Geraldine Chaplin (b. 1944) has always been a spectacular actress. Of course, when hearing or reading about Chaplin, the first thing that comes to mind is British-born screen legend Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) and the immortal character of The Tramp, first introduced on February 7, 1914, when the Keystone comedy short “Kid Auto Races at Venice” was released. And the rest, as we all know, is history. The film pioneer became a universal icon, a trendsetter, and the greatest comic genius the world has ever known. In terms of filmmaking, from acting, directing, producing, writing, and composing, to running his own Hollywood studio, located on La Brea Avenue—he did everything—he is considered the single most important artist and an unprecedented key figure in the history of filmmaking.

Charlie Chaplin’s first appearance as The Tramp in his second short, “Kid Auto Races at Venice” in February, 1914, written and directed by Henry Lehrman. Two months later, at the early age of twenty-five, Mr. Chaplin began to write and direct his own work.

But Ms. Chaplin, the fourth child of Sir Charles Spencer ‘Charlie’ Chaplin, and the first of his eight children with his fourth wife Oona O’Neill (1925-1991), is and has always been a very accomplished and highly skilled leading, supporting and character actress who first rose to prominence in David Lean’s “Doctor Zhivago” (1965), based on the 1958 Boris Pasternak novel. The film, as well as her outstanding portrayal of Tonya, Zhivago’s childhood sweetheart and later loyal and steadfast wife, marked the start of a very prolific acting career that to this day, over fifty years later, is still going strong.

Throughout her career, the much sought after and perfectly multilingual actress appeared in over one hundred fifty continental films, including several made in France and most of all in Spain, and English-language films she made on both sides of the Atlantic. Ms. Chaplin won multiple film awards and was nominated for three Golden Globes, including for her role as her own grandmother Hannah Chaplin (1865-1928) in Richard Attenborough’s biopic “Chaplin” (1992). She received critical acclaim for her work with Spanish film director Carlos Saura; their films include “Ana y los lobos,” a.k.a. “Ana and the Wolves” (1973), and “Cría Cuervos” (1976). In the U.S. she worked with Robert Altman, appearing in “Nashville” (1975), “Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull’s History Lesson” (1976) and “A Wedding” (1978). For another of her favorite filmmakers, Alan Rudolph, she did “Welcome to L.A.” (1976), “Remember My Name” (1978) and “The Moderns” (1988). Last year, she played a supporting role in the blockbuster “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018).

She was born in Santa Monica, California. When she was eight years old, the Chaplin family went to London for the world premiere of “Limelight” (1952). After leaving the U.S., he was told his re-entry permit had been revoked since he was accused of being a communist, and he decided to cut his ties with the U.S. The family then settled in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland.

Ms. Chaplin debuting on the screen in her father’s “Limelight” (1952), the last film he made in the U.S. The other two children are her siblings Michael and Josephine Chaplin.

Ms. Chaplin and her husband, Chilean cinematographer, writer, and director Patricio Castilla, are the parents of actress Oona Chaplin (b. 1986), who appears as Varang in James Cameron’s “Avatar 2” (2021), and she’s scheduled to reprise her role in later sequels “Avatar 3” (2023), “Avatar 4” (2025), and “Avatar 5“ (2027).

The latest edition of the Film Fest Ghent last October in Ghent, Belgium, honored Ms. Chaplin with its Lifetime Achievement Award, a.k.a. the Joseph Plateau Honorary Award, referring to Belgian-born Joseph Plateau (1801-1883), a pioneer in creating the illusion of a moving image with an animated device he called the phenakistiscope, as displayed on the award. During her visit to Belgium, I had the honor of spending fifteen minutes with her to talk about her father, her work as an actress, and one of her upcoming films—also screened at the Festival—titled “The Barefoot Emperor,” written, directed and produced by Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth. The film is the sequel to “The King of the Belgians” (2016).

And what a thrill it was to talk to her; Ms. Chaplin, for many years a film festival favorite all over the world, is very down-to-earth, a very joyful, graceful and spontaneous lady with a great and sophisticated sense of humor who doesn’t take herself too seriously, when she says, “Getting old is terrible, but thanks to my wrinkles I just keep on working!”


Ms. Chaplin, when you’re making a film, do you sometimes think, ‘My father would have done this differently,’ or ‘my father’s approach was much better’?

Of course, I do, every time. Sometimes I think, ‘This reminds me of my father.’ He’s always present. And he was unique; he had unique standards for acting and filmmaking. In fact, he would always call himself unique. When someone would tell him, ‘Oh, you are a genius,’ he would say, ‘No no, I’m unique.’ Because Picasso was also called a genius and nobody liked his paintings [laughs]. But at the end of the day, it was true: my father was unique. People sometimes ask me, ‘Isn’t it hard to live up to it?’ But who could do that?! He was unique, so loved, so great, and so the Little Tramp is my hero.

And after more than a century, his character is still a hero for millions of people all over the world.

Exactly, and that is also unique.

There are a few very interesting similarities between you and your father. In terms of acting, both of you give the impression that acting is terribly easy, while it’s not.

No, I work very, very hard. My father was the perfect example. I mean, he worked so hard. He made everything look so easy. Every day he would sit down in front of a piece of paper and a pencil, he would have his timetable, and he would work all day. Sometimes it didn’t come, and there would be nothing on the paper, but he was always very disciplined. When he was shooting, he was always the first person on the set and the last one to leave. He was a great perfectionist. There was a famous interview, I think by Richard Schickel, who interviewed him, and he said, ‘Sometimes I shoot a scene, and I know that it’s perfect, but then I see it afterwards in rushes and it’s not, so then I have to reshoot.’ He had this idea that the shutter—of course, now it’s all completely different—that the shutter, that fraction of a second, could kill an emotion, and then it didn’t come through. He knew when he was perfect, but sometimes the camera didn’t see it, so he had to do it again. That’s a strange theory; but, in a funny way, it makes sense. So blame the shutter [laughs].

Did he ever give you any advice, acting-wise?

He never actually gave me advice; he wasn’t that sort of a man. There was his work ethic and self-discipline. He expected as much from everyone else as what he gave himself. He was very hard on a lot of actors. But when I wanted to be a dancer, he said, ‘If you don’t believe that you are the best dancer in the world, how are you doing to convince anyone? You have to go out on that stage, and even if you fall flat on your face, you have to think, ‘I am the best.’ And then maybe you can convince the audience.’ That’s the advise he gave me as a dancer. As an actor, he didn’t like the idea of me going into acting. He wanted a decent profession, like a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer. But once I became an actress, he became a fan, and I could never get any criticism out of him that was constructive because he was just a fan. He was just daddy—a father being proud of his daughter.

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (2)Are there any films of his that you’re particularly fond of?

I love them all. Usually, my favorite is the last one that I have seen—I see them all the time. But I think maybe my favorite one is “The Kid” [1921]. For some… I don’t know; I love them all. I mean, “The Great Dictator” [1940] is unsurpassable, that ending is just so incredible, and then you have “The Gold Rush” [1925]… I mean, I love them all. But there’s something about “The Kid” that is so poignant. First of all, Jackie Coogan, that little boy, is the perfect Charlie Chaplin. And then my father playing the part of the father that he never had, because his father died at a very young age of alcoholism [Charles Chaplin Sr., 1893-1901]—there’s something so touching and so perfect about that whole relationship. It’s the biggest love story in the world, I think. “The Kid” has the most romantic love scene than any other between the father and the little boy. I love that movie—and the music, I mean all of it.

What about your own films? Do you have any favorites?

Usually the next one, the one that I haven’t done yet [laughs]. The old ones… I don’t see my own films too much. Tonight I have to present “Ana y los lobos,” and I haven’t seen it since then. So I don’t know how to present it, except to say, ‘I haven’t seen it in forty-seven years.’ Maybe I can say, ‘I hear it’s good.’ [Laughs].

You’ve been a very busy actress for several decades. Is it easy for you to accept the roles you play and make sure they fit in your schedule?

Well, I’m not that busy—I mean, I’m busy, but not every day of the year. And I work completely by instinct. Usually, I accept films that I would like to see. But unfortunately, the kind of movies that I would like to see, there are not so many of them. There’s one coming up now in Bolivia [“98 Seconds Without Shadow”] with Bolivian director Juan Pablo Richter, I just fell in love with the script. It’s a little part, but I just want to be in it. It’s magic, and it’s extraordinary. And with Jessica [Woodworth] and Peter [Brosens], when I saw “The King of the Belgians,” I just loved it; it was so good.


Are you aware that you are a living legend in your own right?

[Laughs] No, I don’t think I am, not at all, no. But I’m getting a hell of a prize here, the Joseph Plateau Honorary Award. That’s pretty good! But no, I just think I’m extraordinarily lucky, I was born with luck—I am touching wood now [knocks on a little wooden table]—I was born lucky to have the name, the parents that I had, the childhood that I had, and then I’ve been lucky working with a lot of great directors. I’ve done a lot of terrible films, but some really good ones too. And I’ve been so extraordinarily lucky.

You didn’t spend your entire childhood in Los Angeles, so I suppose you weren’t surrounded too much by other people of the film community?

My father was thrown out of the United States when I was eight years old, and then when we lived in Switzerland, we had a lot of visitors who were not really from the film business, mostly they were musicians. Igor Stravinsky would come, Clara Haskil, the great pianist, would come—my father was very much into music. He loved music; he was a wonderful composer too. Clara Haskil would come every Christmas, she would play the piano for us, and my father would show a movie—it was a sort of mutual admiration society. But James Mason was a neighbor, Truman Capote too. Capote was a good friend of my mother’s. We were kind of isolated where we lived in Switzerland. Our home was three hours from Geneva; now it’s one hour. Geneva was the nearest airport, and that was still very primitive in those days. And we only ended up there because my mother was pregnant and we were living for months in a hotel in Switzerland, while my father was thinking where we should live. He was thinking of England, and then my mother put her foot down and said, ‘I’m not having this baby in a hotel, so you’d better go buy a house.’ And so he bought this house that is now the Chaplin Museum [Chaplin’s World in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland], which is extraordinary.

