Top 50 Best Fairy Tail Characters Of All Time | Wealth of Geeks (2024)

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In this blog post, I'd like to introduce you to the top fifty Fairy Tail characters. From series mainstays like Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia to fan favorites like Hibiki Lates and Zoldeo, this list has you covered if you're looking for your next favorite anime or manga character.

Note: This post was only edited by Cody Perez, not written by Cody. This post may not necessarily reflect the views of Cody Perez.

Each character's charm, history, and impact on the series will be discussed, as will the reasons they've won the hearts of readers everywhere.

Sit back, relax, and prepare to be enchanted as we take you on a tour of the greatest of Fairy Tail.

1. Natsu Dragneel

NameNatsu Dragneel
AliasSalamander, Etherious Natsu Dragneel
MagicFire Dragon Slayer Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 1

Natsu Dragneel is the main protagonist of the Fairy Tail series. He is a member of the Fairy Tail guild and possesses the rare Fire Dragon Slayer Magic that allows him to produce and control fire.

Natsu is known for his impulsive and reckless behavior, but he is also fiercely loyal to his friends and will go to great lengths to protect them.

His signature move is the “Fire Dragon's Roar,” which unleashes a powerful blast of flames from his mouth.

Natsu has a strong sense of justice and will always stand up for what he believes in, even if it means putting himself in danger.

He has a close relationship with his foster father, Igneel, a powerful fire dragon who taught him his magic.

Throughout the series, Natsu grows in strength and maturity, becoming a powerful mage and leader in his own right. Despite his flaws, Natsu's determination and loyalty make him a beloved character among fans of the series.

2. Lucy Heartfilia

NameLucy Heartfilia
Alias“The Celestial Spirit Mage”
MagicCelestial Spirit Magic
GuildFairy Tail
OccupationMage, Writer
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 1

Lucy Heartfilia is one of the main protagonists of the Fairy Tail series. She is a celestial wizard who possesses the rare Celestial Spirit Magic that allows her to summon celestial spirits from another dimension to aid her in battle.

Lucy is kind-hearted, intelligent, and compassionate, often serving as the emotional center of the series. She has a strong desire to be accepted and loved by her friends and guildmates, which sometimes puts her in danger.

Lucy is also a talented writer and enjoys writing stories about her adventures with the guild. Throughout the series, she grows in strength and confidence, becoming a powerful mage in her own right.

Despite her fears and insecurities, Lucy is a brave and determined character who always puts her friends first.

Her close relationship with her celestial spirits, particularly her best friend Plue, adds a unique and endearing element to her character. Overall, Lucy is a beloved character among fans of the series for her kindness, intelligence, and bravery.

3. Gray Fullbuster

NameGray Fullbuster
Alias“Ice-Make Mage”
MagicIce-Make Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 1

Gray Fullbuster is one of the main protagonists of the Fairy Tail series. He is an ice wizard who possesses the rare Ice-Make Magic that allows him to create objects out of ice.

Gray is initially portrayed as a rival to Natsu, but he later becomes one of his closest friends and allies.

Gray is calm and level-headed, often serving as the voice of reason in the group. He is also a bit of a lone wolf, preferring to work alone rather than in a team.

Despite this, Gray is fiercely loyal to his friends and will do anything to protect them. His signature move is the “Ice-Make: Lance,” which creates a spear made of ice that can pierce through almost anything.

Gray has a tragic past involving the death of his parents at the hands of the demon Deliora, which motivates him to become stronger and seek revenge.

Throughout the series, he grows in strength and maturity, becoming a powerful mage in his own right.

Gray's cool demeanor, tragic backstory, and powerful magic make him a beloved character among fans of the series.

4. Erza Scarlet

NameErza Scarlet
Alias“Titania”, “Queen of the Fairies”
MagicRequip Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 1

Erza Scarlet is one of the main protagonists of the Fairy Tail series. She is a powerful mage who possesses the rare Requip Magic that allows her to instantly change her armor and weapons in battle.

Erza is known for her strict and serious personality, often enforcing the rules of the guild and keeping her teammates in line. Despite this, she cares deeply for her friends and is fiercely loyal to them.

Her signature armor is the “Heart Kreuz,” which provides her with enhanced strength and durability.

Erza has a tragic past involving her enslavement as a child and her subsequent escape, which motivates her to become stronger and fight for justice.

Throughout the series, she grows in strength and confidence, becoming a powerful leader in her own right.

Erza's no-nonsense attitude, tragic backstory, and powerful magic make her a beloved character among fans of the series.

She is often referred to as “Titania,” the queen of the fairies, and is respected and admired by her fellow guildmates.

5. Jellal Fernandes

NameJellal Fernandes
Alias“Siegrain”, “Mystogan”
MagicHeavenly Body Magic
GuildCrime Sorcière
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 76

Jellal Fernandes is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He was initially introduced as a villain known as “Siegrain,” a member of the magic council who was working with the dark guild Oración Seis.

Jellal possesses the rare Heavenly Body Magic that allows him to manipulate the stars and planets.

Despite his villainous past, Jellal is a complex character who is ultimately revealed to be a victim of circ*mstance.

He was brainwashed by the dark guild, causing him to commit heinous acts and lose his memories. Jellal eventually joins the reformed dark guild Crime Sorcière in an effort to atone for his past sins.

His signature move is the “Grand Chariot,” which creates a large constellation of stars that crashes down on his enemies.

Jellal is a serious and introspective character who is haunted by his past actions. He cares deeply for his friends and is willing to sacrifice himself to protect them.

Despite his troubled past, Jellal is a beloved character among fans of the series for his complexity, power, and sense of honor.

He is also known for his brief stint as the wizard “Mystogan,” a member of Fairy Tail who concealed his identity with a mask.

6. Gajeel Redfox

NameGajeel Redfox
Alias“Black Steel”
MagicIron Dragon Slayer Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 48

Gajeel Redfox is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He was initially introduced as a villain and a member of the dark guild Phantom Lord, but he later becomes a member of Fairy Tail.

Gajeel possesses the rare Iron Dragon Slayer Magic that allows him to produce and manipulate iron.

He is known for his tough and gruff exterior, but he has a softer side that he shows to his friends.

Gajeel is fiercely loyal to his guild and his friends, and he will do anything to protect them.

His signature move is the “Iron Dragon's Roar,” which unleashes a powerful blast of iron from his mouth.

Gajeel has a troubled past involving his time as a member of Phantom Lord and his subsequent exile from his hometown.

