How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner? Know Ahead (2024)

Particularly for novices, pricing logo design requires striking a careful balance between your creative expertise and your client’s financial requirements.

So, typically, how much to charge for logo design beginner? From our experience, we can say that you should charge $50 to $150 for a simple logo as a beginner. But for more complex designs, you should charge anywhere from $300 to $500 or more.

To ensure a just exchange that benefits all sides, keep in mind that affordability is key for drawing clients. Let’s move forward to let you know all the details about beginner logo design pricing.

Table of Contents

What Defines A “Beginner” In Logo Design?

How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner? Know Ahead (1)

Entering the world of logo design as a “beginner” is like entering a dynamic and intricate maze. Imagine someone with a solid grasp of design fundamentals and a body of work to show for it but who is just starting in the complex world of client relations and meeting the unique demands of each market.

The designer’s growing style, which is both a strength and a problem, is defined throughout this period by experimentation and adaptation. These newcomers frequently start in the modern digital age with online tutorials and courses, where they acquire the technical know-how that lays the groundwork for their creative discovery.

A logo designer’s style is like a canvas at this stage; it constantly changes as they learn and grow. Although it may take more time to conceptualize and complete each piece, this flexibility gives their creations a unique freshness.

To go from being a beginner to an intermediate and, eventually, an advanced designer, one must be dedicated, constantly learn new things, and work on a variety of projects.

These distinguishing features, professional expertise, evolving style, and unique obstacles and opportunities play a significant part in determining how beginners should approach the pricing landscape when they are designing logos.

Logo Design Pricing- How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner?

How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner? Know Ahead (2)

Logo design is a complicated process, so your expertise will matter a lot regarding pricing. Therefore, you need to set the right price to draw clients’ when you are just starting.

If we look at the average, the pricing for a simple logo design is around $50 to $150. But if the design is complex, you can charge around $500.

Different Pricing Models For Logo Design

How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner? Know Ahead (3)

While working as a beginner logo designer, you can set your price in different models. Here are some of the popular price models that designers use:

Flat Rate

One straightforward price option is the flat rate, which involves establishing a single, all-inclusive fee for the logo design. This method removes any room for confusion regarding costs from the design and client processes.

To promote openness and confidence in the team, beginners should accurately estimate the time needed to complete the task and any necessary adjustments.

Hourly Pay

Paying customers on an hourly basis is what the hourly rate model is all about. This is a great way for newcomers to start because they will get paid for every hour they put in.

Nevertheless, keeping close tabs on time is essential, and informing clients of how long the design process will take is vital for setting reasonable expectations and providing pricing justifications.

Project-Based Pricing

When calculating the price of a logo and other branding materials, project-based pricing takes the whole scope of the project into account.

This strategy is great for newcomers since it allows them to provide a whole service, which increases client value by meeting a variety of branding requirements beyond just the logo.

Value-Based Pricing

Advanced value-based pricing models rely on knowing how a logo affects a client’s company. A greater price tag is reasonable if the logo substantially improves the company’s reputation or visibility in the marketplace.

Beginners may find it tough, but there is potential for improved earnings. It highlights the importance of having strong negotiation skills and knowing how a brand can affect you.

Royalty Agreements

As part of their royalties agreement, some designers choose to get a flat rate in addition to a percentage of sales or a fixed amount for each sale.

This is a less typical approach for newbies, but it works well for projects with a lot of prospective customers since it links the designer’s success to that of the logo’s featured product or service. When implementing this strategy, it is essential to think about the market reach and possible sales.

What To Factor Into How Much You Charge For A Logo?

How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner? Know Ahead (4)

Now, when you’re putting together your logo design pricing, here are a few things that you must keep in mind while determining the cost.

Required Time:

The process of ideating and creating a logo is a crucial aspect of establishing a brand identity, and the time invested in this endeavor is a critical consideration for the long-term sustainability of a business. Designing a logo involves a thoughtful exploration of concepts, colors, fonts, and overall visual elements that resonate with the brand’s essence. Time spent brainstorming ideas, conducting research, and refining the design is an investment in the brand’s success.

