Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (2024)

A Brand-New Weight Watchers Tool.

Here you'll find all myWW's ZeroPoint Free Foods (plus links to recipes!) for Weight Watchers' latest green, blue and purple weight loss and diet plans. The simplified lists include all of WW's most recent free foods and no-point ingredients formatted so that it's easy to compare what's currently free on each of Weight Watchers' most recent color plans.

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WW Is Special

Many Weight Watchers love that we can "eat what we want" so long as we count points.

The powerful combination of "unlimited food choices" and "limited portion size" remains a fundamental feature of Weight Watchers' new program for 2020, the individualized myWW green, blue and purple plans that Weight Watchers introduced in late 2019.

Other eating regimes and diets work great for people. Me, I cannot imagine giving up bread, rice, potatoes and especially fruit. Why does an apple or a carrot belong on an "eat occasionally" list?

The fact that Weight Watchers has no food restrictions is one of WW's best features!

But ...

Weight Watchers does nudge our food choices toward what the diet program once called "power foods" – and in fact, depending on the chosen color plan, has identified up to 300 foods that count as zero-point "free" food.

This is a good thing, training our palates and our bodies to choose and enjoy healthy foods in healthy portion sizes. Change is often good. So is focus!

Big News! Introducing myWW, Weight Watchers' Newest Weight Loss Program

In late 2019, Weight Watchers introduced myWW for 2020 and I think that many people are going to like the new version – make that versions because for the first time ever, Weight Watchers is letting each of us select our own approach to weight loss and healthy eating!

myWW has three different color-coded plans, green, blue and purple. Each one has different different daily point allotments and different "free" foods. And on the app, you can switch any time from one version to another.

The New & Current Plan myWW replaced the Freestyle program, which replaced the first SmartPoints program, which replaced PointsPlus, which replaced ... yeah, Weight Watchers tends to launch a new program every couple of years. :-)

SmartPoints Are the Base To calculate points for myWW, Weight Watchers continues to use its SmartPoints algorithm which incorporates total calories, sugar, saturated fat and protein to calculate points. The lower the calories, sugar and saturated fat (and the higher the protein), the lower the points. The higher the calories, sugar and saturated fat (and the lower the protein), the higher the points. It's balanced, right?

So SmartPoints are the base of all point calculations. But for each of the three color plans, certain foods/ingredients are left out when doing the math.

Here's an example. Let's say you make a tomato-rice salad with some fresh herbs and Greek yogurt. In all three plans, the tomato and fresh herbs are left out when points are calculated. With two of the plans, the yogurt is also omitted, so long as it's non-fat yogurt. With the third plan, the rice is also omitted from the calculation, so long as it's brown rice.

Sound complicated? In practice, don't worry, it's really not. Whichever plan you choose, it takes a couple of weeks to figure out how things work and then it becomes almost automatic. Really!

Want some proof? Just scroll down this page. I've build the free food lists for the three plans so that it's super-easy to understand what foods are free on each of the three plans.

Which WW Plan Is Right for You? The myWW program offers members three different plans. Each plan has its own daily point budget and its own zero-point food list.

This is exciting! For the first time, Weight Watchers is offering (and best of all, supporting on its mobile app) incredible choice and flexibility.

For example, Freestyle just didn't work for my sister but she's loving the brand-new Green Plan, she's dropped a pant size in the first month!

But let's say it turns out that the plan you chose just isn't working for you. It's simple to switch, just like that! In a few seconds, bam, convert to a different plan. Decide you want the first plan back? Bam, convert again. Thank you, Weight Watchers, this is so supportive!

The Green Plan is brand new! It has the most generous daily point budget (30 points) but also has the most limited zero-point foods (100+), what most of us call "free" food for no points. Only non-starchy vegetables and fruits are zero points in the Green Plan. Source: Weight Watchers Green Plan

The Blue Plan is the new name for what Weight Watchers last called "Freestyle". Anyone who's used to following the Freestyle program and who's memorized the points of favorite Freestyle free foods, good news, nothing's changed.

It's that simple: the Blue Plan is the same as the the Freestyle program!