He is haunted by his past actions and struggles with his feelings of guilt and regret. Throughout the series, Gajeel grows in strength and maturity, becoming a powerful mage in his own right.

Despite his rough exterior, Gajeel is a beloved character among fans of the series for his loyalty, strength, and growth as a person.

7. Mirajane Strauss

NameMirajane Strauss
Alias“The Demon”
MagicTake Over Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 4

Mirajane Strauss is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a powerful mage who possesses the rare Take Over Magic that allows her to transform into various monsters and creatures.

Mirajane is known for her gentle and kind personality, often serving as a big sister figure to her guildmates.

However, she also has a dark side that she hides from others. Mirajane was once known as “The Demon,” a ruthless mage who used her powers for evil.

She turned to a kinder path after the death of her younger sister, Lisanna, and the disappearance of her older brother, Elfman.

Her signature form is the “Satan Soul,” which transforms her into a demonic form with enhanced strength and power.

Mirajane cares deeply for her friends and is willing to put herself in danger to protect them.

Throughout the series, she helps her guildmates grow and mature, serving as a mentor and role model to many. Mirajane is a beloved character among fans of the series for her kindness, power, and inner strength.

8. Juvia Lockser

NameJuvia Lockser
Alias“Rain Woman”
MagicWater Magic, Unison Raid
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 56

Juvia Lockser is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a water mage who possesses the rare Water Magic that allows her to control and manipulate water.

Juvia is initially introduced as a villain, a member of the dark guild Phantom Lord who is obsessed with her love interest Gray Fullbuster.

After the defeat of Phantom Lord, she joins Fairy Tail and becomes a valuable member of the guild.

Juvia is known for her love of Gray and her tendency to become emotional and dramatic. She is also fiercely loyal to her friends and will do anything to protect them.

Her signature move is the “Water Lock,” which creates a sphere of water that can trap her enemies.

Juvia is often seen working with her friend and fellow water mage, Lucy Heartfilia, in powerful unison raids that combine their magic.

Throughout the series, Juvia grows in strength and confidence, becoming a powerful mage in her own right.

Despite her emotional tendencies, Juvia is a beloved character among fans of the series for her loyalty, power, and unique personality.

9. Wendy Marvell

NameWendy Marvell
Alias“Sky Sorceress”
MagicSky Dragon Slayer Magic, Enchantment Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 129

Wendy Marvell is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a Sky Dragon Slayer who possesses the rare Sky Dragon Slayer Magic that allows her to produce and manipulate air.

Wendy is initially introduced as a timid and shy girl who is often afraid of fighting. However, she grows in confidence and strength throughout the series, becoming a powerful mage in her own right.

Wendy is known for her kind and gentle personality, often serving as a healer and support mage for her guildmates.

Her signature move is the “Sky Dragon's Roar,” which unleashes a powerful blast of air from her mouth. Wendy also possesses Enchantment Magic, which allows her to enhance her allies' abilities and weaken her enemies' defenses.

Wendy cares deeply for her friends and is willing to put herself in danger to protect them. She has a close relationship with her dragon mentor, Grandeeney, and is often seen wearing a scarf that was made by her.

Wendy is a beloved character among fans of the series for her kindness, growth, and unique abilities.

10. Laxus Dreyar

NameLaxus Dreyar
Alias“Thunder Legion”, “Lightning Dragon Slayer”
MagicLightning Dragon Slayer Magic, Thunder God Tribe Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 47

Laxus Dreyar is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a powerful mage who possesses the rare Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic that allows him to produce and control lightning.

Laxus is initially introduced as an antagonist, a member of Fairy Tail who seeks to take over the guild from his grandfather, Makarov.

He is known for his arrogant and aggressive personality, often causing trouble for his fellow guildmates.

However, Laxus later becomes an ally and friend to the guild, helping them in their battles against other threats.

Laxus also possesses Thunder God Tribe Magic, which allows him to create and control thunder. His signature move is the “Roaring Thunder,” which unleashes a powerful blast of lightning from his hands.

Laxus cares deeply for his friends and is willing to protect them at all costs. He has a troubled past involving his father and his subsequent exile from the guild.

Throughout the series, Laxus grows in maturity and learns to control his emotions, becoming a powerful leader and mage in his own right.

Laxus is a beloved character among fans of the series for his power, growth, and loyalty to his friends.

11. Happy

GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 1

Happy is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is an Exceed, a race of flying cat-like creatures from the world of Edolas.

Happy is known for his cheerful and carefree personality, often providing comic relief in the series.

He is best friends with Natsu Dragneel and often accompanies him on his adventures. Happy possesses the rare Aera magic, which allows him to fly and carry objects and people through the air.

He is often seen carrying Natsu on his back during their travels. Happy has a close relationship with his adoptive mother, Charle, another Exceed who serves as a fortune teller.

Throughout the series, Happy grows in strength and confidence, becoming a valuable member of the Fairy Tail guild.

Despite his small size and seemingly weak abilities, Happy has proven himself to be a capable and loyal ally to his friends.

Happy is a beloved character among fans of the series for his humor, loyalty, and adorable appearance.

12. Carla

MagicAera, Precognition Magic
GuildFairy Tail
OccupationExceed, Fortune Teller
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 101

Carla, also known by her former name Charle, is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. She is an Exceed, a race of flying cat-like creatures from the world of Edolas.

Carla is initially introduced as a member of the Edolas Royal Army, but she later becomes a member of Fairy Tail.

She is known for her serious and no-nonsense personality, often serving as a voice of reason for her friends.

Carla possesses the rare Aera magic, which allows her to fly and carry objects and people through the air.

She also has Precognition Magic, which allows her to see into the future and predict upcoming events.

Carla serves as the fortune teller for the guild and is often consulted for her predictions. She has a close relationship with her adoptive son, Happy, and is often seen scolding him for his carefree attitude.

Throughout the series, Carla grows in strength and confidence, becoming a valuable member of the Fairy Tail guild. Despite her serious demeanor, Carla is a beloved character among fans of the series for her wisdom, loyalty, and maternal instincts.

13. Zeref Dragneel

NameZeref Dragneel
Alias“Black Wizard”
AgeOver 400
MagicBlack Arts Magic, Death Magic, Ankhseram Black Magic
OccupationMage, Emperor
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 200

Zeref Dragneel is a major antagonist in the Fairy Tail series. He is a powerful mage who possesses the rare Black Arts Magic, which allows him to create and control demons and undead creatures.