An equitable evaluation of this time is essential, ensuring the creative work is appropriately compensated. Refrain from acknowledging the value of time to avoid a situation where designers effectively work for free, jeopardizing the business’s financial viability. Therefore, a transparent and fair assessment of the hours spent on conceptualization and design is vital for establishing a mutually beneficial relationship between the designer and the client.

Turnaround Time:

In the realm of design, the concept of turnaround time is crucial, emphasizing the importance of providing adequate time for a well-considered and enduring design. Rush requests, necessitating quicker delivery, should incur a rush cost. This additional fee reflects the urgency of the request and underscores the significance of allowing sufficient time for the creative process.

A typical timeframe for the creative process ensures that designers can thoroughly research, conceptualize, and refine the design, resulting in a product that meets both the client’s expectations and industry standards. Rush costs serve as a reminder that quality design requires time and attention, and clients benefit from planning to receive the best possible outcome.


It is crucial to establish clear guidelines for revision procedures to prevent the erosion of earnings due to endless modifications. Defining a reasonable number of revision rounds, such as two, balances between ensuring customer satisfaction and efficiently utilizing time and resources. This approach allows clients to provide feedback and request adjustments while preventing an open-ended process that can be both time-consuming and financially draining.

Clearly outlining the revision procedures in the initial agreement sets expectations for both parties, fostering a collaborative and constructive working relationship. It encourages clients to consolidate their feedback and ensures that designers can deliver a final product that aligns with the client’s vision without the project becoming unprofitable or unsustainable due to excessive modifications.


Confidence in pricing is closely tied to experience in the field of design. As a novice, it’s imperative not to underestimate your abilities but rather to celebrate the ongoing development of your skill set. Regardless of scale or complexity, every project contributes to your growing portfolio and expertise. Acknowledge and value the lessons learned during each endeavor, as they collectively shape your capabilities.

With every completed project, your confidence in determining fair pricing naturally strengthens. As your portfolio expands, you gain a clearer understanding of the value you bring to your clients, allowing you to adjust your charges in alignment with your evolving skill set and the quality of your work.

Software Usage:

Design software is an indispensable tool for graphic designers, and its cost should be factored into your pricing structure. These software charges are essential overhead costs directly linked to the execution of your services. When providing quotations to clients, it’s crucial to transparently include these costs, ensuring that your pricing reflects your creative expertise and the tools required to bring your ideas to life.

By incorporating software expenses into your rates, you cover your operational costs and communicate the investment made in utilizing cutting-edge tools, reinforcing the value of your design services.

Project Complexity:

The complexity of a design project is a critical factor in determining pricing. Bespoke artwork, intricate design components, and elaborate requirements demand higher skill, time, and effort. Adjusting your rates accordingly to reflect the additional challenges posed by complex projects is essential.

Recognizing the intricacies involved in such endeavors is crucial for setting realistic client expectations and ensuring that your compensation aligns with the scope of work. By tailoring your pricing to the intricacy of each project, you maintain a fair compensation structure and demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the diverse demands that design projects can present.

Operating Expenses

In establishing pricing for design services, it’s vital to encompass all operating expenses beyond software costs. This comprehensive approach includes factoring in expenses such as hardware upgrades, ongoing training, and charges related to professional development.

By incorporating these fixed costs into your pricing structure, you ensure the financial sustainability of your design business in the long term.

Charging an amount that covers not only your creative expertise but also the essential tools, equipment, and ongoing skill development contributes to the overall success of your enterprise, allowing you to provide high-quality design services while maintaining a healthy and profitable operation.

Tips For Logo Design Beginner

How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner? Know Ahead (5)

Beginner logo designers struggle a lot in many areas, and pricing is just one of them. But if you want to keep your heads up, you need to remember a few things mentioned below.