When you’re on the set, do you need a lot of direction?

Oh yes, sometimes I get it completely wrong. It’s just a question of ideas. The director has an idea, and maybe I have another idea. Some directors like you to bring ideas, while other directors say, ‘No, this is the way it’s going to be.’ So again, it’s adaptability. You adapt. An actor is like a chameleon because every director is different, just like every human being is different. Some directors like you to intervene, even to co-write, and others say, ‘This is it.’ So you always adapt.


Is it still necessary for you to rehearse?

It depends on the director. Some directors like rehearsals and some don’t; they like to improvise more. But usually, there are rehearsals, and I personally like rehearsing. But it really depends: you have to be a very adaptable animal to be an actor. You have to adapt to the director and to what he wants and be the perfect clay which the director can sculpt from.

What attracted you to play the twins in “The Barefoot Emperor”?

I saw Jessica Woodworth’s film “The King of the Belgians,” and I laughed myself silly. I thought it was so good; she had sent me the script and the movie. After I had seen the movie, I said to myself immediately, ‘Yes!’ And at that point, I wasn’t doing the other part too, it was a German actress, but they shifted the days of the movie around because they couldn’t get everyone together, and then the other actress was working. They [Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth] kept considering other actresses until one day they asked me if I would do it. And Jessica said, ‘That would really be a good idea because then it means that they were actually twins.’ In the first script, it was an imaginary friend, an imaginary person. She wasn’t a real twin. But now, as twins, it brought a lot to the story, so I accepted it.

Film Fest Ghent (Belgium)
October 14, 2019


LIMELIGHT (1952) DIR – PROD – MUS Charles Chaplin SCR Charles Chaplin (also original story) CAM Karl Struss ED Joe Inge CAST Charles Chaplin, Claire Bloom, Nigel Bruce, Buster Keaton, Sydney Chaplin, Norman Lloyd, Marjorie Bennett, Charles Chaplin Jr., Geraldine Chaplin (Little Girl on the Steps), Josephine Chaplin, Michael Chaplin, Oona Chaplin, Edna Purviance

PAR UN BEAU MATIN D’ÉTÉ, a.k.a. CRIME ON A SUMMER MORNING (1965) DIR Jacques Deray PROD Raymond Borderie, Paul-Edmond Decharme, Beniro Perojo SCR Jacques Deray, James Hadley Chase, Arturo Rigel, Didier Goulard, Marice Fabre, Georges Bardawill, M. Andriard (novel by James Hadley Chase) CAM Juan Julio Baena, Jean Charvein ED Monique Kirsanoff MUS Michel Magne CAST Jean-Paul Belmondo, Sophie Daumier, Geraldine Chaplin (Zelda), Alania Cade, Gabriele Ferzetti, Adolfo Celi, Akim Tamiroff

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (5)DOCTOR ZHIVAGO (1965) DIR David Lean PROD Carlo Ponti SCR Robert Bolt (novel by Boris Pasternak) CAM Freddie Young ED Norman Savage MUS Maurice Jarre CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Tonya), Julie Christie, Omar Sharif, Tom Courtenay, Alec Guinness, Shiobhan McKenna, Ralph Richardson, Rod Steiger, Rita Tushingham, Ingrid Pitt, Klaus Kinski, Adrienne Corri, Jack MacGowran

THE DOCTOR AND THE DEVIL (1965) DIR Nicholas Ray PROD Nicholas Ray, Raymond Brandt SCR Gore Vidal, Dylan Thomas CAST Geraldine Chaplin, Laurence Harvey, Barbara Steele, Susannah York, Margaret Johnston, Maximilian Schell, James Mason

ANDREMO IN CITTÀ (1966) DIR Nelo Risi PROD Franco Cancellieri SCR Nelo Risi, Edith Bruck, Jerzy Stefan Stawinski, Cesare Zavattini (story by Edith Bruck) CAM Tonino Dello Colli ED Giacinto Solito MUS Ivan Vandor CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Lenka Vitas), Nino Castelnuovo, Federico Scrobogna, Stefania Careddu, Aleksander Gavric

A COUNTESS FROM HONGKONG (1967) DIR – SCR – MUS Charles Chaplin PROD Charles Chaplin [uncredited], Jerome Epstein CAM Arthur Ibbetson ED Gordon Hales CAST Marlon Brando, Sophia Loren, Sydney Chaplin, Tippi Hedren, Patrick Cargill, Oliver Johnston, Margaret Rutherford, Geraldine Chaplin (Girl at Dance), Josephine Chaplin, Victoria Chaplin, Charles Chaplin

CASINO ROYALE (1967) DIR John Huston, Ken Hughes, Joseph McGrath, Robert Parrish, Richard Talmadge PROD Jerry Bresler, Charles K. Feldman SCR Wolf Mankowitz, John Law, Michael Sawyers (novel ‘Casino Royale’ [1953] by Ian Fleming) CAM Jack Hildyard ED Bill Lenny MUS Burt Bacharach CAST Peter Sellers, Ursula Andress, David Niven, Orson Welles, Joanna Pettet, Woody Allen, Deborah Kerr, William Holden, Charles Boyer, John Huston, George Raft, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jacqueline Bisset, Geraldine Chaplin (Keystone Kop [uncredited]), Mireille Darc, Anjelica Huston, Caroline Munro, Peter O’Toole

J’AI TUÉ RASPOUTINE, a.k.a. I KILLED RASPUTIN (1967) DIR Robert Hossein EXEC PROD Maurice Jacquin SCR Robert Hossein, Alain Decaux, Claude Desailly (book by Paola Sanjust, Feliks Yusupov) CAM Henri Persin ED Jacqueline Thiédot MUS André Hossein CAST Gert Fröbe, Peter McEnery, Robert Hossein, Geraldine Chaplin (Mounia Golovine), Ivan Desny, Roger Pigaut, Feliks Yusupov

STRANGER IN THE HOUSE (1967) DIR Pierre Rouve PROD SCR Pierre Rouve (novel ‘Les Inconnus de la Maison’ by Georges Simenon) CAM Ken Higgins ED Ernest Walter MUS Patrick John Scott CAST James Mason, Geraldine Chaplin (Angela Sawyer), Bobby Darin, Paul Bertoya, Ian Ogilvy, Bryan Stanyon, Pippa Steel, Clive Morton

PEPPERMINT FRAPPÉ (1967) DIR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta SCR Carlos Saura, Rafael Azcona, Angelino Fons (story by Carlos Saura) CAM Luis Cuadrado ED Pablo G. del Amo MUS Luis de Pablo CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Elena / Ana), José Luis López, Alfredo Mayo, Emiliano Redondo, Ana María Custodio, María José Charfole

STRESS-ES TRES-TRES, a.k.a. STRESS IS THREE (1968) DIR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta SCR Carlos Saura, Angelino (story by Carlos Saura) Fons CAM Luis Cuadrado ED Pablo G. del Amo MUS Jaime Pérez CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Teresa), Juan Kuis Galiardo, Fernando Cebrián, Porfiria Sanchíz, Charo Soriano, Humberto Sempere

LA MADRIGUERA, a.k.a. HONEYCOMB (1969) DIR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta SCR Geraldine Chaplin, Carlos Saura, Rafael Azcona (idea by Carlos Saura) CAM Luis Cuadrado ED Pablo G. del Amo MUS Luis de Pablo CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Teresa), Per Oscarsson, Teresa del Río, Julia Peña, Emiliano Redondo, María Elena Flores, Jesús Nieto

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (6)THE HAWAIIANS (1970) DIR Tom Gries PROD Walter Mirisch SCR James R. Web (novel by James A. Michener) CAM Lucien Ballard, Philip H. Lathrop ED Ralph E. Winters, Byron Brandt MUS Henry Mancini CAST Charlton Heston, Geraldine Chaplin (Purity Hoxworth), John Phillip Law, Mako, Tina Chen, Alec McCowen, Don Knight, Miko Mayama

EL JARDÍN DE LAS DELICIAS, a.k.a. THE GARDEN OF DELIGHTS (1970) DIR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta SCR Carlos Saura, Rafael Azcona (idea by Carlos Saura) CAM Luis Cuadrado ED Pablo G. del Amo MUS Luis de Pablo CAST José Luis López Vázquez, Luchy Soto, Francisco Pierrá, Charo Soriano, Lina Canalejas, Julia Peña, Mayrata O’Wisiedo, Geraldine Chaplin (Guest [uncredited])

SUR UN ARBRE PERCHÉ, a.k.a. PERCHED ON A TREE (1971) DIR Serge Korber PROD Raymond Danon SCR Pierre Roustang (adaptation by Serge Korber, Jean Halain) CAM Edmond Séchan ED Marie-Claire Korber MUS Alain Goraguer CAST Louis de Funès, Geraldine Chaplin (Madame Muller), Alice Sapritch, Paul Préboist, Hans Meyer, Olivier de Funès

LA CASA SIN FRONTERAS, a.k.a. THE HOUSE WITHOUT FRONTIERS and A HOUSE WITHOUT BOUNDARIES (1972) DIR Pedro Olea EXEC PROD Imanol Olea, Jesús Sánchez SCR Pedro Olea, Juan Antonio Porto (story ‘Lluvia’ by José Agustín) CAM Luis Cuadrado ED José Antonio Rojo MUS Carmelo A. Bernaola CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Lucía Alfaro), Tony Isbert, Viveca Lindfors, José Orjas, Patty Shepard, Julio Peña, Luis Ciges, María Arias