Zeref is known for his cold and detached personality, often causing destruction and chaos wherever he goes.

He is also the older brother of Natsu Dragneel, one of the main protagonists of the series.

Zeref has a tragic past involving his creation of the demons known as Etherious and the subsequent loss of his loved ones.

He is cursed with the Ankhseram Black Magic, which causes anyone who loves him to die. Zeref seeks to find a way to break this curse and end his own life.

His signature move is the “Death Magic,” which allows him to instantly kill anything he touches.

Zeref is also the former emperor of the Alvarez Empire, a nation of powerful mages who seek to conquer the world.

Throughout the series, Zeref serves as a major villain and threat to the heroes, with his ultimate goal being to end the world and create a new one without suffering.

Despite his villainous nature, Zeref is a complex character who is haunted by his past actions and struggles with his own desires. He is a formidable opponent and a beloved character among fans of the series for his power, tragic backstory, and conflicted personality.

14. Acnologia

Alias“Black Dragon”
AgeOver 400
MagicDragon Slayer Magic, Transformation Magic
OccupationDragon, Mage
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 301

Acnologia is a major antagonist in the Fairy Tail series. He is a powerful dragon who possesses the rare Dragon Slayer Magic, which allows him to produce and control various elements associated with dragons.

Acnologia is known for his destructive and cruel nature, often causing chaos and destruction wherever he goes.

He is also feared as the strongest dragon in existence, with the ability to destroy entire cities and countries with ease.

Acnologia was originally a human mage who used Dragon Slayer Magic to fight dragons. However, he was transformed into a dragon himself after a battle with the dragons, causing him to lose his humanity and become consumed by his desire for destruction.

His signature move is the “Dragon's Roar,” which unleashes a powerful blast of energy from his mouth.

Acnologia serves as the ultimate antagonist of the series, with his goal being to destroy all dragons and humanity itself.

He is ultimately defeated by the combined efforts of the main characters, sacrificing himself to save the world from his own destruction.

Despite his villainous nature, Acnologia is a feared and respected character among fans of the series for his power, intimidating presence, and tragic backstory.

15. Mavis Vermillion

NameMavis Vermillion
Alias“Fairy Tactician”
AgeOver 100
MagicFairy Magic
GuildFairy Tail
OccupationMage, Guild Master
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 200

Mavis Vermillion is a major character in the Fairy Tail series. She is the founder of the Fairy Tail guild and is revered as a legendary figure among its members.

Mavis is known for her kind and gentle personality, as well as her brilliant tactical mind. She possesses the rare Fairy Magic, which allows her to create and manipulate light.

Mavis is also able to use her magic to predict the outcome of battles and make strategic plans for her guild.

Despite her power and intelligence, Mavis is haunted by a tragic past involving her creation of the powerful and destructive magic known as the “Law” and the subsequent loss of her loved ones.

She spends much of her life searching for a way to bring them back to life. Mavis ultimately serves as the first Guild Master of Fairy Tail, leading the guild to greatness and helping its members grow and mature.

She is a beloved character among fans of the series for her kindness, intelligence, and tragic backstory.

Mavis is ultimately killed by the dark mage Zeref, but her legacy and influence on the Fairy Tail guild continue to be felt throughout the series.

16. Cana Alberona

NameCana Alberona
Alias“Fairy Woman”
MagicCard Magic, Fairy Glitter
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 35

Cana Alberona is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage who possesses the rare Card Magic, which allows her to produce and control magical cards with various effects.

Cana is known for her love of alcohol and her tendency to drink heavily. She is also fiercely loyal to her friends and will do anything to protect them.

Cana's signature move is the “Fairy Glitter,” a powerful spell that unleashes a blinding light and massive explosion of magic.

Cana has a troubled past involving her relationship with her father, Gildarts, and her subsequent desire to become a powerful mage like him.

She often struggles with her own insecurities and fears of failure. Cana is a valued member of the Fairy Tail guild, serving as a powerful ally and friend to her guildmates.

Throughout the series, she grows in strength and maturity, learning to overcome her personal struggles and become a more confident mage. Cana is a beloved character among fans of the series for her unique magic, love of alcohol, and loyalty to her friends.

17. Elfman Strauss

NameElfman Strauss
Alias“Beast Arm Elfman”
MagicBeast Soul Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 24

Elfman Strauss is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage who possesses the rare Beast Soul Magic, which allows him to transform into various animals and gain their physical abilities.

Elfman is known for his serious and stoic personality, often serving as a voice of reason for his more impulsive guildmates.

He is also fiercely loyal to his family and will do anything to protect them. Elfman's signature move is the “Full-Body Takeover,” which transforms him into a powerful animal with enhanced physical abilities.

He is also able to use his magic to enhance his allies' abilities and weaken his enemies' defenses.

Elfman has a troubled past involving the loss of his younger sister, Lisanna, and his subsequent guilt and desire to protect his remaining family members.

Throughout the series, Elfman grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more capable and confident mage.

He is a valued member of the Fairy Tail guild, often serving as a powerful ally in battle. Elfman is a beloved character among fans of the series for his unique magic, loyalty to his family, and stoic personality.

18. Levy McGarden

NameLevy McGarden
Alias“Solid Script”
MagicSolid Script Magic, Machine Dragon Slayer Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 48

Levy McGarden is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage who possesses the rare Solid Script Magic, which allows her to produce and control magical words with various effects.

Levy is known for her intelligence and love of books, often serving as the guild's librarian and researcher.

She is also a loyal friend and ally, always willing to help her guildmates in their battles. Levy's signature move is the “Solid Script: Thunder,” which produces a powerful lightning strike from the written word.

Later in the series, Levy also gains the ability to use Machine Dragon Slayer Magic, which allows her to produce and control metal.

Levy has a close relationship with her fellow guildmate, Gajeel Redfox, who also possesses Dragon Slayer Magic. She often serves as a voice of reason for him and helps him control his more aggressive tendencies.

Throughout the series, Levy grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more confident and capable mage.

She is a valued member of the Fairy Tail guild and serves as a key ally in many battles. Levy is a beloved character among fans of the series for her intelligence, kindness, and unique magic.

19. Gildarts Clive

NameGildarts Clive
Alias“Gildarts the Destroyer”
MagicCrash Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 145

Gildarts Clive is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage who possesses the rare Crash Magic, which allows him to break down any material he touches into tiny particles.

Gildarts is known for his laid-back and carefree personality, often taking naps or going on long trips instead of focusing on his duties as a mage.

