Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (2024)

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Klon Overview Tone Comparison FAQs

Repost from: Written by Heatherfrom Pro Sound HQ

Tube Screamer and Klon-Type overdrive pedals are two of the most common selections you’ll see on a pedal board, but which is best for you? In this article, I’ll be comparing these two overdrive pedal-types and focusing primarily on the Ibanez Tube Screamer and the Klon Centaur/ KTR.

The Quick Answer

The Tube Screamer and Klon are both overdrive pedals, however the Tube Screamer has more of an effect on the EQ by cutting the bass and boosting the mid-range. The Klon on the other hand, is described as a “transparent overdrive pedal” pedal, because it does not greatly impact the EQ.

Tube Screamer Overview

The Tube Screamer is a soft clipping overdrive pedal. It is characterised primarily by the boost in the mid-range that it produces, allowing the sound to cut through the mix for lead playing particularly well. The Tube Screamer also cuts some of the bass leading to a tighter sound. It is often used for the following situations:

  • As a boost pedal
  • To tighten the signal (cut the bass) when played through a distorted amp
  • To add overdrive to a clean amp

The Tube Screamer is not a “transparent pedal”. The easiest way to describe this, is to say that it alters the EQ by boosting the mids and cutting the bass. This means that it changes the overall tone of the guitar and amp, to produce a unique tone, rather than just adding overdrive and volume.

The Ibanez Tube Screamer TS808 is the original type of this pedal. Ibanez have released several versions including a mini pedal, and the TS9 which sounds a bit grittier. You can check out this article I’ve written comparing the different Ibanez Tube Screamers here if you want to learn more.

Since the original TS808’s release, many other brands have made Tube Screamer-type pedals, characterised by the soft clipping overdrive and boosted mid-range. Some examples include:

  • Maxon OD808
  • EarthQuaker Devices
  • JHS Bonsai
  • Joyo Vintage Overdrive
  • Electro-Harmonix East River Drive

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (1)

Klon Overview

The Klon-type overdrive pedal is often described as a “transparent” overdrive because it preserves the tone of the guitar and amplifier and has a reasonably flat EQ. This makes it very useful as a boost pedal.

It does still have some small impact on the EQ though. It cuts the bass slightly and boosts the upper mid-range. The Klon-type overdrive pedal is commonly used through a clean amp, and can add an impressive amount of gain when you increase the drive control, producing a hard clipping type of overdrive.

The original Klon Centaur models were all handmade, however production stopped in 2009. It has since been replaced by the Klon KTR which sounds incredibly similar and blindfold tests on YouTube have definitely highlighted this!

There are plenty of clones of the Klon-type pedal including the:

  • Wampler Tumnus
  • Way Huge Conspiracy Theory
  • Jrad Archer
  • Ceriatone Centura

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (2)

Tone Comparison

The Klon and Tube Screamer are both overdrive pedals, but they produce quite different effects.

Difference #1 Overdrive Type

When you turn up the drive control on both pedals, you get different types of clipping. The Tube Screamer is a soft-clipping pedal, and the Klon is a hard clipper. Soft clippers tend to sound more natural and closer to the effect you’d achieve if you cranked a tube amp.

Hard clippers are more aggressive and compresses the tone so that is can almost sound like a distortion effect. However, the Klon tends to be less coarse compared to most hard clippers, and it only sounds more like a hard clipper when the drive is cranked 3/4 the way up.

Difference #2 Effect on EQ

The Klon-type overdrive pedal is described as a transparent overdrive pedal, meaning that it does not dramatically alter the EQ of the amp signal. On the other hand, the Tube Screamer can dramatically impact the EQ by cutting the bass frequencies and boosting the mid-range. The Tube Screamer’s EQ also makes it sound a bit gritter than the Klon.

The Klon still cuts the bass a little bit, but not nearly as much, making it sound a bit smoother compared to the Tube Screamer. The Klon also adds a bit of upper-mids, but again does not have as much of an impact on the EQ as the TS.