The Blue Plan has a moderate daily point budget (a minimum of 23 points) but has a generous free food list (200+) including fruit, nearly all vegetables (exceptions are potato, sweet potatoes and parsnips) and adds numerous healthy foods to the free food list. My favorites are eggs, chicken breasts, fish, seafood, dried beans and non-fat Greek yogurt. Source: Weight Watchers Blue Plan

The Purple Plan is brand new! The Purple Plan has the smallest point budget (a minimum of 16 points) but an enormous list (300+) of free foods, including oatmeal, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and even popcorn! Source: Weight Watchers Purple Plan

On Weight Watchers, Can You Only Eat "Free" Foods?


Weight Watchers changes how it counts points every couple of years. It even changes which foods are designated as "free" or "zero point".

But one thing that hasn't changed? Weight Watchers does not exclude any foods. Let me say it again. Weight Watchers excludes no foods. It puts nothing off limits. It keeps no "never eat this" food lists.

With Weight Watchers, you can eat anything you want.

You might wonder, How is it even possible to lose weight eating anything I want?

And that's the crux of Weight Watchers.

Eat whatever you want but not as much as you might want. Translation? Portion size matters.

Certain foods are designated as "free" to point our food choices in a healthy direction so that we don't use up all our points on cake or rice or even baked potatoes. When we plan our food choices and menus around free foods, it's just easier to lose weight. It just is.

How to Use the Weight Watchers ZeroPoint Food Lists

  • Grocery Shopping Fill the grocery cart with your favorite free foods. That way, a healthy meal is always no further than your fridge.
  • Cooking In Plan menus and meals around the free foods.
  • Battle Hunger Short on points but still hungry? Choose zero-point foods, especially protein.
  • Counter Balance a Splurge or a Binge Over your point budget? Get back on track, use no-point foods for the next meal or two or three.
  • Meal Prep Prep and cook free foods ahead of time, then put together impromptu meals almost without thinking.
  • Focus Recipe Searches When looking through cookbooks or food magazines, focus on recipes that include the free foods.
  • Follow Weight Watchers-Friendly Food Blogs WW bloggers use the free foods often! Plus you'll have instant information to the number of points.
  • Find Your Favorites Build a recipe repertoire for each favorite free food, recipes you'll be happy to repeat often.
  • Eating Out Order foods that are free, fish and chicken breasts, say. You know what I eat at a fried chicken joint? A chicken breast, no skin. So good!

  • How do you use the zero-point food lists? Share what works for you, it could work for others!

myWW Zero-Point "Free" Foods

ZeroPoint Vegetables, Legumes, Grains & Other Plant-Based Food

  • Most vegetables are free in all three plans.
  • All three plans exclude avocados and olives.
  • The Green Plan excludes starchy vegetables, notably corn, parsnips, peas, plantains, potatoes and sweet potatoes.
  • The Blue Plan includes corn and adds healthy, plant-based proteins, notably quinoa, lentils, split peas, chickpeas and other dried/canned beans, even tofu.
  • The Purple Plan further adds grains, oatmeal, potatoes and sweet potatoes, even popcorn.