He is also a legendary figure among the members of the Fairy Tail guild, revered for his immense strength and power.

Gildarts is a father figure to many of the younger members of the guild, often offering them advice and guidance.

His signature move is the “Crush,” which breaks down any material he touches into dust. Gildarts has a troubled past involving his relationship with his daughter, Cana, and his subsequent desire to protect her.

He also has a fear of accidentally destroying everything around him with his magic, causing him to hold back in battles.

Throughout the series, Gildarts grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more responsible and focused mage.

He is a valued member of the Fairy Tail guild and serves as a mentor to many of its younger members. Gildarts is a beloved character among fans of the series for his immense power, laid-back personality, and fatherly nature.

20. Sting Eucliffe

NameSting Eucliffe
Alias“White Dragon”
MagicWhite Dragon Slayer Magic, Light Magic
OccupationMage, Guild Master
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 254

Sting Eucliffe is a major character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage who possesses the rare White Dragon Slayer Magic, which allows him to produce and control white flames associated with dragons.

Sting is known for his serious and determined personality, often striving to become stronger and more capable as a mage.

He is also the current Guild Master of the Sabertooth guild, a rival guild to Fairy Tail. Sting's signature move is the “Holy Nova,” which unleashes a powerful blast of light magic.

He also possesses a form of dragon force, which enhances his physical abilities and magic power.

Sting has a troubled past involving the loss of his dragon parent and his subsequent desire to become stronger to protect those he cares about.

Throughout the series, he grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more capable and responsible Guild Master.

Sting eventually forms an alliance with Fairy Tail to defeat a common enemy, and he develops a close relationship with the Fairy Tail mage, Rogue Cheney. Sting is a beloved character among fans of the series for his determination, power, and tragic backstory.

21. Rogue Cheney

NameRogue Cheney
Alias“Shadow Dragon”
MagicShadow Dragon Slayer Magic, Shadow Magic
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 254

Rogue Cheney is a major character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage who possesses the rare Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic, which allows him to produce and control shadows associated with dragons.

Rogue is known for his quiet and reserved personality, often keeping to himself and avoiding social interactions.

He is also fiercely loyal to his guild, Sabertooth, and will do anything to protect its reputation. Rogue's signature move is the “Shadow Drive,” which enhances his physical abilities and magic power.

He is also able to use his magic to create and manipulate shadows for various effects. Rogue has a troubled past involving the loss of his dragon parent and his subsequent desire to become stronger to protect those he cares about.

He also has a close relationship with his fellow Sabertooth member, Sting Eucliffe. Throughout the series, Rogue grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more confident and capable mage.

He eventually forms an alliance with Fairy Tail to defeat a common enemy and learns to open up more to his guildmates. Rogue is a beloved character among fans of the series for his quiet strength, loyalty, and unique magic.

22. Ultear Milkovich

NameUltear Milkovich
Alias“The Third Mage”
MagicArc of Time Magic, Ice-Make Magic
GuildGrimoire Heart
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 130

Ultear Milkovich is a major character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage who possesses the rare Arc of Time Magic, which allows her to manipulate time itself.

Ultear is known for her cunning and manipulative personality, often using her magic and intelligence to achieve her goals.

She is also fiercely loyal to her mother, the dark mage Zeref, and will do anything to please him.

Ultear's signature move is the “Last Ages,” which ages her target to dust. She is also able to use Ice-Make Magic to create and manipulate ice.

Ultear has a troubled past involving her estranged relationship with her mother and her subsequent desire for power and revenge.

She eventually joins the dark guild Grimoire Heart and serves as one of its most powerful members.

Ultear serves as a major antagonist in the series, but her backstory and tragic past make her a sympathetic character to many fans.

She ultimately sacrifices herself to undo the damage she caused and save the world from destruction. Ultear is a complex and intriguing character, known for her intelligence, manipulation, and tragic past.

23. Frosch

First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 267

Frosch is a minor character in the Fairy Tail series. He is an Exceed, a race of anthropomorphic cats with the ability to fly.

Frosch is known for his childlike and innocent personality, often expressing confusion or excitement over simple things. He is also fiercely loyal to his guild, Sabertooth, and its members.

Frosch is a close friend of Rogue Cheney and often accompanies him on missions. Despite not possessing any magical abilities, Frosch is able to contribute to his guild in various ways, including serving as a lookout or a messenger.

He is also known for his unique speech patterns, often referring to himself in the third person and making grammatical errors.

Frosch is a beloved character among fans of the series for his cute and innocent personality, as well as his close friendship with Rogue.

24. Zancrow

Alias“Flame God”
MagicFlame God Slayer Magic, Fire Magic
GuildGrimoire Heart
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 214

Zancrow is a minor antagonist in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage who possesses the rare Flame God Slayer Magic, which allows him to produce and control flames associated with a god of fire.

Zancrow is known for his sad*stic and cruel personality, often reveling in the pain and suffering of others.

He is also fiercely loyal to his dark guild, Grimoire Heart, and its leader, Hades. Zancrow's signature move is the “Flame God's Bellow,” which unleashes a powerful blast of flames.

He is also able to use regular Fire Magic for various effects. Zancrow serves as one of the main antagonists of the Tenrou Island arc, where he fights against several members of the Fairy Tail guild.

He is ultimately defeated and killed by the guild's strongest member, Gildarts Clive. Zancrow is a villainous character who is hated by many fans of the series for his sad*stic nature and his role in causing harm to the main characters.

25. Kagura Mikazuchi

NameKagura Mikazuchi
MagicGravity Change, Sword Magic
GuildMermaid Heel
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 258

Kagura Mikazuchi is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage who possesses the rare Gravity Change magic, which allows her to control the gravity around her and her opponents.

Kagura is known for her serious and stoic personality, often keeping to herself and avoiding social interactions.

She is also fiercely loyal to her guild, Mermaid Heel, and will do anything to protect its members.

Kagura's signature move is the “Gravity Magic Sword” technique, which enhances the cutting power of her sword by manipulating gravity.

She is also a skilled swordswoman, capable of fighting off multiple opponents at once. Kagura has a tragic past involving the murder of her older brother, and she seeks revenge against his killer, Jellal Fernandes.

Throughout the series, Kagura grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more confident and capable mage.

She eventually forms a close relationship with her fellow guildmate, Millianna, and helps her overcome her own traumatic past. Kagura is a beloved character among fans of the series for her strength, determination, and tragic backstory.