Difference #3 Volume

Although not a huge factor to consider because you can compensate in other ways, it’s worth noting that the Tube Screamer is a quieter pedal compared to the Klon. This is one of the reasons why the Klon is considered such a powerful boost pedal, but by no means does the Tube Screamer lack ability in the boost department.

It’s also worth mentioning that there are plenty of clones of both pedals available and the difference in volume may not even be a factor to consider if you’re not looking at the Ibanez TS808 and Klon Centaur in particular.

Difference #4 Level of Overdrive

Again, this may not be something you want to consider if you’re comparing clones of these pedals, however, the Klon Centaur produces more drive than the Ibanez TS808. The Tube Screamer is fairly well known for its limited drive range, whereas the Klon’s range is expansive.

With a Klon, you can go from a very clean boost, to a much more aggressive overdriven tone which verges on distortion when turning the dial. This is one of the reasons why Klon pedals are considered reasonably versatile, despite having quite a specific effect when considering the EQ.

The Differences in Action

Of course, it’s quite difficult to discuss the tonal differences without actually hearing the pedals, so here is a comparison video so you can listen to the differences in action.

Price and Availability

If you want to get your hands on a Tube Screamer, you have tonnes of options. Ibanez make several versions including a reissue of the original TS808. The Tube Screamer Mini offers a portable and inexpensive option, whilst the TS9 provides a more modern sound. They also make DX versions which have an additional boost function, as well as a hand-wired version if you want something super premium.

Remember to check out this article I’ve written comparing the different Ibanez Tube Screamers here if you want to learn more.

Here are some links to Amazon (images and text) so you can check the current prices.

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (3)

Ibanez TS808 on Amazon

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (4)

Ibanez TS9 on Amazon

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (5)

Ibanez TS Mini on Amazon

Original Klon pedals on the other hand, are harder to get hold of. Since the original Klon Centaur stopped being produced over a decade ago, you can only find on second-hand and they often cost several thousands of dollars.

Luckily, the Klon KTR which came into production after the Centaur was discontinued, sounds basically the same and can be purchased brand new. However, it is definitely more expensive than a Tube Screamer, roughly double the price in fact. And it’s also much less readily available.

If you’re struggling to get your hands on a proper Klon, you get pick up a clone. One of the best Klon Centaur clones is the JRAD Archer IKON Overdrive pedal which sounds very similar.

Other options include the Wampler Tumnus and the very affordable Mosky Golden Horse which doesn’t sound quite as good but is an absolutely bargain.

Here are links to the pedals so you can check out the current prices.

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (6)

Interstellar Audio Machines - Octonaut Hyperdrive

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (7)

JRAD Archer IKON Overdrive on Amazon

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (8)

Wampler Tumnus Deluxe on Amazon

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (9)

Mosky Golden Horse Overdrive on Amazon

Using a Klon and Tube Screamer Together

You can use a Tube Screamer and a Klon overdrive pedal together in the same pedal chain. The Tube Screamer can then be used to add some mid-range, and the Klon will provide more transparent overdrive, or can be used as a boost. These pedals can be used in different orders for different effects.

If you put the Klon first (closest to the guitar), then you’ll notice the mid-range hump of the Tube Screamer more. If you put the Tube Screamer first, then the mid-range hump will be less obvious, and the tone will have more top-end.

Experiment with both, there is no right and wrong here!

Tube Screamer vs Klon Overdrive Pedal: Which is Best? (2024)


What is the difference between a screamer and a Klon? ›

Difference #1 Overdrive Type

When you turn up the drive control on both pedals, you get different types of clipping. The Tube Screamer is a soft-clipping pedal, and the Klon is a hard clipper. Soft clippers tend to sound more natural and closer to the effect you'd achieve if you cranked a tube amp.

What is the closest pedal to Klon Centaur? ›

Across just about every metric, the Wampler Tumnus is the best Klon clone you can buy. The benefits of the Tumnus start with its comparatively tiny size when placed next to the original Centaur.

What is so special about the Klon? ›

The Klon preserves the natural sound of your guitar and amp. So you can use it with different guitars and different amps, and it will still sound great.

