much sugar does the average American consume each day? Closer to 15 or 16 teaspoons!3 We have work to do.

Sugar and the Keto Diet

Sugar is like keto repellent. When we eat it, our ability to burn fat scurries away like a frightened squirrel. Some explanation will help.

When you eat a ketogenic diet, you consume 55 to 70 percent of your calories from fat, 20 to 35 percent from protein, and less than 10 percent from carbohydrates.4 Keeping your macronutrients in these ratios allows you to enter the unique fat-burning state called ketosis.

Keeping net carbs low is the number one rule of keto. (Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber and sugar alcohols, and they’re the only carbs that count on keto). Keeping net carbs low keeps blood sugar low, which in turn keeps the hormone insulin low. With insulin low, your body can happily access stored fat for energy.4

Conversely, eating sugar raises insulin levels and inhibits fat burning. Eating sugar is a surefire way to kick yourself out of ketosis.

Now let’s talk about how to stay keto while you bake, sprinkle, and sweeten.

Top 4 Keto-Friendly Sweeteners

A keto sweetener should not only help you stay in ketosis but also taste and bake great. Here are your best four options:

#1: Allulose

Allulose is all the buzz in the keto community. Why? Because allulose tastes, bakes, and browns like sugar—without the calories.

Allulose is a naturally-occurring sweetener found in figs, raisins and jackfruit. Unlike sugar, most allulose isn’t absorbed by your body. That’s why it’s extremely low in calories.

Allulose has promising health benefits for the keto crowd. In one study, for example, consuming allulose before a meal curbed the blood sugar response and increased fat burning.5

Bottom line? If you’re looking for a keto-approved sugar substitute for all your favorite recipes, consider Splenda Allulose Sweetener. Your family won’t even know you made the switch.

Baking tip: Allulose browns even faster than sugar, so lower the oven temperature by 25º for your favorite recipes. Splenda Allulose Sweetener is a 1:1 swap for sugar.

#2: Monk fruit

Monk fruit extract contains zero calories and is perfectly compatible with the keto diet. Why is monk fruit compatible with keto? Because consuming it doesn’t significantly impact blood sugar levels.6

Monk fruit (also called Luo Han Guo) has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, reportedly for ailments associated with heat and fever. The sweetness of monk fruit is powered by a compound called mogroside V. Researchers have studied mogroside V for its health benefits, including its potential antioxidant properties.7

You can use monk fruit anywhere you would use sugar. For a simple sweetener that’s 1:1 with sugar, try Splenda Monk Fruit Sweetener. It’s a tasty blend of monk fruit and erythritol for all your sweetening needs.

Baking tip: Splenda Monk Fruit Sweetener works for all your baking needs. It has a subtle, brown sugar-like flavor that works well in banana, pumpkin bread and muffin recipes. Enjoy.

#3: Erythritol

Erythritol is a naturally occurring zero-calorie carbohydrate found in many vegetables and fruit.

Of all the sugar alcohols—mannitol, maltitol, sorbitol, etc.—erythritol is the keto-friendliest. Not only does it contain the fewest calories, but it’s also the best tolerated by the gut.8

Like the other sweeteners on this list, erythritol also doesn’t raise blood sugar or insulin levels. That’s why it’s keto-approved. As a bonus, research suggests erythritol may improve oral health.8

Baking and sweetening with erythritol are easy. Use Splenda Monk Fruit or Splenda Stevia sweeteners (both made with erythritol) anywhere you’d use sugar.

Baking tip: Erythritol has great baking versatility, and many people find it works well to make frozen desserts.

#4: Stevia

Stevia extract is similar to monk fruit extract. It contains zero calories, doesn’t raise blood sugar or insulin levels, and has promising antioxidant properties.9

The stevia rebaudiana plant has a long history of human usage. In fact, the people of South America have use stevia leaves as a remedy for diabetes for hundreds of years.9

The compounds that lend stevia its sweetness (steviol glycosides) are also the compounds that drive stevia’s health benefits. Steviol glycosides are potent antioxidants.9

If you’d like to give stevia a try, pick up a package of Splenda Stevia Sweetener. It’s powered by rebaudioside D, the sweetest steviol glycoside, so you don’t have to worry about a bitter aftertaste. Oh, and it’s plant based and tastes just like sugar.

Baking tip: Use 1/2 cup of Splenda Stevia Sweetener Jar to replace one cup of sugar. When baking with this sweetener, it’s best to check on the baked goods a few minutes early, as it often cooks faster than sugar.

Choose Your Keto Sweetener

After reading this article, you should be well-prepared to choose a keto-friendly sweetener. The handy comparison chart should help too. Bookmark this page and return whenever you like. Happy sweetening.

Brian Stanton is the author of Keto Intermittent Fasting, a certified health coach, and a leading authority on the keto diet. Follow Brian’s work by visiting his website at

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Made with Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweetener Keto Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies
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Splenda Keto-Friendly Sweeteners

Top 4 Keto Sweeteners To Use Instead of Sugar - Splenda® (8)

Splenda® Stevia Sweetener Jar

Top 4 Keto Sweeteners To Use Instead of Sugar - Splenda® (9)

Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweeteners

Top 4 Keto Sweeteners To Use Instead of Sugar - Splenda® (10)