26. Freed Justine

NameFreed Justine
Alias“Freed the Dark”
MagicDark Écriture Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 103

Freed Justine is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage who possesses the rare Dark Écriture Magic, which allows him to produce and control magical letters that have various effects.

Freed is known for his serious and stoic personality, often following the rules and protocols of his guild to the letter.

He is also fiercely loyal to his guild, Fairy Tail, and will do anything to protect its members. Freed's signature move is the “Dark Écriture: Destruction,” which produces a blast of energy from a written letter.

He is also able to use his magic to create various other effects, such as sealing or restraining opponents.

Freed has a troubled past involving his upbringing in a strict and abusive family, which led him to seek refuge in the rules and structure of his guild.

Throughout the series, Freed grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more confident and capable mage.

He eventually forms a close relationship with his fellow guildmate, Bickslow, and helps him overcome his own issues. Freed is a beloved character among fans of the series for his intelligence, loyalty, and unique magic.

27. Bickslow

Alias“Bickslow of the Thunder God Tribe”
MagicHuman Possession Magic, Thunder God Tribe Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 124

Bickslow is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage who possesses the rare Human Possession Magic, which allows him to take control of the bodies of others.

Bickslow is also a member of the Thunder God Tribe, a group of mages who possess a unique form of magic that allows them to produce and control lightning.

Bickslow is known for his easygoing and carefree personality, often joking around and teasing his guildmates.

He is also fiercely loyal to his guild, Fairy Tail, and will do anything to protect its members. Bickslow's signature move is the “Human Possession: Laki,” which takes control of the body of his opponent.

He is also able to use his Thunder God Tribe magic to produce and control lightning for various effects.

Bickslow has a close relationship with his fellow guildmates, Freed and Evergreen, and often accompanies them on missions.

Throughout the series, Bickslow grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more capable and responsible mage.

He also learns to confront and overcome his own personal demons, including his fear of losing control of his magic. Bickslow is a beloved character among fans of the series for his humor, loyalty, and unique magic.

28. Evergreen

Alias“Fairy Woman”
MagicStone Eyes Magic, Fairy Magic
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 48

Evergreen is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage who possesses the rare Stone Eyes Magic, which allows her to turn anyone who looks into her eyes into stone.

Evergreen is also a member of the Fairy Tail guild and is known for her haughty and confident personality, often boasting about her own beauty and strength.

She is fiercely loyal to her guild and will do anything to protect its members. Evergreen's signature move is the “Fairy Bomb: Gremlin,” which turns her opponent into stone.

She is also able to use Fairy Magic to produce various effects, such as enhancing her speed or strength.

Evergreen has a close relationship with her fellow guildmates, Bickslow and Freed, and often accompanies them on missions.

Throughout the series, Evergreen grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more capable and responsible mage.

She also learns to confront and overcome her own personal demons, including her fear of losing her beauty. Evergreen is a beloved character among fans of the series for her confidence, humor, and unique magic.

29. Pantherlily

MagicAera, Battle Mode Shift
GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 134

Pantherlily is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is an Exceed, a race of anthropomorphic cats with the ability to fly.

Pantherlily is known for his serious and no-nonsense personality, often serving as a voice of reason for his guildmates.

He is also fiercely loyal to his guild, Fairy Tail, and will do anything to protect its members. Pantherlily's signature move is the “Battle Mode Shift,” which allows him to transform into a larger and more powerful form for combat.

He is also able to use Aera, a type of magic that allows him to fly and levitate objects. Pantherlily has a troubled past involving his previous affiliation with the dark guild, Edolas, and his subsequent desire for redemption.

Throughout the series, Pantherlily grows in strength and maturity, becoming a more confident and capable Exceed.

He forms a close relationship with his guildmate, Gajeel Redfox, and often accompanies him on missions. Pantherlily is a beloved character among fans of the series for his loyalty, wisdom, and unique abilities.

30. Minerva Orland

NameMinerva Orland
Alias“Sabertooth's strongest woman”
MagicTerritory, Gravity Magic
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 264

Minerva Orland is a major antagonist-turned-supporting character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage who possesses the rare Territory magic, which allows her to create a pocket dimension where she can control the laws of physics.

Minerva is also capable of using Gravity Magic to manipulate the gravity around her opponents. Minerva is known for her cruel and sad*stic personality, often reveling in the pain and suffering of others.

She is also fiercely loyal to her guild, Sabertooth, and will do anything to protect its members.

Minerva's signature move is the “Territory: Cube,” which traps her opponents in a pocket dimension where she can control their movements.

She is also able to use Gravity Magic to produce various effects, such as lifting or crushing objects.

Throughout the series, Minerva undergoes a character arc where she confronts and overcomes her own personal demons, including her abusive father and her own desire for power.

She eventually defects from Sabertooth and joins forces with Fairy Tail to fight against the main antagonist, Zeref.

Minerva is a complex and intriguing character, known for her strength, cruelty, and eventual redemption.

31. August

Alias“The Magic King”
MagicCopy Magic, Telekinesis, Enchantment
GuildSpriggan 12
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 440

August is a major antagonist in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Spriggan 12, an elite group of mages who serve under the main antagonist, Zeref.

August is known for his immense magical power, which has earned him the title of “The Magic King.”

He is capable of using Copy Magic, which allows him to replicate any type of magic he has observed, as well as Telekinesis and Enchantment Magic.

August is also known for his gentle and compassionate personality, often showing kindness and respect to his opponents.

He is fiercely loyal to Zeref and will do anything to protect him. August's signature move is the “Copy Magic: Deus Sema,” which allows him to replicate the magic of his opponents and use it against them.

He is also able to use his Telekinesis and Enchantment Magic to manipulate objects and people.

August serves as one of the main antagonists of the Alvarez Empire arc, where he fights against several members of the Fairy Tail guild.

He is ultimately defeated and killed by the guild's strongest member, Natsu Dragneel. August is a complex and tragic character, known for his immense power, gentle personality, and loyalty to his cause.

32. Irene Belserion

NameIrene Belserion
Alias“Scarlet Despair”
AgeOver 400
MagicUniverse One, Enchantment, Dragon Slayer Magic
GuildSpriggan 12
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 462

Irene Belserion is a major antagonist in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage and a member of the Spriggan 12, an elite group of mages who serve under the main antagonist, Zeref.

Irene is known for her immense magical power, which includes the ability to cast “Universe One,” a spell that alters reality on a global scale.