Understanding Client Brief

A thorough exploration of the customer brief is the first step in becoming an expert logo designer. Pay close attention and learn their mission, beliefs, and brand. Inquire about them in a way that reveals who they really are. A stronger basis for a memorable logo is achieved by thoroughly understanding the brief.

Managing Client Expectations

One of the most important aspects of customer expectation management is clear and consistent communication. Communicate openly regarding due dates, changes, and possible obstacles. Instruct customers on how to work together during the creative process.

Trust and satisfaction are fostered when expectations are in line with reality, making the process from concept to final design smoother.

Consider Influencing Factors

A logo is more than just a set of visuals; it tells a story. Familiarize yourself with the brand’s industry, demographic, and market rivals. Keep cultural trends and subtleties in mind.

Logos are visual ambassadors; when designing one, think about the feelings you want to convey. A memorable logo is the result of all these elements coming together.

Promoting And Marketing Logos

Creating a great logo is just the beginning; marketing is the last step. Use a professional website, social media, and other online mediums to display your portfolio.

Make the most of your one-of-a-kind design process and boast about your accomplishments. Get involved with the creative design world to raise your profile and expand your network.

Learning Is The Key

Expert logo designers are known for their precision and imagination while creating logos. Spend some time learning new design techniques and keeping up with the latest trends. Make sure your designs can be scaled and used in many ways.

Learn the fundamentals, from color theory to typeface design. Not only does it make clients happy, but it also boosts your reputation in the graphics design industry.


1. How do I determine my rates as a beginner in logo design?

As a beginner, consider factors such as the time invested, the complexity of the project, and your skill level. Research industry standards and analyze your competitors’ pricing to ensure your rates are competitive yet reflect your skill and effort.

2. Is it acceptable to charge lower rates initially to attract clients?

While attracting clients is essential, it’s crucial not to undervalue your work. Instead of lowering rates significantly, consider offering introductory packages or discounts for the first few clients to build your portfolio without compromising the perceived value of your services.

3. Should I charge separately for revisions and modifications?

Including a reasonable number of revisions in your initial pricing is common, but extensive modifications may warrant additional charges. Clearly outline your revision policy in your contract to manage client expectations and prevent unlimited revisions that can erode your earnings.

4. How do I factor software and other operating expenses into my rates?

Calculate your total operating expenses, including software, hardware, and professional development. Distribute these costs across your projects to determine a fair rate that covers your creative expertise and your essential business overhead.

5. When is it appropriate to raise my rates as a beginner in logo design?

Regularly assess your skill growth, portfolio, and market demand. As your experience and portfolio expand, increasing your rates gradually is appropriate. Communicate these changes transparently to existing and potential clients, emphasizing the enhanced value you bring to their projects.

Logo Design Can Be A Good Career!

For those who are prepared to dive headfirst into the world of visual storytelling, a rewarding and exciting profession is waiting for them. Building trust with clients through open and honest communication not only makes them happy but also sets the stage for successful future partnerships.

So, as you understand the answer to your query: how much to charge for logo design beginner, be flexible with price in the first phases to attract potential long-term partners. Being adaptable allows you to keep your value and gain access to great prospects and customer relationships.

How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner? Know Ahead (2024)


How Much To Charge For Logo Design Beginner? Know Ahead? ›

So, typically, how much to charge for logo design beginner? From our experience, we can say that you should charge $50 to $150 for a simple logo as a beginner. But for more complex designs, you should charge anywhere from $300 to $500 or more.

How much should you pay someone to design a logo? ›

The average logo design cost ranges anywhere from $300-$700.

Over 67% of small business owners are willing to pay around $500 for a professional logo, and only 18% willing to pay more than $1,000. So, what is the standard pricing for logo designs?

What is the minimum logo design price? ›

An Average professional Indian logo designer makes around ₹10000 — ₹50,000 per Logo design project in India. if we talk about Beginner Designer or Junior Designer they make around ₹500 to ₹10000 for a logo design project. Expert designer ₹50000 — ₹100,000+.