What is a Tube Screamer good for? ›

In terms of use, Tube Screamers are very versatile. They are commonly used to push a tube amp harder, getting classic tube distortion. They can be used to push other pedals as well. SRV, a famous Tube Screamer user, typically used his as more of a volume boost.

What guitarists use a Tube Screamer? ›

Notable users. The pedal was popularized by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Lee Ritenour. Phish guitarist Trey Anastasio implements two TS9 Tube Screamers in his rig. Gary Moore used the TS9 predominantly for 30 years which was key to his signature lead guitar sound.

What kind of pedal did Jimi Hendrix use? ›

Hendrix usually used a Vox Wah pedal alongside a Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face, Shin-Ei Uni-Vibe pedal, and an Octavia stompbox built by Roger Mayer. Some of these pedals have since been discontinued and are now extremely rare - so here we'll explore some of the ways you can add these effects to your rig..

What guitarists use Klon? ›

The Klon Centaur has been used by guitarists including Jeff Beck, John Mayer, Joe Perry (of Aerosmith), Nels Cline (of Wilco), Matt Schofield and Ed O'Brien (of Radiohead). Finnegan said the pedal attracted a variety of guitarists, including baby boomers, younger indie rock musicians and experimental musicians.

Why is a Klon so expensive? ›

As for the prices of original Klons, while it's true that they can now sell for 2-4k, this is not their original cost. They were manufactured and sold for around $300 when they first came out. The modern price tag has more to do with collectors, popularity, and usage by famous artists.

What is the one pedal that every guitarist needs? ›

Overdrive, Distortion, or Fuzz should be your most important pedal because they all make an incredible difference in your sound when activated. They open up your horizons and allow you to more authentically play rock, blues, metal, or any genre with crunch.

What is the most popular pedal? ›

Among overdrive pedals, the Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer is the top seller for 2023. Its smooth, creamy overdrive is beloved by blues guitarists, but its versatile tone can fit into any genre. The TS9's ability to drive a tube amp into natural, harmonically rich saturation is what makes it a perennial favorite.

What are the most important pedals for rock music? ›

Best Guitar Pedals for Rock
  • Overdrive Pedals. It's hard to think about rock without conjuring the gritty, crunchy tone of a classic overdrive pedal. ...
  • Distortion Pedals. If overdrive pedals are the heart of rock, distortion pedals could very well be the soul. ...
  • Fuzz Pedals. ...
  • Delay Pedals. ...
  • Reverb Pedals.

Why do people like tube screamers? ›

Like a lot of overdrive pedals, the Tube Screamer boosts your signal. Unlike a lot of overdrive pedals though, it doesn't boost all parts of the frequency equally. Critically, it disproportionately boosts the mid-range frequencies of your signal. So it doesn't greatly alter the bottom or top end of your sound.

What Tube Screamer did Stevie Ray Vaughan use? ›

Vaughan's actual Tube Screamer of choice was the circa 1982-85 TS9 model. Vaughan consistently used a TS9 on stage and in the studio from mid-1982 through mid-1988 on the bulk of his peak career output.

What makes the Klon circuit special? ›

What makes the Klon circuit unique is that it's a hard-clipping device, which may come as a surprise since it's not as high-gain as other hard-clipping pedals. Bill Finnegan discovered that using low-gain germanium diodes added a special quality to the tone.

What is the difference between a banger and a screamer? ›

For a four cylinder engine, a screamer configuration would see one cylinder firing every 180 degrees of rotation on the crank. A big bang styled engine is one that: "has a very short interval of time between the firing order of each cylinder, and an extended break until each cylinder fires again."

What is a Klon style overdrive? ›

The Klon Centaur is an overdrive pedal made by the American engineer Bill Finnegan between 1994 and 2008. Finnegan aimed to create a pedal that would recreate the harmonically rich distortion of a guitar amplifier at a high volume.

Are tube screamers good for humbuckers? ›

There are lots of different takes on the standard overdrive, as it's one of the most popular guitar effects ever made. Classic Tube Screamer stompboxes bump up the middle frequencies, making your humbuckers sound punchy and aggressive.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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