She is also capable of using Enchantment Magic and Dragon Slayer Magic. Irene is a complex and tragic character, with a past that involves being transformed into a dragon and separated from her human form.

She seeks to reunite with her human body and ultimately becomes a tragic figure, forced to confront the devastating consequences of her own actions.

Irene's signature move is the “Universe One” spell, which alters the physical and magical properties of the entire world.

She is also able to use her Enchantment Magic to manipulate the thoughts and emotions of others, as well as her Dragon Slayer Magic to control and absorb the power of dragons.

Irene serves as one of the main antagonists of the Alvarez Empire arc, where she fights against several members of the Fairy Tail guild.

She is ultimately defeated and killed by her own daughter, Erza Scarlet. Irene is a complex and tragic character, known for her immense power, tragic backstory, and heartbreaking end.

33. God Serena

NameGod Serena
Magic8 Dragon Slayer Magic
GuildSpriggan 12
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 440

God Serena is a major antagonist in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Spriggan 12, an elite group of mages who serve under the main antagonist, Zeref.

God Serena is known for his immense magical power, which includes the ability to use 8 different Dragon Slayer Magics, making him one of the most powerful mages in the series.

God Serena is also known for his arrogant and boastful personality, often underestimating his opponents and flaunting his own strength.

His signature moves include the “Dragon Slayer Secret Arts,” which allow him to use powerful attacks specific to each of his 8 Dragon Slayer Magics.

God Serena serves as one of the main antagonists of the Alvarez Empire arc, where he fights against several members of the Fairy Tail guild.

He is ultimately defeated and killed by the guild's strongest member, Acnologia. God Serena is a formidable opponent, known for his immense power, arrogance, and versatility in battle.

34. Brandish μ

NameBrandish μ
MagicCommand T, Size Change
GuildSpriggan 12
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 440

Brandish μ is a major character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage and a member of the Spriggan 12, an elite group of mages who serve under the main antagonist, Zeref.

Brandish is known for her unique magic, which includes the ability to use “Command T,” a spell that allows her to manipulate the size of any object she chooses.

She can also use her magic to shrink or grow herself, making her more difficult to hit in combat.

Brandish is also known for her calm and collected personality, often maintaining a stoic demeanor in the face of danger.

She forms a close relationship with the Fairy Tail member, Lucy Heartfilia, and helps her and her friends on several occasions.

Brandish serves as one of the major antagonists of the Alvarez Empire arc, where she initially fights against the members of Fairy Tail, but later defects and joins forces with them.

Brandish is a complex and intriguing character, known for her unique magic, stoic personality, and eventual redemption.

35. Jacob Lessio

NameJacob Lessio
Alias“Jacob of the Shadows”
MagicTransport, Stealth
GuildSpriggan 12
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 469

Jacob Lessio is a major antagonist in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Spriggan 12, an elite group of mages who serve under the main antagonist, Zeref.

Jacob is known for his unique magic, which includes the ability to transport himself and others to any location he desires, as well as the ability to become invisible and undetectable.

Jacob is also known for his cruel and sad*stic personality, often taking pleasure in the pain and suffering of others.

His signature move is the “Transport,” which allows him to move himself or others to any location, no matter the distance or obstacles in the way.

Jacob serves as one of the main antagonists of the Alvarez Empire arc, where he fights against several members of the Fairy Tail guild.

He is ultimately defeated and killed by one of his opponents, Cana Alberona. Jacob is a formidable opponent, known for his unique magic, cruelty, and cunning in battle.

36. Wahl Icht

NameWahl Icht
Alias“The Magic Bullet”
MagicMachina Soul, Bullet Magic
GuildSpriggan 12
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 447

Wahl Icht is a major antagonist in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Spriggan 12, an elite group of mages who serve under the main antagonist, Zeref.

Wahl is known for his unique magic, which includes the ability to use “Machina Soul,” a spell that allows him to transform his body into various technological weapons and gadgets.

He is also capable of using Bullet Magic, which allows him to fire powerful bullets at his opponents. Wahl is known for his analytical and methodical personality, often using his intellect to outsmart his opponents in battle.

His signature move is the “Machina Soul: Jupiter,” which transforms him into a powerful weapon capable of firing devastating blasts.

Wahl serves as one of the main antagonists of the Alvarez Empire arc, where he fights against several members of the Fairy Tail guild.

He is ultimately defeated and killed by one of his opponents, Laxus Dreyar. Wahl is a formidable opponent, known for his unique magic, intellect, and cunning in battle.

37. Gildarts Clive

NameGildarts Clive
Alias“Gildarts of the Guild”, “Ace of Fairy Tail”
MagicCrash Magic
GuildFairy Tail
OccupationMage, Guild Master
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 71

Gildarts Clive is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Fairy Tail guild, known for his immense magical power and laid-back personality.

Gildarts is also the father of the guild member, Cana Alberona. Gildarts is known for his Crash Magic, which allows him to disintegrate any object he touches, as well as the ability to manipulate his own body to increase his physical strength and speed.

Gildarts is also known for his carefree and easy-going personality, often preferring to avoid conflict and enjoy life to the fullest.

He serves as a mentor to many of the younger members of the guild, offering them advice and guidance in their quests to become stronger mages.

Gildarts is also the former Guild Master of Fairy Tail, having resigned from the position before the start of the series.

He is widely regarded as one of the most powerful mages in the guild, earning him the title of “Ace of Fairy Tail.”

Despite his laid-back attitude, Gildarts is fiercely loyal to his guild and will do anything to protect its members.

He has a close relationship with his daughter, Cana, and often tries to make up for lost time with her.

Gildarts is a beloved character among fans of the series for his immense power, carefree personality, and role as a mentor to the younger members of Fairy Tail.

38. Grandine

Alias“Sky Dragon”
MagicSky Dragon Slayer Magic
OccupationFormer Dragon Queen
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 162

Grandine, also known as the “Sky Dragon,” is a character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a dragon and the former Dragon Queen, known for her mastery of Sky Dragon Slayer Magic.

Grandine played a significant role in the backstory of the series, where she raised the main character, Wendy Marvell, as her own daughter after Wendy was orphaned.

Grandine is known for her kind and nurturing personality, often serving as a source of guidance and support for Wendy as she learned to control her magic.

Grandine is also known for her immense power, which includes the ability to control the winds and fly through the air.

She is one of the few dragons in the series who chose to live peacefully among humans, rather than ruling over them or destroying them.