How much should I charge for a logo design in 2024? ›

A fresh logo can cost you anywhere from $250 to $2,500, depending on the skill and experience level of the designer. Freelance designers also charge their hourly rates at Dribble, ranging from $15 to $200 per hour. The hourly rates at Fiverr usually range from $35-$100. Upwork rates are between $10 and $200 per hour.

How do you calculate the cost of a logo? ›

Graphic designers tend to estimate logo designs based on how many hours they are planning to spend to sketch and draw the logo. They calculate the price based on colors, complexity, areas of application and additional assets.

What should I charge for a logo as a beginner? ›

From our experience, we can say that you should charge $50 to $150 for a simple logo as a beginner. But for more complex designs, you should charge anywhere from $300 to $500 or more. To ensure a just exchange that benefits all sides, keep in mind that affordability is key for drawing clients.

Is $500 too much for a logo design? ›

Logo design pricing options

Over 67% of small businesses will spend over $500 for a logo. And only 15% of them are open to paying over $1,000. There are no standard logo design prices. They vary depending on your specific design requirements, budget, and the type of design service provider you choose.

How much should a new graphic designer charge for a logo? ›

Factors Affecting the Cost
Service TypeEstimated Cost Range
Logo Design£50 – £2,000
Brochure Design£100 – £500
Website Design£500 – £5,000
Complete Branding Package£1,000 – £10,000+
Feb 3, 2024

What is included in a logo design package? ›

The primary component of a logo package is the set of logo files in different formats (e.g., PNG, JPEG, EPS, SVG). These files are essential for various applications, both online and offline.

How long does it take to design a logo? ›

The time it takes to design a logo can vary depending on factors such as complexity, client feedback, and the designer's experience, but on average, it can take an average of anywhere from 10 to 30 hours of work. Designing logos is a regular task for graphic designers, but what does it really entail?

How do you charge for a logo design? ›

You evaluate your client's brand, look into their industries and competitors, and draft ideas — to mention a few. When you're deciding how much to charge for a logo design, there are two main variables: how much time you spend working before the actual design and how many revisions you go through.

Why does logo design cost so much? ›

This crazy range of prices can be hard to explain. Why are logos so expensive? A logo design can be so expensive because the process of arriving at a top-quality logo takes time and talent, and a great logo can help a business succeed. A professionally designed logo is the result of a process called a design funnel.

How much do logo designers charge per hour? ›

Logo Designer Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$77,500$37
75th Percentile$65,000$31
25th Percentile$41,500$20

How much should I charge someone for a logo? ›

The cost of a logo design can range from $0 to tens of thousands of dollars, but if you're a small business or startup looking for quality design, a good logo design should cost between $300-$1300.

What is the starting price for a logo? ›

Budget-friendly: ₹500 to ₹10,000: This range is for simple and basic logos. They may be created by a beginner freelancer or using a logo maker tool. Mid-range: ₹10,000 to ₹50,000: This range is for more complex logos requiring more time and effort to design.

How do you commission a logo? ›

How to commission a logo from a designer
  1. Choose a platform to find a designer. ...
  2. Provide the designer with your initial research and ideas. ...
  3. Get the first draft and provide feedback. ...
  4. Ensure you get the proper files of your final logo design.
Jun 15, 2022

Do I own the logo if I pay someone to design it? ›

The starting point regarding ownership of the copyright in a logo (or any other original work of authorship) is that ownership of the copyright in the logo resides in the "author" of the logo, i.e., the person who created the logo, which in this case is the graphic artist (unless the artist is an employee or there is ...

Should I hire someone to design a logo? ›

While many business owners wish to save money this way and think they will save money by redesigning their own logo, it can be extremely damaging to your brand as a whole if you do not have the same level of skills, experience, and knowledge as a professional logo designer.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.