Splenda® Allulose Sweeteners

See Splenda Naturals Sweeteners

1 Malik, Vasanti S et al. “Sugar-sweetened beverages, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease risk.” Circulation vol. 121,11 (2010): 1356-64. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.876185 2 Added Sugars. American Heart Association, 2018. 3 Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Advisory Report to the Secretary of Agriculture and Secretary of Health and Human Services. 2020. 4 Masood W et al. “Ketogenic Diet”. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan 5 Kimura, Tomonori et al. “d-Allulose enhances postprandial fat oxidation in healthy humans.” Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) vol. 43-44 (2017): 16-20. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2017.06.007 6 Tey, S., Salleh, N., Henry, J. et al. Effects of aspartame-, monk fruit-, stevia- and sucrose-sweetened beverages on postprandial glucose, insulin and energy intake. Int J Obes 41, 450–457 (2017). 7 Ban, Qingfeng et al. “Physiochemical, rheological, microstructural, and antioxidant properties of yogurt using monk fruit extract as a sweetener.” Journal of dairy science vol. 103,11 (2020): 10006-10014. doi:10.3168/jds.2020-18703 8 Regnat, K et al. “Erythritol as sweetener-wherefrom and whereto?.” Applied microbiology and biotechnology vol. 102,2 (2018): 587-595. doi:10.1007/s00253-017-8654-1 9 Ashwell, Margaret. “Stevia, Nature’s Zero-Calorie Sustainable Sweetener: A New Player in the Fight Against Obesity.” Nutrition today vol. 50,3 (2015): 129-134. doi:10.1097/NT.0000000000000094

Top 4 Keto Sweeteners To Use Instead of Sugar - Splenda® (2024)


Top 4 Keto Sweeteners To Use Instead of Sugar - Splenda®? ›

One alternative to Splenda is stevia, which is a naturally derived, calorie-free sweetener. It comes from the leaves of the stevia plant, which are harvested, dried, and steeped in hot water. The leaves are then processed and sold in powder, liquid, or dried forms.

What is the best substitute for Splenda? ›

One alternative to Splenda is stevia, which is a naturally derived, calorie-free sweetener. It comes from the leaves of the stevia plant, which are harvested, dried, and steeped in hot water. The leaves are then processed and sold in powder, liquid, or dried forms.

Which keto sweetener tastes most like sugar? ›

Allulose is a natural sugar that we can't metabolize [*], which means it tastes and acts like sugar without spiking our blood sugar. Found in fruit, maple syrup and other plants, it's 70% as sweet as sugar.

Which is better for keto Splenda or stevia? ›

When it comes to choosing a Keto-friendly sweetener, it's best to stick with stevia or monk fruit for the most part. With zero net carbs and little to no effects on blood sugar, these sweeteners are ideal for satisfying sugar cravings with minimal, if any, known side effects.

Why is Splenda not keto-friendly? ›

Splenda is neither a zero-calorie nor a keto-friendly sweetener. It's able to cause an increase in blood glucose and insulin levels. It also contains sugars, glucose and maltodextrin. There still remain concerns about the safety of Splenda, especially when used in cooking.

What is the downside to using Splenda? ›

Some studies have shown that sucralose can change your gut microbiome by lowering the number of good bacteria by half. Research done on animals shows that sucralose can also increase inflammation in the body. Over time, inflammation can lead to problems like obesity and diabetes.

Which sweetener is bad for keto? ›

Watch out for sweeteners that are high in sugar and carbs when following a ketogenic diet. These include maltodextrin, honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, and dates.

Which tastes better Splenda or stevia? ›

Splenda is often favored for its sugar-like taste, with minimal to no aftertaste, making it a popular choice for those seeking a sweetener that closely mimics the flavor of sugar. On the other hand, stevia tastes bad to a lot of people.

Why is Truvia better than Splenda? ›

If you prefer something more natural, then you should choose Truvia. If you're looking for one you can use to bake with, go for Splenda's Sugar Blend. Truvia is hoping to develop their own baking-friendly version, too.

Why stevia over Splenda? ›

Drawing from our experience, stevia has less adverse health effects by reducing the risk of diabetes in comparison to Splenda. Moreover, our GOOD GOOD sweet leaf stevia drops are renowned for their low glycemic index, which can decrease oxidative stress and manage your metabolism.

Why is erythritol ok on keto? ›

Erythritol is a good keto-friendly option, as it has a glycemic index of 0 and works well in both cooking and baking. Plus, due to its small particle size, erythritol tends to be better tolerated than other sugar alcohols ( 12 , 13 ). Still, xylitol, sorbitol, and isomalt are all suitable on a keto diet.

What is the best sugar substitute for keto? ›

Stevia and monk fruit, in particular, are excellent choices due to their high sweetness level, meaning you only need a small amount to achieve the desired taste. When it comes to monk fruit and ketosis and stevia, they don't impact blood sugar levels.

Can I use Splenda in my coffee on keto? ›

The following Splenda Brand Sweetener products are keto-friendly and contain 0g net carbs per serving: Splenda Stevia jar. Splenda Liquid (Sucralose, Stevia, Monk Fruit) Splenda Monk Fruit granulated packets, pouches and jar.

Does Splenda spike insulin? ›

Sucralose: A recent human study found that sucralose, which is found in Splenda, may lead to increased insulin spikes when sugar is consumed. It's also been shown to alter gut bacteria in mice. Stevia: A relatively new sugar substitute, Stevia is considered one of the safer sugar substitutes.

What happens when you stop using Splenda? ›

Your taste buds will stop getting tricked.

Artificial sweeteners skew the way we taste food. While manufacturers try to match the sweetness of sugar, they tend to go overboard, creating sweetness levels that exceed those of sugar.

Is stevia the same as Splenda? ›

Both are zero-calorie sweetener alternatives. However, stevia is a sourced sweetener and Splenda is an artificially created product. Among the biggest considerations to make would be its ability to withstand heat and its potential toxicity. Stevia is more stable at higher temperatures.

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