This Bagel Recipe For One Person Is The Easiest Way To Ensure You Never Have To Eat A Stale Breakfast (2024)

Joyous news from the kitchen: It's actually not that difficult to make a single bagel for yourself at home. You don't even need to be good at baking to achieve this bagel recipe for one person — all you need is your appetite, a few ingredients, and a lot of time. Of course, a lot of time doesn't mean you have to be shackled to the kitchen for the entirety of a day — the process of baking this breakfast favorite is not synonymous with a ball and chain. It just takes a few hours for the bagel dough to rise before it's ready to bake, but if you prepare the dough the night before you make your bagel, those hours will pass really quickly while you're sleeping.

You might be thinking, "but, Brittany, why would I make a bagel when I can just buy from the bakery next door?" I'd counter that baking for yourself counts as a meditation and self-care. Kneading dough for eight to 10 minutes helps rid you of stress that ails you just as well as an hour long guided ASMR meditation could, and that's because dough can act as an alternative sort of stress ball. Also, taking this time for yourself will result in ~achieving~ something: Namely, a satisfying and edible work of art that you can be so proud of, it makes it to your Instagram grid.

Baking a single bagel is a great way to acquaint yourself with the wonderful world of making bread at home. It's possible. It's fulfilling. It's a great way to continue the construction on your kitchen confidence. Why put on pants to leave the house for the been-sitting-here-for-a-while bakery bagel when you can enjoy a ~hot off the presses~ bagel of your own creation — at your leisure? Try making this classic bagel for one before ordering anything at the counter again. Wearing pants while doing so is optional.

For the bagel

  • 3 tbsp plus 1/4 tsp water
  • 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
  • 1 1/2 tsp honey or barley malt syrup
  • 1/2 cup bread flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt

For the poaching liquid

  • Water
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda

For the topping

  • Everything bagel seasoning (optional)
  • Sesame seeds (optional)
  • Poppy seeds (optional)

1. Stir the honey into the water. Combine the active dry yeast with the water and allow it to sit until it's frothy, about 10 minutes. If the yeast doesn't froth, it could be expired.

2. Combine the bread flour and the salt in a mixing bowl. Once the yeast has frothed, pour it into the flour and mix with a wooden spoon until a shaggy dough forms.

3. Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and knead until it's smooth and tacky, about 10 minutes. It should not be sticky. You're kneading to develop and strengthen the gluten so that your bagel can get that classic ~texture~. Don't skimp on time. If you've kneaded the dough to perfection, it should slowly rise and fill back in when pressed with your finger.

4. Lightly oil another bowl for mixing. Place the dough in the bowl and cover with cling wrap until it rises, doubling in size, about one to one and a half hours (depending on your kitchen's environment). You want to make sure that the dough isn't resting in a drafty location. A warmer place, such as the top of your refrigerator, is a good location for your dough rise.

5. Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and roll it into a log. Wrap the log around your fingers — thumb excluded — so that the two ends meet in the middle. Roll the two ends together on the work surface until they've morphed together. Make sure they're combined, or else the bagel will unravel when you poach it!

6. Once the bagel has been shaped, place it on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, cover with cling wrap, and place in the refrigerator for eight to 12 hours. It's a good idea to prepare the bagels before bed so that they can rise in the refrigerator overnight. (Just looking out for the logistics of your schedule!)

7. Ah, yes, baking day. On this glorious morning, pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit, then remove the bagel from the refrigerator 30 minutes before you plan on poaching and baking it. Overnight, it should have puffed up.

9. It's time to conduct a little experiment called the "FLOAT TEST." Now, it's important that your bagel passes this one. (Don't worry, it will pass.) Fill a mixing bowl with water, then place the bagel in the bowl. It should rise to the surface in a matter of seconds. If the bagel floats, it's ready for baking. If it doesn't, allow the bagel to rest in the fridge for 10 minutes more before trying again.

10. Prepare your poaching bath. Fill a medium saucepan with water and season it with a pinch of salt — really, just a pinch is fine. Once the water comes to a boil, stir in the honey and baking soda. Poach the bagel on one side for 45 seconds to one minute. Using a slotted spoon, flip the bagel and poach the other side for 45 seconds more. Transfer the bagel back to the baking sheet.

11. If using any seeds to top the bagel, sprinkle them on now. As little or as much as you desire. You are the captain of your bagel fate now.