All Three Plans: Green, Blue & Purple
Acorn Squash Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (2) Artichokes Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (3) Arugula Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (4) Asparagus Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (5) Bamboo Shoots Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (6) Bananas Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (7) Beets & Beet Greens Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (8) Bok Choy Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (9) Broccoli Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (10) Broccoli Rabe (Raab) Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (11) Brussels Sprouts Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (12) Butter or Bibb Lettuce Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (13) Butternut Squash Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (14) Cabbage Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (15) Pimientos Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (16) Carrots Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (17) Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (18) Celery Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (19) Collard Greens Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (20) Cucumber Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (21) Eggplant Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (22) Endive Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (23) Escarole Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (24) Fennel Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (25) Frozen Stir-Fry Vegetables Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (26) Garlic Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (27) Ginger Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (28) Green Beans Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (29) Iceberg Lettuce Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (30) Hearts of Palm Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (31) Jicama Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (32) Kale Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (33) Leafy Greens Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (34) Lettuce Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (35) Kohlrabi Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (36) Leeks Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (37) Mixed Greens Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (38) Mushrooms Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (39) Mustard Greens Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (40) Napa Cabbage Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (41) Nori/Seaweed Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (42) Oak Leaf Lettuce Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (43) Okra Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (44) Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (45) Pea Shoots Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (46) Bell Peppers Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (47) Pickles Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (48) Pico de Gallo Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (49) Pumpkin Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (50) Radishes Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (51) Red Leaf Lettuce Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (52) Romaine Lettuce Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (53) Rutabagas Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (54) Salsa Either Green Salsa or Tomato Salsa Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (55) Sauerkraut Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (56) Scallions Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (57) Shallots Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (58) Spaghetti Squash Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (59) Spinach Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (60) String Beans Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (61) Summer Squash Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (62) Swiss chard Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (63) Tomatillos Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (64) Tomato Puree & Sauce Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (65) Tomatoes Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (66) Turnips Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (67) Water Chestnuts Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (68) Wax Beans Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (69) Zucchini
Blue Plan & Purple Plan Only
Alfalfa Sprouts 1 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (70) Corn Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (71) Chickpeas Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (72) 2 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (73) Edamame Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (74) Fava Beans Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (75) Green Peas Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (76) Hominy Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (77) Lentils Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (78) Lima Beans Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (79) Peas Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (80) Quinoa Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (81) Split Peas Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (82) Succotash Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (83) Taro Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (84) Tempeh Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (85) Tofu
Purple Plan Only
Amaranth 1 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (86) Ancient Grain Mix Without Seeds Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (87) Barley Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (88) Bean Sprouts 1 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (89) Couscous 3 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (90) Farro Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (91) Freekeh Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (92) Kamut Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (93) Kasha (Buckwheat) Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (94) Millet Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (95) Oatmeal 4 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (96) Parsnips Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (97) Pasta 3 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (98) Popcorn 5 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (99) Potatoes 6 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (100) Rice 7 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (101) Rye Berries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (102) Sorghum Grain Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (103) Spelt & Spelt Berries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (104) Sweet Potatoes 8 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (105) Taro Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (106) Teff Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (107) Wheat Berries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (108) Wild Rice Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (109) Yucca

NOTES akaThe Devil Is In the Details0 Packaged foods (frozen, canned, etc.), are zero-point only if there's no sauce, no added fat or added sugar.
1 Alfafa sprouts, amaranth and bean sprouts may belong in all three plans but this page reflects's WW's own lists.
2 For dried beans, home-cooked dried beans are free, so are canned beans. Weight Watchers specifically includes adzuki, cannellini, chickpeas, Great Northern, kidney, lupini, navy, pinto and non-fat refried beans but any dried bean is likely also free so long as it's without oil or sugar.
3 For couscous, the couscous must be whole wheat. For pasta, traditional pasta is not "free" but several pastas are, including lentil pasta, pea pasta, quinoa pasta, soy shirataki noodles, soybean pasta, whole-grain and whole-wheat.
4 For oatmeal, all versions qualify, steel-cut, rolled, old-fashioned, quick and instant so long as unsweetened.5 For popcorn, the kernels must be air-popped and without oil or sugar.
6 For potatoes, specific kinds and forms of potatoes are "free" so long as they're cooked without fat. Weight Watchers specifically mentions these forms: baby, baked, fingerling, frozen, Idaho, new, oven-roasted wedges, mashed, purple, red, white, yellow and Yukon gold.
7 For rice, only brown rice is included, not traditional white rice. Weight Watchers mentions these specifically: brown instant rice, quick-cooking brown rice, Thai brown, wild rice, wild rice and brown rice blend.
8 For sweet potatoes, the sweet potatoes must be cooked without fat and sugar to qualify. Weight Watchers specifically mentions: baked, canned, Japanese and oven-roasted fries.

ZeroPoint Meat, Fish, Seafood, Eggs & Dairy

  • The Green Plan has no free foods in this category.
  • The Blue and Purple Plans add eggs, non-fat yogurt, chicken and turkey breast, fish and shellfish, including smoked fish to the list of free foods.
Green Plan
No Free Meat, Fish, Seafood, Eggs or Dairy in the Green Plan.
Blue & Purple Plans Only
Chicken 9 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (110) Crab Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (111) Eggs Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (112) Egg Whites Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (113) Egg Yolks Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (114) Cooked Eggs Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (115) Egg Substitute Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (116) Fish 10 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (117) Greek Yogurt 11 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (118) Quark 12 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (119) Lobster Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (120) Salmon Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (121) Scallops Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (122) Seafood10 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (123) Shrimp Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (124) Tuna Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (125) Turkey 9 Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (126) Yogurt 11
Purple Plan Only
No Additional Meat, Fish, Seafood, Eggs or Dairy in the Purple Plan.