Z.P.G. (1972) DIR Michael Campus PROD Tom Madigan SCR Max Ehrich, Frank De Felitta CAM Michael Reed ED Dennis Lanning MUS Jonathan Hodge CAST Oliver Reed, Geraldine Chaplin (Carol), Don Gordon, Diane Cilento, David Markham, Bill Nagy, Sheila Reid, Aubrey Woods

INNOCENT BYSTANDERS (1972) DIR Peter Collinson PROD George H. Brown SCR James Mitchell (also novel) CAM Brian Probyn ED Alan Patillo MUS Johnny Keating CAST Stanley Baker, Geraldine Chaplin (Miriam Loman), Donald Pleasence, Dana Andrews, Sue Lloyd, Derren Nesbitt, Vladek Sheybal

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (7)ANA Y LOS LOBOS, a.k.a. ANA AND THE WOLVES (1973) DIR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta SCR Carlos Saura, Rafael Azcona (story by Carlos Saura) CAM Luis Cuadrado ED Pablo G. del Amo MUS Luis de Pablo CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Ana), Fernando Fernán Gómez, José María Prada, José Vivó, Rafaela Aparicio, Charo Soriano

VERFLUCHT, DIES AMERIKA, a.k.a. YANKEE DUDLER and JAIDLER’S GANG (1973) DIR Volker Vogeler PROD Elías Querejeta SCR Volker Vogeler, Ulf Miehe, Bernardo Fernández (story by Volker Vogeler, Ulf Miehe, Bernardo Fernández) CAM Luis Cuadrado ED Pablo G. del Amo MUS Luis de Pablo CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Kate Elder), William Berger, Francisco Algora, Arthur Brauss, Sigi Graue, Joaquín Rodríguez, Fred Stillkrauth

THE THREE MUSKETEERS (1973) DIR Richard Lester PROD Ilya Salkind SCR George MacDonald Fraser (novel by Alexandre Dumas) CAM David Watkin ED John Victor Smith MUS Michel Legrand CAST Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch, Richard Chamberlain, Michael York, Frank Finlay, Christopher Lee, Geraldine Chaplin (Queen Anne), Simon Ward, Faye Dunaway, Charlton Heston, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Spike Mulligan, Roy Kinnear, Joss Ackland, Sybil Danning

LE MARIAGE À LA MODE (1973) DIR – SCR Michel Mardure PROD Véra Belmont CAM Alain Derobe CAST Catherine Jourdan, Yves Beneyton, Maurice Bénichou, Sylvette Cabrisseau, Geraldine Chaplin, Philippe Clévenot

SOMMERFUGLENE, a.k.a. SUMMER OF SILENCE (1974) DIR Chris Boger CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Anne Zimmler), Sally Newton, Jonas Bergström, Marit Halset, Lars Nordrum, Paul Kael, Aud Fosse, Tor Åge Bringsværd

¿… Y EL PRÓJIMO? (1974) DIR Ángel del Pozo PROD Tadeo Villalba SCR Ángel del Pozo (also story) CAM José Luis Alcaine ED Pablo G. del Amo MUS Emilio de Diego CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Luisa), Antonio Ferrandis, Julián Mateos, Fernando Rey, Charo Soriano, Margot Cottens, Eduardo Fajardo, Juan Diego

THE FOUR MUSKETEERS (1974) DIR Richard Lester PROD Ilya Salkind, Michael Salkind SCR George MacDonald Fraser (novel by Alexandre Dumas) CAM David Watkin ED John Victor Smith MUS Lalo Schifrin CAST Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch, Richard Chamberlain, Michael York, Frank Finlay, Christopher Lee, Geraldine Chaplin (Queen Anne), Jean-Pierre Cassel, Simon Ward, Faye Dunaway, Charlton Heston, Roy Kinnear, Ángel del Pozo, Sybil Danning, Joss Ackland

NASHVILLE (1975) DIR – PROD Robert Altman SCR Joan Tewkesbury CAM Paul Lohman ED Sidney Levin, Dennis M. Hill MUS Arlene Barnett, Jonnie Barnett, Karen Black, Ronee Blakley, Gary Busey, Keith Carradine, Juan Grizzle, Allan F. Nicholls, Dave Peel, Joe Rapaso CAST Keith Carradine, Karen Black, Ronee Blakley, Shelley Duvall, Geraldine Chaplin (Opal), Scott Glenn, Jeff Goldblum, Barbara Harris, Lily Tomlin, Keenan Wynn, Elliott Gould, Julie Christie, Joan Tewkesbury

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (8)CRÍA CUERVOS (1976) DIR – SCR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta CAM Teo Escamalli ED Pablo G. del Amo CAST Geraldine Chaplin (María / Ana), Ana Torrent, Conchita Pérez, Mayte Sanchez, Mónica Randall, Florinda Chico, Josefina Díaz

BUFFALO BILL AND THE INDIANS, OR SITTING BULL’S HISTORY LESSON (1976) DIR – PROD Robert Altman SCR Robert Altman, Alan Rudolph (play ‘Indians’ by Arthur Koppit) CAM Paul Lohmann ED Dennis M. Hill, Peter Appleton MUS Richard Baskin CAST Paul Newman, Joel Grey, Kevin McCarthy, Harvey Keitel, Burt Lancaster, Geraldine Chaplin (The Sure Shot / Annie Oakley), Shelley Duvall, Bert Remsen, Denver Pyle, Will Sampson

SCRIM, a.k.a. CAUGHT (1976) DIR Jacob Bijl SCR Jacob Bijl, James Brockway CAM Eduard van der Enden, Robert Altena CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Ann), Jessamin Stärcke, Bruce Gray

WELCOME TO L.A. (1976) DIR – SCR Alan Rudolph PROD Robert Altman CAM David Myers ED Tom Walls, William A. Sawyer MUS Richard Baskin CAST Keith Carradine, Sally Kellerman, Geraldine Chaplin (Karen Hood), Harvey Keitel, Lauren Hutton, Viveca Lindfors, Sissy Spacek, Denver Pyle, John Considine, Richard Baskin, Diahnne Abbott, Ron Silver

NOROÎT (1976) DIR Jacques Rivette PROD Stéphane Tchalgadjieff SCR Jacques Rivette, Eduardo de Gregorio, Marilù Parolini (play by Cyril Tourneur) CAM William Lubtchansky ED Nicole Lubtchansky MUS Daniel Ponsard, Robert Cohen-Solal, Jean Cohen-Solal CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Morag), Bernadette Lafont, Kika Markham, Humbert Balsan, Larrio Ekson, Anne-Marie Reynaud, Babette Lamy

ELISA, VIDA MÍA, a.k.a. ELISA, MY LIFE and ELISA, MY LOVE (1977) DIR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta SCR Carlos Saura (also story) CAM Teo Escamilla ED Pablo G. del Amo MUS Giorgio Mainiero CAST Fernando Rey, Geraldine Chaplin (Elisa / Madre de Elisa), Isabel Mestres, Joaquín Hinojosa, Norman Briski, Francisco Guijar, Ana Torrent

IN MEMORIAM (1977) DIR Enrique Brasó PROD José Luis Borau, Emiliano Piedra SCR Enrique Brasó, Adolfo Bioy Casares, José María Carreño, Juan Tébar CAM Teo Escamilla ED Guillermo S. Maldonado MUS Luis Eduardo Aute CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Paulina Arevalo), José Luis Gómez, Eusebio Poncela, Eusibio Poncela, José Orjas, Eduardo Calvo

ROSELAND (1977) DIR James Ivory PROD Ismail Merchant SCR Ruth Prawer Jhabvala CAM Ernest Vincze ED Humphrey Dixon, Richard Schmiechen MUS Michael Gibson CAST Teresa Wright, Christopher Walken, Geraldine Chaplin (Marilyn / The Hustle), Lou Jacobi, Don De Natale, Louise Kirtland,

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (9)UNE PAGE D’AMOUR, a.k.a. ONE PAGE OF LOVE (1978) DIR – PROD Maurice Rabinowicz SCR Maurice Rabinowicz, Yvette Michelems CAM Yves Vandermeeren, Joel Marcipont, Jean-Jacques Mathy ED Jean-Claude Bonfanti MUS Marc Hérouet CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Lise), Sami Frey, Marcel Dalio, Jan Decleir, Quentin Milo, Guy Pion, Ève Bonfanti, Monette Loza, Chantal Lempereur

REMEMBER MY NAME (1978) DIR – SCR Alan Rudolph PROD Robert Altman CAM Tak Fujimoto ED Tom Walls, William A. Sawyer MUS Alberta Hunter, Kenneth Wannberg CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Emily), Anthony Perkins, Moses Gunn, Jeff Goldblum, Berry Berenson, Tim Thomerson, Alfre Woodard

LOS OJOS VENDADOS, a.k.a. BLINDFOLDED EYES (1978) DIR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta SCR Carlos Saura (also story) CAM Teo Escamilla ED Pablo G. del Amo CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Emilia), José Luis Gómez, Xabier Elorriaga, Lola Cardona, André Falcon, Manuel Guitián, Carmen Maura

A WEDDING (1978) DIR – PROD Robert Altman SCR Robert Altman, John Considine, Patricia Resnick, Allan F. Nicholls (story by Robert Altman, John Considine) CAM Charles Rosher Jr. ED Tony Lombardo CAST Desi Arnaz Jr., Carol Burnett, Geraldine Chaplin (Rita Billingsley), Howard Duff, Mia Farrow, Vittorio Gassman, Lillian Gish, Lauren Hutton, Viveca Lindfors, Pat McCormick, Dina Merrill, Nina Van Pallandt, Paul Dooley, Dennis Christopher, Peggy Ann Garner, Bert Remsen, Joan Allen, John Malkovich, Laurie Metcalf, Gary Sinise