Grandine's signature move is the “Sky Dragon's Roar,” which unleashes a powerful blast of wind and magic at her opponents.

Grandine plays a significant role in the Dragon Slayer-centric arcs of the series, where she provides guidance and support to Wendy and her friends.

She is ultimately killed by the main antagonist, Acnologia, but her legacy lives on through Wendy and her teachings.

Grandine is a beloved character among fans of the series, known for her kind and nurturing personality, as well as her mastery of Sky Dragon Slayer Magic.

39. Sherry Blendy

NameSherry Blendy
MagicHeavenly Body Magic, Celestial Spirit Magic
GuildFormerly of Legion Corps, Currently none
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 48

Sherry Blendy is a character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a mage who formerly served as a member of the Legion Corps, a group of mages who worked for the dark guild, Grimoire Heart.

Sherry is known for her mastery of Heavenly Body Magic, which allows her to manipulate the properties of celestial bodies such as stars and planets.

She is also capable of using Celestial Spirit Magic, which allows her to summon powerful spirits to aid her in battle.

Sherry is a complex character, known for her initial role as an antagonist in the series, but ultimately becoming a sympathetic character.

She is often depicted as kind and caring, and her initial involvement with Grimoire Heart is shown to have been out of a desire to avenge the death of her father, who was killed by a member of Fairy Tail.

Sherry later forms a close friendship with the Fairy Tail member, Lucy Heartfilia, and helps her and her friends on several occasions.

Sherry is a formidable opponent, known for her mastery of Heavenly Body Magic and her summoning of powerful celestial spirits.

While she is currently not affiliated with any guild, she remains an important character in the series, known for her complex personality and strong magical abilities.

40. Lyon Vastia

NameLyon Vastia
MagicIce-Make Magic
GuildLamia Scale
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 34

Lyon Vastia is a recurring character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Lamia Scale guild, known for his mastery of Ice-Make Magic.

Lyon is a complex character, known for his rivalry with the Fairy Tail member, Gray Fullbuster.

Lyon's obsession with defeating Gray stems from their shared past, where they were both students of the ice mage, Ur. Lyon's desire to surpass Gray and prove himself as the stronger mage often leads him into conflict with Gray and the members of Fairy Tail.

However, Lyon is also shown to be a caring and compassionate person, often risking his life to help others. Lyon's mastery of Ice-Make Magic allows him to create almost anything out of ice, from weapons to sculptures.

His signature move is the “Ice-Make: Demon,” which creates a powerful demonic creature out of ice.

Lyon serves as an ally to Fairy Tail on several occasions, helping them in their battles against common enemies.

He is also a close friend of the Lamia Scale member, Chelia Blendy, and often looks out for her well-being.

Lyon is a beloved character among fans of the series, known for his complex personality, powerful magical abilities, and relationship with Gray Fullbuster.

41. Rufus Lore

NameRufus Lore
MagicMemory-Make Magic
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 264

Rufus Lore is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Sabertooth guild, known for his mastery of Memory-Make Magic.

Rufus is a complex character, known for his analytical and methodical personality. He is often depicted as cold and calculating, preferring to think things through before taking action.

Rufus's Memory-Make Magic allows him to create and manipulate memories, making him a formidable opponent in battle.

He is capable of creating powerful illusions and erasing the memories of his opponents, making them easier to defeat.

Rufus's signature move is the “Memory-Make: Karma of the Burning Land,” which creates a powerful illusion of a burning wasteland that inflicts damage on his opponents.

Rufus serves as one of the main antagonists of the Grand Magic Games arc, where he fights against several members of Fairy Tail.

He is ultimately defeated by Gray Fullbuster, but later becomes an ally of the guild. Rufus is a complex and intriguing character, known for his mastery of Memory-Make Magic, analytical personality, and eventual redemption.

42. Cobra

MagicPoison Dragon Slayer Magic
GuildOración Seis
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 133

Cobra, also known by his real name Erik, is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a former member of the Oración Seis, a group of mages who worked for the dark guild, Grimoire Heart.

Cobra is known for his mastery of Poison Dragon Slayer Magic, which allows him to control and manipulate poisonous substances.

He is also capable of using a unique form of sensory magic, which allows him to hear the voices of others from a distance.

Cobra is initially depicted as a ruthless and sad*stic character, often taking pleasure in the pain and suffering of others.

However, he later becomes a more sympathetic character, showing remorse for his past actions and seeking redemption.

Cobra's signature move is the “Poison Dragon's Roar,” which unleashes a powerful blast of poisonous gas at his opponents.

Cobra serves as an antagonist in the Oración Seis arc of the series, where he fights against several members of Fairy Tail.

He is ultimately defeated and imprisoned, but later becomes an ally of the guild. Cobra is a complex and intriguing character, known for his mastery of Poison Dragon Slayer Magic, unique sensory magic, and eventual redemption.

43. Kinana

GuildFairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 52

Kinana is a character in the Fairy Tail series. She is a former member of the Dark Guild, Oración Seis, and the current barmaid at the Fairy Tail guild.

Kinana is known for her appearance as a serpent with the ability to speak human language.

She was initially transformed into this form by the Oración Seis member, Brain, who was experimenting with a Lost Magic called “Nemesis.”

After the defeat of Oración Seis, Kinana is returned to her human form and starts working as a barmaid at Fairy Tail.

Kinana is often depicted as shy and reserved, but she is a friendly and caring person who looks out for the well-being of others.

She has a close relationship with the Fairy Tail member, Gajeel Redfox, and it is hinted that they share a romantic interest in each other.

Kinana is known for her unique appearance as a serpent and her kind personality, making her a beloved character among fans of the series.

While she does not possess any magical abilities, Kinana is an important member of the Fairy Tail guild, serving as a barmaid and friend to its members.

44. Orga Nanagear

NameOrga Nanagear
MagicLightning God Slayer Magic
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 265

Orga Nanagear is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Sabertooth guild, known for his mastery of Lightning God Slayer Magic.

Orga is known for his calm and collected personality, rarely showing any emotion or excitement.

He is also known for his immense magical power, which includes the ability to control and manipulate lightning.

Orga's signature move is the “God Slayer's Secret Art: Thunder Ray,” which unleashes a powerful blast of lightning at his opponents.

Orga serves as one of the main antagonists of the Grand Magic Games arc, where he fights against several members of Fairy Tail.

He is ultimately defeated by Laxus Dreyar, a member of Fairy Tail, but later becomes an ally of the guild.