9 For Chicken and Turkey, only skinless breast meat is free. For ground chicken and turkey, only 98% fat-free ground meats are zero points.
10 For Fish and Seafood, smoked fish and seafood are both included. Weight Watchers specifically mentions abalone, anchovies in water, arctic char, bluefish, branzino, buttefish, carp, catfish, caviar, clams, cod, crab, crayfish, cuttlefish, Dungeness crab, fish roe, flounder, grouper, haddock, halibut, herring, King crab, lobster, mahi mahi, monkfish, mussels, octopus, orange roughy, oysters, perch, pike, pollock, pompano, salmon, sardines in water or sauce, sashimi, scallops, sea bass, sea cucumber, sea urchin, shrimp, smelt, smoked haddock, smoked salmon, smoked sturgeon, smoked trout, smoked whitefish, snails, snapper, sole, squid, steelhead, striped bass, sturgeon, swordfish, tilapia, trout, tuna, turbot, wahoo and whitefish.
11 For Yogurt, both Greek and plain, must be non-fat.
12 For Quark, may be up to 1% fat.

ZeroPoint Fruit

  • Whole fruit is free in all three plans, including bananas.
  • Unsweetened frozen and canned fruit are free.
  • Sound wonderful, right? Mind the details!
  • Fruit JUICE is not free.
  • DRIED fruit is not free.
  • Fruit in SMOOTHIES is not free.
  • Fruit with ADDED SUGAR is not free.

All Three Plans: Green, Blue & Purple
Apples Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (127) Applesauce Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (128) Apricots Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (129) Bananas Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (130) Blackberries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (131) Blueberries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (132) Cantaloupe Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (133) Cherries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (134) Clementines Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (135) Cranberries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (136) Dragonfruit Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (137) Figs Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (138) Frozen Mixed Berries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (139) Fruit co*cktail Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (140) Fruit Salad Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (141) Grapefruit Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (142) Grapes Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (143) Guava Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (144) Honeydew Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (145) Kiwi Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (146) Kumquats Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (147) Lemons Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (148) Limes Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (149) Mangoes Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (150) Nectarines Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (151) Oranges Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (152) Papaya Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (153) Peaches Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (154) Pears Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (155) Persimmons Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (156) Pineapple Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (157) Plums Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (158) Pomegranates Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (159) Pomelo Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (160) Raspberries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (161) Starfruit Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (162) Strawberries Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (163) Tangerines Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (164) Watermelon

Fresh & Dried Herbs

  • Fresh and dried herbs are free in all three plans.

To add flavor to dishes with minimal calorie impact, use fresh herbs generously! This is why Weight Watchers lists many fresh herbs as "free foods" without points. They specifically list basil, chives (my favorite herb!), cilantro, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, tarragon and thyme but if you're a fan of other fresh herbs, it's safe to assume that they are also free.

To find recipes that use one of these herbs, use the search box at the top of every page and search for "basil" or "fresh basil," say.

Weight Watchers Zero Point Food Lists (2024)


Is it possible to only eat zero point WW foods? ›

That's right – you can eat as much as you want and not track a point! Weight Watchers purposefully makes a ton of foods zero points – and for good reason: it's fruits and vegetables! Specifically non-starchy vegetables.

What is the list of zero point foods on Weight Watchers? ›

Our ZeroPoint food categories
  • Non-starchy vegetables. With a wide range of health benefits, it's no wonder non-starchy veggies are a ZeroPoint food for everyone. ...
  • Fruits. ...
  • Chicken & turkey breast. ...
  • Fish & shellfish. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Tofu & tempeh. ...
  • Beans, peas & lentils. ...
  • Low-fat yoghurt & cottage cheese.
Dec 9, 2021

Are fried eggs zero points on Weight Watchers? ›

Yes! It doesn't matter what you cook your eggs with or in. Eggs are a ZeroPoint foods so they do not have any Points® values—even in a cake recipe. However other ingredients you're adding to your eggs may have Points, so make sure to track them.