L’ADOPTION, a.k.a. ADOPTION (1979) DIR Marc Grunebaum PROD Jacques Perrin, Arthur Cohn SCR Marc Grunebaum, Magdeleine Dailloux, Peter Krall, Bernard Stora ED Kenout Peltier MUS Michel Portal CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Catherine), Jacques Perrin, Patrick Norbert, Gérard Lorin, May Chartrette, Chloé Caillat, Monique Delaroche

MAIS OÙ ET DONC ORNICAR (1979) DIR Bertrand Van Effenterre PROD Bertrand Van Effenterre, Herbert De Zaltza SCR Bertrand Van Effenterre, Dominique Woldon CAM Nurith Aviv ED Joële Van Effenterre MUS Antoine Duhamel CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Isabelle), Brigitte Fossey, Jean-François Stévenin, Didier Flamand, Jean-Jacques Biraud, Anna Prucnal, Claudine Renaux, Marie-Thérèse Saussure, Claire Denis

MAMÁ CUMPLE 100 AÑOS, a.k.a. MAMA TURNS 100 (1979) DIR – SCR Carlos Saura PROD Elías Querejeta CAM Teo Escamilla ED Pablo G. del Amo CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Ana), Amparo Muñoz, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Norman Briski, Rafaela Aparicio, Charo Soriano, José Vivó, Ángeles Torres, Elisa Nandi

LA VIUDA DE MONTIEL, a.k.a. THE WIDOW MONTIEL (1979) DIR Miguel Littin PROD Hernán Littin SCR Miguel Littin, José Agustín (short story by Gabriel García Márquez) CAM Patricio Castilla ED Nelson Rodríguez MUS Leo Brouwer CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Adelaida), Nelson Villagra, Katy Jurado, Eduardo Gil, Pilar Romero, Ernesto Gómez Cruz, Reynaldo Miravalles

LE VOYAGE EN DOUCE, a.k.a. A SWEET JOURNEY (1980) DIR – SCR Michel Deville PROD Maurice Bernart CAM Claude Lecomte ED Raymonde Guyot MUS Catherine Ardouin CAST Dominique Sanda, Geraldine Chaplin (Lucie), Jacques Zabor, Jean Crubelier, Valerie Masterson, Cécile Le Bailly, Jacqueline Parent

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (10)THE MIRROR CRACK’D (1980) DIR Guy Hamilton PROD John Barbourne, Richard Goodwin SCR Jonathan Hales, Barry Sandler (novel ‘The Mirror Crack’d’ [1962] by Agatha Christie) CAM Christopher Challis ED Richard Marden MUS John Cameron CAST Angela Lansbury, Geraldine Chaplin (Ella Zielinsky), Tony Curtis, Edward Fox, Rock Hudson, Kim Novak, Elizabeth Taylor, Wendy Morgan, Margaret Courtenay, Charles Gray, Pierce Brosnan

LES UNS ET LES AUTRES, a.k.a. BOLERO and BOLERO: DANCE OF LIFE (1981) DIR – PROD – SCR Claude Lelouch CAM Jean Boffety ED Hugues Darmois, Sophie Bhaud MUS Francis Lai, Michel Legrand CAST Robert Hossein, Nicole Garcia, Geraldine Chaplin (Suzan / Sara Glenn), Jacques Villeret, Fanny Ardant, Evelyne Bouix, Jean-Claude Brialy, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Francis Huster, Alexandra Stewart, James Caan, Sharon Stone, Simon Lelouch

LA VIE EST UN ROMAN, a.k.a. LIFE IS A BED OF ROSES (1983) DIR Alain Resnais PROD Philippe Dussart SCR Jean Gruault CAM Bruno Nuytten ED Jean-Pierre Besnard, Albert Jurgenson MUS Philippe-Gérard CAST Vittorio Gassman, Ruggero Raimondi, Geraldine Chaplin (Nora Winkle), Fanny Ardant, André Dussollier, Sabine Azéma, Robert Manuel

L’AMOUR PAR TERRE, a.k.a. LOVE ON THE GROUND (1984) DIR Jacques Rivette PROD Arthur Kohn SCR Jacques Rivette, Suzanne Schiffman, Pascal Bonitzer, Marilù Parolini CAM Wiliam Lubtchansky ED Nicole Lubtchansky CAST Jane Birkin, Geraldine Chaplin (Charlotte), André Dussollier, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Isabelle Linnartz, Sandra Montaigu, Barbet Schroeder

WHITE MISCHIEF (1987) DIR Michael Radford PROD Simon Perry SCR Michael Radford, Jonathan Gems (novel by James Fox) CAM Roger Deakins ED Tom Priestley MUS George Fenton CAST Greta Scacchi, Charles Dance, Joss Ackland, Sarah Miles, Geraldine Chaplin (Nina Soames), Ray McAnally, Murray Head, John Hurt, Trevor Howard, Hugh Grant

THE MODERNS (1988) DIR Alan Rudolph PROD David Blocker, Carolyn Pfeiffer SCR Alan Rudolph, Jon Bradshaw CAM Toyomichi Kurita ED Debra T. Smith, Scott Brock MUS Mark Isham CAST Keith Carradine, Linda Fiorentino, Geneviève Bujold, Geraldine Chaplin (Nathalie de Ville), Wallace Shawn, Kevin J. O’Connor, John Lone

THE RETURN OF THE MUSKETEERS (1989) DIR Richard Lester PROD Pierre Spengler SCR George MacDonald Fraser (book by Alexandre Dumas) CAM Bernard Lutic ED John Victor Smith MUS Jean-Claude Petit CAST Michael York, Oliver Reed, Frank Finlay, Thomas C. Howell, Kim Catrall, Geraldine Chaplin (Queen Anne), Roy Kinnear, Christopher Lee, Philippe Noiret, Richard Chamberlain, Jean-Pierre Cassel

I WANT TO GO HOME (1989) DIR Alain Resnais PROD Marin Karmitz SCR Jules Feiffer CAM Charles Van Damme ED Albert Jurgenson MUS John Kander CAST Adolph Green, Gérard Depardieu, Linda Lavin, Micheline Presle, Laura Benson, Geraldine Chaplin (Terry Armstrong), John Ashton, Caroline Silhol, Ludivine Sagnier

THE CHILDREN (1990) DIR – ED Tony Palmer PROD Andrew Montgomery SCR Timberlake Wertenbaker (novel by Edith Wharton) CAM Nicholas D. Knowland MUS Evelyn Glennie CAST Ben Kingskey, Kim Novak, Joe Don Baker, Geraldine Chaplin (Joyce Wheater), Britt Ekland, Karen Black, Siri Neal

GENTILE ALOUETTE (1990) DIR Sergio M. Castilla CAM Patricio Castilla CAST héctor Alterio, Geraldine Chaplin (Angela Duverger), John Leguizamo

BUSTER’S BEDROOM (1991) DIR Rebecca Horn PROD Luciano Gloor SCR Rebecca Horn, Martin Mosebach CAM Sven Nykvist ED Barbara von Weiterhausen MUS Sergei Kuryokhin CAST Donald Sutherland, Geraldine Chaplin (Diana Daniels), Amanda Ooms, Valentina Cortese, David Warrilow, Taylor Mead

HORS SAISON, a.k.a. OFF SEASON (1992) DIR Daniel Schmid PROD Marcel Hoehn SCR Daniel Schmid, Martin Suter CAM Renato Berta ED Daniela Roderer MUS Peter Raben CAST Sami Frey, Carlos Devesa, Ingrid Caven, Geraldine Chaplin (Anarchist), Andréa Ferréol, Marisa Paredes


CHAPLIN (1992) DIR Richard Attenborough PROD Richard Attenborough, Mario Kassar SCR Bryan Forbes, William Goldman, William Boyd (story by Diana Hawkins; books by Charles Chaplin, David Robinson) CAM Sven Nykvist ED Anne V. Coates MUS John Barry CAST Robert Downey Jr., Dan Aykroyd, Geraldine Chaplin (Hannah Chaplin), Kevin Dunn, Anthony Hopkins, Milla Jovovich, Moira Kelly, Kevin Kline, Diane Lane, Penelope Ann Miller, Paul Rhys, Marisa Tomei, Nancy Travis, James Woods, Karen Lewis-Attenborough

THE AGE OF INNOCENCE (1993) DIR Martin Scorsese PROD Barbara De Fina SCR Martin Scorsese, Jay co*cks (novel by Edith Wharton) CAM Michael Ballhaus ED Thelma Schoonmaker MUS Elmer Bernstein CAST Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Winona Ryder, Geraldine Chaplin (Mrs. Welland), Mary Beth Hurt, Alec McCowen, Richard E. Grant, Stuart Wilson, Alexis Smith, Norman Lloyd, Claire Bloom, Martin Scorsese, Joanne Woodward (voice only)

WORDS UPON THE WINDOW PANE (1994) DIR Mary McGuckian PROD Mary McGuckian, Anna J. Devlin SCR Mary McGuckian (play by William Butler Yates) CAM Des Whelan ED Kant Pan MUS Niall Byrne CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Miss McKenna), Brid Brennan, Geraldine James, Hugh O’Conor, Brendan Conroy, Donal Donnelly, Mikel Murfi

HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS (1995) DIR Jodie Foster PROD Jodie Foster, Peggy Rajski SCR W. D. Richter (short story by Chris Radant) CAM Lajos Koltai ED Lynzee Klingman MUS Mark Isham CAST Holly Hunter, Robert Downey Jr., Anne Bancroft, Charles Durning, Geraldine Chaplin (Aunt Glady), Dylan McDermott, Steve Guttenberg, Claire Danes, David Strathairn

PARA RECIBIR EL CANTO DE LOS PÁJAROS, a.k.a. HEAR THE BIRDS SINGING (1995) DIR – SCR Jorge Sanjinés PROD Beatriz Palacios CAM César Pérez, Raúl Rodriguez, Guillermo Ruiz ED Jorge Sanjinés, Pedro Chaskel MUS Cergio Prudencio CAST Guido Arce, Marcelo Guzmán, Reynoldo Yujra, Geraldine Chaplin (Catherine), Lineth Herbas, Fernando Illanes

JANE EYRE (1996) DIR Franco Zeffirelli PROD Dyson Lovell SCR Franco Zeffirelli, Hugh Whitemore (novel by Charlotte Brontë) CAM David Watkin ED Richard Marden MUS Alessio Vlad, Claudio Capponi CAST William Hurt, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Joan Plowright, Anna Paquin, Geraldine Chaplin (Miss Scatcherd), Elle Macpherson, Fiona Shaw, Billie Whitelaw, Charlotte Attenborough, Maria Schneider

OS OLHOS DA ÁSIA, a.k.a. THE EYES OF ASIA (1996) DIR João Mário Grilo PROD Paulo Branco SCR João Mário Grilo, Paulo Filipe CAM Jean-Paul Rosa da Costa ED Christian Dor MUS Jorge Arriagada CAST José Abreu, Geraldine Chaplin (Jane Powell), António Cordeiro, Marques D’Arede, José Eduardo, Rui Gomes, Kyioto Harada, Edward Ishta

CRIMETIME (1996) DIR George Sluizer PROD David Pupkewitz SCR Brendan Somers CAM Jules van den Steenhoven ED Fabienne Rawley MUS David A. Stewart CAST Stephen Baldwin, Pete Postlethwaite, Sadie Frost, Geraldine Chaplin (Thelma), Karen Black, James Faulkner, Phil Davis, Marianne Faithfull, Emma Roberts

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (12)COUSIN BETTE (1998) DIR Des McAnuff PROD Sarah Radclyffe SCR Lynn Siefert, Susan Tarr (novel by Honoré de Balzac) CAM Andrzej Sekula ED Tariq Anwar, Barry Alexander Brown MUS Simon Boswell CAST Jessica Lange, Elisabeth Shue, Bob Hoskins, Aden Young, Kelly Macdonald, Geraldine Chaplin (Adeline), Hugh Laurie

FINISETERRE, DONDE TERMINA EL MUNDO, a.k.a. LA BUSQUEDA (1998) DIR Xavier Villaverde PROD Xavier Villaverde, Pancho Casal, Gerardo Herrero SCR Xavier Villaverde, Ruth Toledano, Miguel Anxo Murado CAM Javier Salmones ED Carmen Frías MUS José Nieto CAST Nancho Novo, Elena Anaya, Enrique Alcides, Geraldine Chaplin (Madre), Chete Lera, Manuel Manquiña

TO WALK WITH LIONS (1999) DIR Carl Schultz PROD Julie Allan, Pieter Kroonenburg SCR Sharon Buckingham, Keith Ross Leckie CAM Jean Lépine ED Angelo Corrao MUS Alan Reeves CAST Richard Harris, Ian Bannen, John Michie, Kerry Fox, Honor Blackman, Geraldine Chaplin (Victoria Anrecelli), Hugh Quarshie, Guy Williams

BERESINA ODER DIE LETZTEN TAGE DER SCHWEIZ (1999) DIR Daniel Schmid PROD Marcel Koehn SCR Martin Suter CAM Renato Berta ED Daniela Roderer MUS Carl Hänggi CAST Elena Panova, Nartin Benrath, Geraldine Chaplin (Charlotte De), Ulrich Noethen, Iván Darvas, Marina Confalone, Stefan Kurt

¿TÚ QUÉ HARÍAS POR AMOR?, a.k.a. JUST RUN! (2000) DIR Carlos Saura Medrano PROD Eduardo Campoy SCR Carlos Saura Medrano, Antón Casariego, Nicolás Casariego (novel by Martín Casariego) CAM Teo Delgado, José-Luis López-Linares ED José Salcedo MUS Carlo Siliotto CAST Fele Martínez, Silke, Geraldine Chaplin (Madre), Francisco Rabal, Patxi Freytez, Aitor Merino, Alberto Escobar

EN LA CIUDAD SIN LÍMITES, a.k.a. THE CITY OF NO LIMITS (2002) DIR Antonio Hernández PROD José Velasco SCR Antonio Hernández, Enrique Brasó CAM Unax Mendia ED Patricia Enis, Javier Laffaille MUS Victor Reyes CAST Leonardo Sbaraglia, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Geraldine Chaplin (Marie), Ana Fernández, Adriana Ozores, Leticia Brédice, Roberto Álvarez

LAS CARAS DE LA LUNA, a.k.a. THE FACES OF THE MOON (2002) DIR Guita Schyfter EXEC PROD Guita Schyfter, Alejandro Clancy SCR Hugo Hiriart CAM Jaime Reynoso ED Carlos Puente MUS Eduardo Gamboa CAST Diana Bracho, Carmen Montejo, Geraldine Chaplin (Joan Turner), Ana Torrent, Haydee de Lev, Nora Velázquez, Gonzalo Vega

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (13)HABLE CON ELLA, a.k.a. TALK TO HER (2002) DIR – SCR Pedro Almodóvar EXEC PROD Agustín Almodóvar CAM Javier Aguirresarobe ED José Salcedo MUS Alberto Iglesias CAST Javier Cámara, Leonor Watling, Darío Gradinetti, Rosario Flores, Geraldine Chaplin (Katerina Bilova), Mariola Fuentes, Pina Bausch, Paz Vega

THE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY (2004) DIR Mary McGuckian PROD Mary McGuckian, Garrett McGuckian, Michael Cowan, Denise O’Dell SCR Mary McGukian (novel by Thornton Wilder) CAM Javier Aguirresarobe ED Kant Pan MUS Lalo Schifrin CAST Robert De Niro, Bates, Gabriel Byrne, Harvey Keitel, F. Murray Abraham, Geraldine Chaplin (The Abbess), Émilie Dequenne, Samuel Le Bihan, Pilar López de Ayala, Jim Sheridan

HEIDI (2005) DIR Paul Marcus PROD Christopher Figg, Martyn Atherton SCR Brian Finch (novel by Johanna Spyri) CAM Peter Sinclair ED David Rees MUS Jocelyn Pook CAST Emma Bolger, Max von Sydow, Geraldine Chaplin (Rottenmeier), Diana Rigg, Pauline McLynn, Sam Friend, Jessica Claridge

OCULTO, a.k.a. THE HIDDEN (2005) DIR Antonio Hernández PROD José Velasco, Antonio Saura, José Nolla, Albert Martinez Martin SCR Antonio Hernández, Enrique Brasó CAM Unax Mendia ED Javier Laffaille CAST Laia Marull, Angie Cepeda, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Geraldine Chaplin (Adele), Joaquín Climent, Gerardo Malla, William Miller, Emma Cohen

BLOODRAYNE (2005) DIR Uwe Boll PROD Uwe Boll, Shawn Williamson SCR Guinevere Turner CAM Mathias Neumann MUS Henning Lohner CAST Kristanna Loken, Michael Madsen, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Rodriguez, Geraldine Chaplin (Fortune Teller), Udo Kier, Meat Loaf, Michael Paré, Billy Zane

MELISSA P. (2005) DIR Luca Guadagnino PROD Claudio Amendola, José Ibáñez, Francesca Neri SCR Luca Guadagnino, Barbara Alberti, Christiana Farina (story by Luca Guadagnino, Christiana Farina; memoir by Melissa Panarello) CAM Mario Amura ED Walter Fasano MUS Lucio Gogoy CAST María Valverde, Letizia Ciampa, Primo Reggiani, Geraldine Chaplin (Nonna Elvira), Nilo Zimmerman, Claudio Santamaria, Carlo Antonelli

MIGUEL Y WILLIAM, a.k.a. MIGUEL AND WILLIAM (2007) DIR Inés París PROD Antonio Saura, José Velasco, Juan Luis Galiardo SCR Inés París (story by Inés París, Miguel Ángel Gómez, Tirso Calero, Eva Cruz) CAM Néstor Calvo ED Julia Juaniz MUS Stephen Warbeck CAST Elena Anaya, Juan Luis Galiardo, Will Kemp, Josep Maria Pou, Geraldine Chaplin (Dueña), Malena Alterio, Miriam Giovanelli, Jorge Calvo

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (14)LES BOÎTES, a.k.a. BOXES (2007) DIR – SCR Jane Birkin PROD Emmanuel Giraud CAM François Catonné ED Marie-Josée Audiard MUS Frank Eulry CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Maman), Michel Piccoli, Jane Birkin, Natacha Régnier, Lou Doillon, Adèle Exarchopoulos, John Hurt, Maurice Bénichou, Annie Girardot

TERESA, EL CUERPO DE CRISTO, a.k.a. THERESA: THE BODY OF CHRIST (2007) DIR – SCR Ray Loriga PROD Ximo Pérez, Andrés Vicente Gómez CAM José Luis Alcaine ED Pablo Blanco MUS Ángel Illarramendi, Michael Nyman CAST Paz Vega, Leonor Watling, Geraldine Chaplin (Priora), Eusebio Poncela, Ampero Valle, Manuel Morón, Francesc Garrido