Orga is a powerful and intimidating character, known for his mastery of Lightning God Slayer Magic, calm personality, and eventual redemption.

45. Loke

Alias“The Lion”
MagicRegulus Magic
Celestial SpiritLeo
OccupationCelestial Spirit, Formerly a Mage
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 4

Loke, also known as “The Lion,” is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a Celestial Spirit, summoned by the Celestial Spirit Mage, Lucy Heartfilia.

Loke is known for his charismatic personality and his signature move, the “Regulus Impact,” which creates a powerful explosion of magical energy.

Loke's true form is that of a handsome young man with long hair and a confident demeanor.

He is one of Lucy's closest friends and allies, often providing support and advice to her in battle. Loke has a complex backstory, having once been a human mage who made a deal with a demon in exchange for power.

He was eventually saved by Lucy and the members of Fairy Tail, who helped him break the contract and become a Celestial Spirit.

Loke is also known for his close relationship with Aries, another Celestial Spirit who he often flirts with.

While he is no longer a mage, Loke remains an important character in the series, known for his charisma, power, and loyalty to Lucy and her friends.

46. Hibiki Lates

NameHibiki Lates
MagicArchive Magic
GuildBlue Pegasus
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 62

Hibiki Lates is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Blue Pegasus guild, known for his mastery of Archive Magic.

Hibiki is often depicted as a calm and collected individual, preferring to think things through before taking action.

His Archive Magic allows him to store and retrieve information, making him a valuable asset to his guild.

Hibiki is also capable of using his magic offensively, creating powerful blasts of magical energy.

Hibiki serves as a recurring ally to Fairy Tail, often providing them with valuable information and support.

He is known for his close relationship with the Fairy Tail member, Lucy Heartfilia, whom he often flirts with.

Hibiki is also a skilled musician, playing the violin and using his Archive Magic to create magical soundscapes.

While he is not as powerful as some of the other mages in the series, Hibiki remains an important character, known for his unique magical abilities, calm personality, and close relationship with Lucy Heartfilia.

47. Eve Tearm

NameEve Tearm
MagicNullification Magic
GuildBlue Pegasus
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 65

Eve Tearm is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a member of the Blue Pegasus guild, known for his mastery of Nullification Magic. Eve is often depicted as a serious and stoic individual, rarely showing emotion or excitement.

His Nullification Magic allows him to neutralize the magic of others, making him a formidable opponent in battle.

Eve is also capable of using his magic offensively, creating powerful blasts of magical energy. Eve serves as a recurring ally to Fairy Tail, often providing them with valuable information and support.

He is known for his close relationship with the Fairy Tail member, Ren Akatsuki, whom he often works with to gather information.

While he is not as prominent a character as some of the other mages in the series, Eve remains an important member of the Blue Pegasus guild, known for his mastery of Nullification Magic and his serious demeanor.

48. Mystogan

AliasJellal Fernandes
MagicMagic Staves
GuildFairy Tail
OccupationMage, King of Edolas
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 77

Mystogan, also known as Jellal Fernandes, is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a mage and a former member of the Fairy Tail guild, known for his mastery of Magic Staves.

Mystogan is often depicted as a mysterious and enigmatic character, rarely showing emotion or speaking more than necessary.

He wears a distinctive mask that covers his face and is known for his signature move, the “Sleep Magic: Nightmare.”

Mystogan's backstory is revealed over the course of the series, where it is revealed that he is actually Jellal Fernandes, a former member of the dark guild, Phantom Lord.

He was brainwashed by a powerful mage known as Zeref and forced to do his bidding, including creating the Tower of Heaven, a powerful weapon that threatened to destroy the world.

Mystogan is eventually freed from Zeref's control and becomes a member of Fairy Tail, but he is forced to leave the guild to become the King of Edolas, a parallel world to Earth Land.

Mystogan is known for his complex and tragic backstory, as well as his mastery of Magic Staves and enigmatic personality.

Despite being absent for much of the series, he remains a fan favorite character among fans of the series.

49. Zoldeo

MagicImmobilization Magic, Illusion Magic
GuildSpriggan 12
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 447

Zoldeo is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a member of the Spriggan 12, a group of elite mages who serve under Emperor Spriggan, the leader of the Alvarez Empire.

Zoldeo is known for his mastery of Immobilization Magic, which allows him to paralyze his opponents, as well as Illusion Magic, which allows him to create powerful illusions.

Zoldeo's appearance is distinctive, with long green hair and a skeletal mask covering his face.

He is initially depicted as a loyal member of the Alvarez Empire, willing to do whatever it takes to further its goals.

However, it is later revealed that Zoldeo is actually the older brother of the Fairy Tail member, Capricorn.

He was once a member of the Celestial Spirit World but was banished to Earth Land after he attempted to overthrow the Celestial Spirit King.

Zoldeo's desire to return to the Celestial Spirit World ultimately drives him to betray the Alvarez Empire and attempt to merge Earth Land and the Celestial Spirit World, leading to his death.

Zoldeo is a tragic and complex character, known for his mastery of Immobilization and Illusion Magic, as well as his twisted desire to return to the Celestial Spirit World.

50. Natsu Dragneel (Edolas)

Top 50 Best Fairy Tail Characters Of All Time | Wealth of Geeks (1)
NameNatsu Dragneel (Edolas)
MagicFire Magic
GuildEdolas Fairy Tail
First AppearanceFairy Tail Chapter 174

Natsu Dragneel (Edolas) is a character in the Fairy Tail series. He is a version of Natsu from the parallel world of Edolas, where he is a member of the Edolas Fairy Tail guild.

Natsu (Edolas) is known for his mastery of Fire Magic, which is similar to that of his Earth Land counterpart.

However, he is depicted as being much calmer and more level-headed than the Natsu from Earth Land.

Natsu (Edolas) is also shown to be more interested in cooking and other domestic activities than his Earth Land counterpart.

He serves as a recurring ally to the members of Fairy Tail in the Edolas arc of the series, helping them navigate the strange world of Edolas and ultimately playing a key role in defeating the evil king of Edolas.

Natsu (Edolas) is a unique and interesting take on the character of Natsu, known for his calm demeanor, domestic interests, and mastery of Fire Magic.

While he is not as prominent a character as his Earth Land counterpart, he remains an important part of the series and a fan favorite among fans of the series.

Top 50 Best Fairy Tail Characters Of All Time | Wealth of Geeks (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.