Are potatoes 0 points on Weight Watchers? ›

Why members love the Purple food plan. "I love the fact that potatoes, whole grain rice and pasta are ZeroPoint foods on Purple. In the past I treated carbs as the enemy and believed you couldn't eat them and lose weight. Because they're ZeroPoint foods, it gave me the confidence to eat and enjoy them again.

Can I lose 3 pounds a week on Weight Watchers? ›

This is a commitment. Taking a food-first approach to weight loss is a healthy way to do it, but it isn't a quick fix, so if you do WW, keep in mind that you may expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.

Why is fruit not zero points on Weight Watchers? ›

Why does fruit have a Points value when I blend it into a smoothie? Whole fruit is a ZeroPoint food, but once it becomes part of a smoothie, the experience of “eating” it changes. Research shows that liquids don't promote the same feeling of fullness and satisfaction that solid foods do.

What deli meat is zero points on Weight Watchers? ›

Deli meat that is specifically skinless chicken or turkey breast. If the product contains less than 2% of non-ZeroPoint ingredients (sugar, oil, food starch), it is still considered a ZeroPoint food.

Is oatmeal a zero point food? ›

Does it matter if I use instant oats or if I cook my own rolled oats? Nope! Plain oats—no matter the type—are a ZeroPoint food.

How many points is a banana on Weight Watchers? ›

Fruits & Vegetables
Banana(s)*1 medium4
Blackberries*1 portion(s)1
Blueberries*1 portion(s)1
Cherries, fresh*1 portion(s)1
32 more rows
Nov 8, 2021

Is rotisserie chicken zero points on Weight Watchers? ›

If I remove the skin from rotisserie chicken breast, is it a ZeroPoint food? Yes, as long as you're eating just the breast meat.

How many points are in 2 scrambled eggs? ›

Because eggs are a ZeroPoint foods, they do not have any Points™ values—even in a cake recipe.

How many points is a slice of cheese? ›

Weight Watchers :Tips,Tricks and Daily Recipes | Why is Velveeta sliced cheese 1 point but other brand sliced cheese is three points | Facebook.

Can you eat unlimited zero point foods on Weight Watchers? ›

Full of fiber and protein, these foods also support overall health, keep you full, and bulk up and add flavor to your meals. And, of course, you can eat as much as you like.

Is avocado a zero point food? ›

That means if you previously had brown rice, or avocado, or wheat pasta, or potatoes as ZeroPoints, those will no longer be zero. That doesn't mean you can't eat them anymore (you can use your Points allowance however you like!), but you will have to count points for them.

Is cottage cheese a zero point food? ›

Yoghurt and cottage cheese are also great sources of protein which can help you feel fuller longer. While “zero” usually means “nothing,” at WeightWatchers®, ZeroPoint foods are everything! If you're not on our diabetes-tailored plan, then yoghurt and cottage cheese will be on your ZeroPoint foods list.

Can I just eat zero point foods? ›

The list is free whether you belong to the group or not, and you don't have to track or measure anything — just eat your fill of ZeroPoint pancakes, chili, even burgers. “It's a way I discovered to kick-start my own weight loss, and I thought it would be nice to share,” says Sara, 50.

Do I have to eat all my points on Weight Watchers? ›

Do I need to eat all of my Points (even the ones I add)? Your Budget is yours to use in any way you want!

Can you do Weight Watchers without counting points? ›

You'll get a customised daily Points Budget to spend, plus a list of 200+ ZeroPoints® foods that you don't have to track. As long as you stay within your budget, you'll be on the way to reaching your weight loss goals. The WeightWatchers app will keep track of it all for you—no mental math required!

Can you lose 5 lbs a week on Weight Watchers? ›

If you're wondering how to lose 5 pounds a week on Weight Watchers, know that it will be a challenge, but it should be possible, especially at the start and if you have quite a bit of weight to shed. Later, you will probably find you lose less each week.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.