EL ORFANATO, a.k.a. THE ORPHANAGE (2007) DIR J.A. Bayona PROD Álvaro Augustin, Joaquín Padró, Mar Targarona SCR Sergio G. Sánchez CAM Oscar Faura ED Elena Ruiz MUS Fernando Velázquez CAST Belén Rueda, Fernando Cayo, Roger Príncep, Óscar Casas, Geraldine Chaplin (Aurora), Edgar Vivar, Montserrat Carulla

LOS TOTENWACKERS, a.k.a. THE TOTENWACKERS (2007) DIR – PROD Ibon Cormenzana SCR Ibon Cormenzana, David Muñoz, Antonio Trashorras (original story by David Muñoz, Antonio Trashorras) CAM Joan Benet ED José Luis Romeu MUS Eugenio Mira CAST Josep Julien, Hamid Krim, Azzdine Benaji, Mar Regueras, Elisa Drabben, Natalia Sánchez, Iván Morales, Geraldine Chaplin (Salgado), Celso Bugallo

PARLAMI D’AMORE, a.k.a. TELL ME ABOUT LOVE (2008) DIR Silvio Muccino PROD Marco Chimenz, Giovanni Stabilini, Riccardo Tozzi SCR Silvio Muccino, Carla Vangelista (novel by Silvio Muccino, Carla Vangelista) CAM Arnaldo Catinari ED Patrizio Marone MUS Andrea Guerra CAST Silvio Muccino, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Carolina Crescentini, Andrea Renzi, Max Mazzotta, Flavio Parenti, Geraldine Chaplin (Amelie), Giorgio Colangeli

INCONCEIVABLE (2008) DIR – SCR Mary McGuckian PROD Mary McGuckian, Jeff Abberley, Martin Katz CAM Mark Wolf ED David Freemantle, Tad Seaborn MUS Kevin Banks CAST Jennifer Tilly, Andie MacDowell, Geraldine Chaplin (Frances Church-Chappel), Elizabeth McGovern, Colm Feone, Kerry Fox, Amanda Plummer, Oona Chaplin, Greta Scacchi

PARC (2008) DIR – ED Arnaud des Pallières PROD Serge Lalou, Marie Guirauden SCR Arnaud des Pallières (novel by John Cheever) CAM Jeanne Lapoirie MUS Martin Wheeler CAST Sergi López, Jean-Marc Barr, Nathalie Richard, Laurent Delbecque, Dephine Chuillot, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Geraldine Chaplin (Marteau’s Mother), Judith Henry

RAMÍREZ (2008) DIR – SCR – ED Albert Arizza PROD Albert Arizza, Monica Goyanes CAM Albert Arizza, Dimas Almendros MUS Juan Belda CAST Christian Magaloni, Zoe Berriatúa, Sara Martin, Geraldine Chaplin (Galerist), Tacuara Casares, Huichi Chiu, Gaëlle Diego

DIARIO DE UNA NINFÓMANA, a.k.a. DIARY OF A NYMPHOMANIAC (2008) DIR Christian Molina PROD Fernando Monje SCR Cuca Canals (novel by Valérie Tasso) CAM Javier Salmones ED Luis de la Madrid MUS Mariano Marín, Roque Baños CAST Belén Fabra, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Llum Barrera, Ángela Molina, Geraldine Chaplin (Marie Tasso / Abuela de Valére), Pedro Gutiérrez, José Chaves

IMAGO MORTIS (2009) DIR Stefano Bessoni PROD Sonia Raule SCR Stefano Bessoni, Luiso Berdejo (story by Stefano Bessoni, Giulia Graglia, Filippo Meneghetti, Piero Tomaselli, Giovanni Antonio Marchesi) CAM Arnaldo Catinari ED Raimondo Aiello MUS Zacarias M. de la Riva CAST Alberto Amarilla, Oona Chaplin, Leticia Dolera, Álex Angulo, Francesco Carnelutti, Paolo De Vita, Franco Pistoni, Geraldine Chaplin (Countess Orsini), Silvia De Santis

LA ISLA INTERIOR, a.k.a. THE ISLAND INSIDE (2009) DIR – SCR Dunia Ayaso, Félix Sabroso PROD José Herrero de Egaña, Juan Romero CAM Juan Antonio Castaño ED Ascen Marchena MUS Lucas Vidal CAST Candela Peña, Alberto San Juan, Cristina Marcos, Celso Bugallo, Antonio de la Torre, Geraldine Chaplin (Victoria), Emy Cazorla

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (15)THE WOLFMAN (2010) DIR Joe Johnston PROD Benicio Del Toro, Sean Daniel, Rick Yorn, Scott Stuber SCR David Self, Andrew Kevin Walker (screenplay of THE WOLFMAN [1941] by Curt Siodmak) CAM Shelly Johnson ED Walter Murch, Dennis Virkler MUS Danny Elfman CAST Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving, Art Malik, Geraldine Chaplin (Maleva), David Schofield, Max von Sydow

THE MAKING OF PLUS ONE (2010) DIR – SCR Mary McGuckian PROD Mary McGuckian, Jeff Abberley, Martin Katz CAM Mark Wolf ED Mary McGuckian, Matthew Booth, Alain Jakubowicz, David Freemantle CAST Lothaire Bluteau, Geraldine Chaplin (Geri, Casting Director), Donna D’Errico, Michael Eklund, Jordi Molla, Suzan-Lori Parks, Amanda Plummer, John Sessions, Sara Stockbridge, Jennifer Tilly

L’IMBROGLIO NEL LENZUOLO, a.k.a. THE TRICK IN THE SHEET (2010) DIR Alfonso Arau PROD Maria Grazia Cuninotta SCR Maria Grazia Cuninotta, Giovanni Cucinotta, Francesco Costa, Chiara Clini, Romina Nardozi CAM Vittorio Storaro ED Consuelo Catucci, Roberto Perpignani MUS Ruy Folguera, Maria Entraigues CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Alma), Maria Grazia Cuninotta, Miguel Ángel Silvestre, Anne Parillaud, Ángelica Aragón, Giselda Volodi

LA MOSQUITERA, a.k.a. THE MOSQUITO NET (2010) DIR – SCR Agustí Vila PROD Lluis Miñarro CAM Neus Ollé ED Martí Roca CAST Emma Suárez, Eduard Fernández, Martina García, Fermí Reixach, Geraldine Chaplin (María), Marcos Franz, Anna Ycobalzeta

THERE BE DRAGONS (2011) DIR – SCR Roland Joffé PROD Roland Joffé, Guy J. Louthan, Ignacio Núñez CAM Gabriel Beristain MUS Stephen Warbeck, Robert Folk ED Richard Nord CAST Charlie Cox, Wes Bentley, Dougray Scott, Rodrigo Santoro, Jordi Mollà, Derek Jacobi, Golshifteh Farahani, Geraldine Chaplin (Abileyza), Unax Ugalde

¿PARA QUÉ SIRVE UN OSO? (2011) DIR – SCR Tom Fernández PROD Jaume Roures, Enrique González Macho CAM Arnau Valls Colomer ED Ángel Hernández Zoido MUS Mauricio Villavecchia CAST Javier Cámara, Emma Suárez, Geraldine Chaplin (Josephine), Jesse Johnson, Oona Chaplin, Gonzalo de Castro, Sira García

LA MOINE, a.k.a. THE MONK (2011) DIR Dominik Moll PROD Michel Saint-Jean SCR Dominik Moll, Anne-Louise Trividic (novel by Matthew Lewis) CAM Patrick Blossier ED Sylvie Lager, François Gédigier MUS Alberto Iglesias CAST Vincent Cassel, Déborah François, Joséphine Japy, Sergi López, Catherine Mouchet, Jordi Dauder, Geraldine Chaplin (The Abbess), Roxane Duran

ET SI ON VIVAIT TOUS ENSEMBLE?, a.k.a. AND IF WE ALL LIVED TOGETHER and ALL TOGETHER (2011) DIR – SCR Stéphane Robelin PROD Aurélia Grossmann, Philippe Gompel, Christophe Bruncher CAM Dominique Colin ED Patrick Wilfert MUS Jean-Philippe Verdin CAST Guy Bedos, Daniel Brühl, Geraldine Chaplin (Annie Colin), Jane Fonda, Claude Rich, Pierre Richard, Bernard Malaka, Camino Fernández

AMERICANO (2011) DIR – PROD – SCR Mathieu Demy CAM Georges Lechaptois ED Jean-Baptiste Morin MUS Grégoire Hetzel CAST Mathieu Demy, Geraldine Chaplin (Linda), Chiara Mastroianni, Carlos Bardem, Jean-Pierre Mocky, Salma Hayek, André Wilms

MEMORIA DE MIS PUTAS TRISTES (2011) DIR Henning Carlsen PROD Nina Crone, Vicente Aldape, Enrique Hernández, Raquel Guajardo, Norbert Llaràs, Jordi Rediu, Leonardo Villareal SCR Henning Carlsen, Jean-Claude Carrière (novel by Gabriel García Márquez) CAM Alejandro Martínez ED Anders Refn CAST Emilio Echevarría, Paola Medina, Ángela Molina, Geraldine Chaplin (Rosa Cabarcas / Brothel Madam), Luis Miguel Lombana

O APÓSTOLO, a.k.a. THE APOSTLE (2012, animated) DIR – SCR Fernando Cortizo PROD Susan Gee, Jacqueline Scott, Solomon J. LeFlore CAM Matthew Hazelrig ED Fernando Alfonsín MUS Philip Glass, Arturo Vaquero, Xavi Font CAST (voice only) Carlos Blanco, Xosé Manuel Olveira ‘Pico’, Paul Naschy, Geraldine Chaplin (Darinda), Manuel Manquiña, Luis Tosar

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (16)LO IMPOSIBLE, a.k.a. THE IMPOSSIBLE (2012) DIR J. A. Bayona PROD Ghislain Barrois, Belén Atienza, Álvaro Augustin SCR Gergio G. Sánchez (story by María Belón) CAM Oscar Faura ED Elena Ruiz, Bernat Vilaplana MUS Fernando Velázquez CAST Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor, Tom Holland, Samuel Joslin, Oaklee Pendergast, Marta Etura, Sönke Möhring, Geraldine Chaplin (Old Woman), Ploy Jindachote

UN AMOR DE PELÍCULA (2012) DIR – SCR Diego Musiak PROD Maria Garcia Cucinotta CAM Ferran Paredes ED Chiara Griziotti CAST Antonio Chamizo, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Geraldine Chaplin (Jean), Juan Fernández, Jorge Perugorría, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez

TRES 60, a.k.a. THREE-60 (2013) DIR Alejandro Ezcurdia PROD Luiso Berdejo, Mercedes Gamero, Santiago Segura, Mikel Lejerza SCR Luiso Berdejo CAM Johnny Yebra ED Fran Amaro MUS Roque Baños CAST Raúl Mérida, Guillermo Estrella, Sara Sálamo, Joaquim de Almeida, Geraldine Chaplin (Jean Christophe), Adam Jezierski, Manuel Morón

ANOTHER ME (2013) DIR Isabel Coixet PROD Mariela Besuievsky, Nicole Carmen-Davis, Rebekah Gilbertson SCR Isabel Coixet (novel “Another Me” by Cathy MacPhail) CAM Jean-Claude Larrieu ED Elena Ruiz MUS Michael Price CAST Claire Forlani, Sophie Turner, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Ivana Baquero, Rhys Ifans, Geraldine Chaplin (Mrs. Brennan), Gregg Sulkin, Charlotte Vega

PANZER CHOCOLATE, a.k.a. PANZER (2013) DIR – PROD Robert Figueras SCR Robert Figueras, Gemma Dunjo, Pep Garrido CAM Íñigo Zubicaray ED Regino Hernández MUS Pep Sala CAST Melina Matthews, Geraldine Chaplin (Frau Frida), Ariadna Cabrol, Tony Corvillo, Mark Schardan, Josep Seguí, Richard Felix

WAX (2014) DIR Victor Matellano PROD Andrés Acevedo SCR Victor Matellano, Hugo Stuven (original idea by Victor Matellano) CAM Daniel Salas Alberola ED Abián Molina MUS Sergio Jiménez Lacima CAST Jimmy Shaw, Geraldine Chaplin (Producer), Jack Taylor, Denis Rafter, Alito Rodgers, Yolanda Font, Almudena León

AMAPOLA (2014) DIR – SCR Eugenio Zanetti PROD Gonzalo Vila CAM Ueli Steiger ED Jane Miran MUS Emilio Kauderer CAST Camilla Belle, François Arnaud, Geraldine Chaplin, Leonor Benedetto, Lito Cruz, Elena Roger, Nicolas Scarpino, Esmeralda Mitre

DÓLARES DE ARENA, a.k.a. SAND DOLLARS (2014) DIR Israel Cárdenas, Laura Amelia Guzmán SCR Israel Cárdenas, Laura Amelia Guzmán (novel by Jean-Noël Pancrazi) CAM Israel Cárdenas, Jaime Guerra ED Andrea Kleinman MUS Ramón Cordero, Benjamin De Menil, Edilio Paredes CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Anne), Yanet Mojica, Ricardo Ariel Toribio, Bernard Bizel, Maria Gabriella Bonetti, Ramón Cordero

VALENTIN VALENTIN (2014) DIR Pascal Thomas PROD Saïd Ben Saïd, Nathalie Lafaurie, Michel Merkt SCR Pascal Thomas, Nathalie Lafaurie, Clémence de Biéville, François Caviglioli, Pascal Bonitzer (novel by Ruth Rendell) CAM Jean-Marc Fabre ED Yann Dedet MUS Reinhardt Wagner CAST Marilou Berry, Vincent Rottiers, Marie Gillain, Geraldine Chaplin (Jane), Arielle Dombasle, Christian Vadim, Felix Moati, Christian Morin, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Alexandra Stewart

THE FORBIDDEN ROOM (2015) DIR Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson PROD Guy Maddin, Phoebe Greenberg, Phyllis Laing, Penny Mancuso SCR Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Bob Kotyk CAM Benjamin Kasulke, Stéphanie Anne, Weber Biron ED John Gurdebeke MUS Guy Maddin, Jason Staczek, Galen Johnson CAST Roy Dupuis, Charlotte Rampling, Mathieu Amalric, Amira Casar, Louis Negin, Clara Furey, Geraldine Chaplin (The Master Passion / Nursemaid / Aunt Chance), Ariane Labed, Udo Kier

MARGUERITE ET JULIEN (2015) DIR Valérie Donzelli PROD Alice Girard, Edouard Weil SCR Valérie Donzelli, Jérémie Elkaïm (original screenplay by Jean Gruault) CAM Céline Bozon ED Pauline Gaillard MUS Yuksek CAST Anaïs Demoustier, Jérémie Elkaïm, Frédéric Pierrot, Aurélia Petit, Catherine Mouchet, Raoul Fernandez, Sami Frey, Geraldine Chaplin (Lefebvre’s Mother)

ICH UND KAMINSKI, a.k.a. ME AND KAMINSKY (2015) DIR Wolfgang Becker PROD Frank Tönsmann, Uwe Schott, Barbara Buhl, Stefan Arndt SCR Wolfgang Becker, Thomas Wendrich (novel by Daniel Kehlmann) CAM Jürgen Jürges ED Peter R. Adam, Christoph Strothjohann MUS CAST Daniel Brühl, Jesper Christensen, Amira Casar, Geraldine Chaplin (Therese), Denis Lavant, Bruno Cathomas, Jördis Triebel, Jan Decleir

SEANCES (2016) DIR Guy Maddin PROD Phyllis Lang SCR Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Bob Kotyk CAM Benjamin Kasulke ED John Gurdebeke CAST Mathieu Amalric, Deena Aziz, Vasco Bailly-Gentaub, Jacques Bonnaffé, Céline Bonnier, Amira Casar, Geraldine Chaplin, Udo Kier, Charlotte Rampling

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (17)A MONSTER CALLS (2016) DIR J. A. Bayona PROD Belén Atienza SCR Patrick Ness (novel by Patrick Ness; original idea by Siobhan Dowd) CAM Oscar Faura ED Jaume Marti, Bernat Vilaplana MUS Fernando Velázquez CAST Sigourney Weaver, Felicity Jones, Lewis MacDougall, Toby Kebbell, Dominic Boyle, Geraldine Chaplin (Head Teacher), Liam Neeson (voice only)

ANCHOR AND HOPE (2017) DIR Carlos Marques-Marcet PROD Sophie Venner, Tono Folguera, Sergi Moreno SCR Carlos Marques-Marcet, Jules Nurrish CAM Dagmar Weaver-Madsen ED Carlos Marques-Marcet, Juliana Montañés MUS Merche Blasco CAST Oona Chaplin, Natalia Tena, David Verdaguer, Geraldine Chaplin (Germaine), Lara Rossi, Charlotte Atkinson, Trevor White, David Verdaguer

THE BROKEN KEY (2017) DIR – ED Louis Nero EXEC PROD Louis Nero, Gary Collins, Jason Wood SCR Louis Nero, As Chianese, Giancarlo Guerreri CAM Louis Nero, Davide Borsa MUS Lamberto Curtoni CAST Rutger Hauer, Michael Madsen, Geraldine Chaplin (Tower Woman), Christopher Lambert, William Baldwin, Maria de Medeiros, Kabir Bedi, Franco Nero

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM (2018) DIR J. A. Bayona PROD Patrick Crowley, Belén Atienza EXEC PROD Steven Spielberg, Colin Trevorrow SCR Colin Trevorrow, Derek Connolly (characters created by Michael Crichton) CAM Oscar Faura ED Bernart Vilaplana MUS Michael Giacchino CAST Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Rafe Spall, Justice Smith, Daniella Pineda, James Cromwell, Jeff Goldblum, Geraldine Chaplin (Iris)

RED LAND (ROSSO ISTRIA), a.k.a. RED LAND (2018) DIR Maximiliano Hernando Bruno PROD Maximiliano Hernando Bruno, Alessandro Centenaro SCR Maximiliano Hernando Bruno, Antonello Belluco CAM Giovanni Andreotta ED Marco Spoletini, Francesco Tasselli MUS Fabrizio Castania CAST Francesco Amodio, Enrico Bergamasco, Valentina Bivona, Vincenzo Bocciarelli, Eleanora Bolla, Vittorio Boscolo, Maximiliano Hernando Bruno, Geraldine Chaplin (Giulia Visantrin Adulta)

CAMINO SINUOSE, a.k.a. SINUOUS ROAD (2018) DIR – SCR Juan Pablo Kolodziej PROD Jorge Gundín CAM Horacio Maira ED Pablo Mari MUS Fito Páez CAST Juan Viale, Arturo Puig, Geraldine Chaplin (Miny Barrios), María Marull, Hugo Arana, Javier Drolas, Gustavo Pardi

HOLY BEASTS (2019) DIR – SCR Israel Cárdenas, Laura Amelia Guzmán PROD Israel Cárdenas, Laura Amelia Guzmán, Rafael Elias Munoz CAM Israel Cárdenas ED Israel Cárdenas, Pablo Chea, Andrea Kleinman MUS Leandro de Loredo CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Vera), Udo Kier, Luis Ospina, Jaime Piña, Jackie Ludueña, Pau Bertolini, Jeradin Asencio, Fifi Poulakidas

INTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERSINTERVIEWS WITH ACTORS AND FILMMAKERS (18)THE BAREFOOT EMPEROR (2019) DIR – PROD – SCR Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth CAM Tom Peters ED David Verdurme CAST Peter Van den Begin, Lucie Debay, Udo Kier, Geraldine Chaplin (Lady Liz), Bruno Georis, Titus De Voogdt, Pieter van der Houwen

LOS RODRÍGUEZ Y EL MÁS ALLÁ, a.k.a. THE RODRIGUEZ AND BEYOND (2019) DIR – PROD – SCR Paco Arango CAM Charles Gusi ED Renato Sanjuán MUS Nathan Wang CAST Edu Soto, Mariana Treviño, Geraldine Chaplin (Isabel), Plácido Domingo, Santiago Segura, Rossy De Palma, Omar Chaparro, Rodrigo Simón

THE WIND BLEW ON (2020) DIR – PROD Katrin Ólafsdóttir CAM Mauro Herce, Arnar Thor Thorisson CAST Geraldine Chaplin, Elina Löwensohn, Ángela Molina, Matthew Barney, Floki Molina

SIMONE (2020) DIR Betty Kaplan PROD Betty Kaplan, Peter Rawley, Robert Katz SCR Betty Kaplan, Eduardo Lalo MUS Geronimo Mercado CAST Steph Song, Geraldine Chaplin (Bookseller), Armando Riesco, Caterina Murino, Esai Morales, Jon Arias

99 SECONDS WITHOUT SHADOW (2020) DIR – SCR Juan Pablo Richter PROD Paolo Gosalvez CAM Luis Otero Prada CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Clara Luz), Quim del Rio, Fernando Arze Echalar, Patricia García, Iran Zeitun


DER KURZE BRIEF ZUM LANGEN ABSCHIED, a.k.a. SHORT LETTER TO THE LONG GOODBYE (1978) DIR Herbert Vesely PROD Jörn Schröder, Wili Segler TELEPLAY Herbert Vesely (novel by Peter Handke) CAM Petrus R. Schlömp ED Christa Pohland MUS Brian Eno CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Judith Seldan), Thomas Astan, Alexandra Hay, Fritz Schwennicke, Elisabeth Schwenicke, Miguel Canteras

THE HOUSE OF MIRTH (1981) DIR Adrian Hall TELEPLAY Adrian Hall, Richard Cumming (novel by Edith Wharton) CAM Paul Goldsmith, Hart Perry ED Charlotte Zwerin CAST William Atherton, Geraldine Chaplin (Lily Bart), Barbara Blossom, Lois Smith, Timothy Crowe, Barbara Damashek, Virginia Donaldson, Tim Donoghue

THE CORSICAN BROTHERS (1985) DIR Ian Sharp PROD David A. Rosemont TELEPLAY Robin Muller (novel by Alexandre Dumas) CAM Frank Watts ED David Spiers, Alan Pattillo MUS Allyn Ferguson CAST Trevor Eve, Olivia Hussey, Geraldine Chaplin (Madame Savilia de Franchi), Nicholas Clay, Jean Marsh, Benedict Taylor, Simon Ward, Donald Pleasence, Patsy Kensit

DUEL OF HEARTS (1991) DIR – PROD John Hough TELEPLAY Terence Feely (novel by Barbara Cartland) CAM Terry Cole ED Peter Weatherley MUS Laurie Johnson CAST Alison Doody, Michael York, Geraldine Chaplin (Mrs. Miller), Benedict Taylor, Billie Whitelaw, Virginia McKenna, Richard Johnson, Jeremy Kemp, Beryl Reid

MOTHER TERESA: IN THE NAME OF GOD’S POOR (1997) DIR Kevin Connor PROD Peter Shepherd, Leslie McRay TELEPLAY Dominique Lapierre, Carol Kaplan (story by Dominique Lapierre, Jan Hartman) CAM Mike Frift ED Barry Peters MUS Irwin Fisch CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Mother Teresa), Keene Curtis, Helena Carroll, David Byrd, William Katt, Ravindra Randeniya

MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS (1999) DIR Kevin Connor PROD Howard Ellis TELEPLAY Albert Ross CAM Elemér Ragályi ED Barry Peters MUS Ken Thorne CAST Christian Bale, Pernilla August, Melinda Kinnaman, David Threfall, Simone Bendix, Hywell Bennett, Geraldine Chaplin (Elizabeth)

WINTER SOLSTICE (2003) DIR Martyn Friend PROD Verena von Heeremann, David Cunliffe TELEPLAY William Corlett (novel by Rosamunde Pilcher) CAM Simon Kossoff ED Josh Cunliffe MUS Alan Parker CAST Jan Niklas, Geraldine Chaplin (Gloria Bludell), Sinéad Cusack, Emilia Streets, Sophie Schütt, Ralf Bauer, Peter Ustinov, Jean Simmons

A CHRISTMAS CAROL (2004) DIR Arthur Allan Seidelman PROD Howard Ellis, Steven North TELEPLAY Lynn Ahrens (musical by Lynn Ahrens, Mike Ockrent; novel by Charles Dickens) CAM Hanania Baer ED Bert Glatstein MUS Alan Menken CAST Kelsey Grammer, Jesse L. Martin, Jane Krakowski, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Geraldine Chaplin (Ghost of Christmas Future / Blind Beggerwoman), Jason Alexander, Brian Bedford

LES AVENTURIERS DES MERS DU SUD, a.k.a. THE STEVENSONS (2006) DIR Daniel Vigne PROD François Sauvagnargues TELEPLAY Jean-François Goyet, Jean-Claude Baillon (story by Daniel Vigne, Michel Le Bris) CAM Flore Thulliez ED Thierry Simonnet MUS Michel Portal CAST Stéphane Freiss, Jane Birkin, Geraldine Chaplin (Maggie), Karine Belly, Stéphane Medez, John Potini, Maria Teresa Carrasco, Pablo Guevera


THE WORD (1978) DIR Richard Berg, Robert L. Joseph, Richard Lang PROD David Manson TELEPLAY Richard Berg, Robert L. Joseph, Irving Wallace, Richard Fielder, S. S. Schweitzer CAM Michel Hugo ED Thomas Fries, Anthony DiMarco MUS Alex North CAST David Janssen, James Whitmore, Florinda Bolkan, Eddie Albert, Geraldine Chaplin (Naomi Dunn), John Huston, John McEnery, Ron Moody, Diana Muldaur, Janice Rule

MY COUSIN RACHEL (1983) DIR Brian Farnham PROD Richard Beynon TELEPLAY Daphne Du Maurier, Hugh Whitemore ED Tariq Anwar MUS Patrick Gowers CAST Geraldine Chaplin (Contessa Rachel Sangalletti), Christopher Guard, Jamie Cresswell, Charles Kay, Amanda Kirby, Bert Parnaby, John Shrapnel

LES UNS ET LES AUTRES (1981) DIR – PROD – TELEPLAY Claude Lelouch CAM Jean Boffety ED Hugues Darmois, Sophie Bhaud MUS Francis Lai, Michel Legrand CAST James Caan, Fanny Ardant, Jorge Donn, Robert Hossein, Nicole Garcia, Richard Bohringer, Evelyne Bioux, Geraldine Chaplin (Sara Glenn), Francis Huster, Jacques Villeret

GULLIVER’S TRAVELS (1996) DIR Charles Sturridge PROD Duncan Kenworthy TELEPLAY Simon Moore (novel by Jonathan Swift) CAM Howard Atherton ED Peter Coulson MUS Trevor Jones CAST Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Ned Beatty, Geraldine Chaplin (Empress Munodi), Graham Crowden, Edward Fox, John Gielgud, Isabelle Huppert, Kristin Scott Thomas, Omar Sharif, Peter O’Toole

THE ODYSSEY (1997) DIR Andrey Konchalovskiy PROD Dyson Lovell TELEPLAY Andrey Konchalovskiy, Chris Solimine (epic poem by Homer) CAM Sergei Kozlov ED Michael Ellis MUS Eduard Artemev CAST Armand Assante, Greta Scacchi, Isabella Rossellini, Bernadette Peters, Eric Roberts, Irene Papas, Jeroen Krabbé, Geraldine Chaplin (Eurycleia), Christopher Lee, Vanessa Williams

IN THE BEGINNING (2000) DIR Kevin Connor PROD Paul Lovin TELEPLAY John Goldsmith CAM Elemér Ragályi ED Barry Peters, Bill Blunden MUS Ken Thorne CAST Martin Landau, Jacqueline Bisset, Billy Campbell, Eddie Cibrian, Frederick Weller, Alan Bates, Steven Berkoff, Geraldine Chaplin (Yocheved), Christopher Lee, Diana Rigg, David Warner

DINOTOPIA (2002) DIR Marco Brambilla PROD Dusty Symonds, William P. Cartlidge TELEPLAY Simon Moore, James Gurney CAM Tony Pierce-Roberts ED Oral Norrie Ottey MUS Trevor Jones CAST David Thewlis, Katie Carr, Alice Krige, Wentworth Miller, Colin Salmon, Geraldine Chaplin (Oriana), Lee Evans, Terry Jones

AU-DELÀ DES MURS (2016) DIR Hervé Hadmar TELEPLAY Sylvie Chanteux (created by Hervé Hadmar, Marc Herpoux) CAM Philippe Piffeteau ED Aurique Delannoy, Emmanuelle Labbé, Diane Logan MUS Éric Demarsan CAST Veerle Baetens, François Deblock, Geraldine Chaplin (Rose), Lili-Rosa Gilberti, Georges Siatidis, Cédric Lechapelier


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.