12. Bake the bagel for 16 to 17 minutes, until it's golden brown.

13. Allow the bagel to cool slightly before devouring it.

Now that is what I'd call perfection. *chef's kiss*

Check out more Single Serving recipe ideas here for when your speed is less “entertaining my crew” and more “watching Netflix alone on my couch.”

This Bagel Recipe For One Person Is The Easiest Way To Ensure You Never Have To Eat A Stale Breakfast (2024)


How do you eat bagels for breakfast? ›

Top your bagel with fried or scrambled eggs, breakfast sausage, cheese, and tomato. Use your bagel as the bread for any sandwich. If you have a hankering for any kind of sandwich, make a bagel sandwich by layering ingredients between your sliced bagel halves. Feel free to get creative with toppings and condiments!

What is the secret to making bagels? ›

10 Tips for Making Schmear-Worthy Homemade Bagels
  • Moisture: Wetter dough means crispier bagels. ...
  • Water temp: The colder the better. ...
  • Dry active yeast: Let it chill. ...
  • Flour: Embrace the gluten. ...
  • Mixing: Low and slow is the way to go. ...
  • The rise: Your kitchen climate is A-okay. ...
  • Flavor kick: After the proof.
Jan 13, 2023

What makes the perfect bagel? ›

The 5 elements of great bagels
  1. Hydration (the amount of water the dough contains)
  2. Flour protein content (this dictates the amount of gluten in the dough)
  3. Shaping (determines how structured that gluten is)
  4. Fermentation time (affects both flavor and texture)
  5. Boiling (creates a shiny crust and adds flavor)
Jun 29, 2021

Why is boiling the bagel first an important step when making bagels? ›

Bagels, like pretzels, are boiled first to create a crunchy exterior. Bagels are boiled in water usually 30 to 60 seconds before hitting the oven. This boiling causes the starch on the exterior of the bread to gel and create a barrier from the interior dough.

Is it OK to eat a bagel for breakfast? ›

Bagels can be a part of a healthy breakfast if eaten with other foods that provide an overall nutritious and balanced meal. To enjoy bagels as part of a fulfilling breakfast, consider incorporating healthy fats as a bagel spread, such as avocado, hummus, or peanut butter.

Is it okay to eat a bagel everyday for breakfast? ›

"The portion size of most packaged bagels is equal to just over three slices of bread. Enjoying a bagel every morning is fine if you watch your portion size. Consider eating half a bagel one day and the other half the next day," says Laura M. Ali, M.S., RDN, a culinary nutritionist in Pittsburgh.

Why do you put baking soda in bagels? ›

Baking soda makes the water more alkaline, giving the bagels a pretzel-like quality that contributes to their chewiness. Just one teaspoon helps the bagels develop a shiny, dark-brown exterior as they bake.

What makes bagels in New York so good? ›

a regular bagel is the water you boil them in. Much like a specific vineyard terroir is used to make a wine, certain minerals in New York City tap water are attributed to creating the best bagels. These include low concentrations of calcium and magnesium and a high level of sediment.

Why do you dip bagels in water? ›

THE explanations of why a bagel is dipped in boiling water and why it has a hole in the middle are interconnected. First, the boiling water has a little sugar added to it, which serves to glaze the dough, and give it a satisfying surface texture when baked.

What is the healthiest thing to put on a bagel? ›

2 Tablespoons of egg salad gives you just 55 calories and 3.6 grams of fat, and yields 3 grams of protein, making it a good low calories choice. 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter is a clear winner, with a whopping 8 grams of protein that offset the 198 calories and the 16 grams of healthier than butter fats.

What kind of flour is best for bagels? ›

Bread flour – Because of its high protein content, bread flour makes these homemade bagels delightfully chewy. This recipe also works with all-purpose flour, they're just a bit less chewy than bagels made with bread flour. Maple syrup – It activates the yeast and gives the bagels a hint of sweetness.

What is the healthiest way to eat a bagel? ›

The Bottom Line

If you eat bagels regularly, choose whole-grain and pair with veggies, protein and healthy fat to stay full for hours and keep blood sugar stable. We love eggs, avocado and spinach on a toasted everything bagel.

Are Noah's bagels boiled? ›

But there's no boiling of the bagels baked by upstart Noah Alper, who opened Noah's New York Bagels almost two years ago. Steam is injected into Noah's oven to create fluffy, puffed-up bagels.

Why do my bagels fall apart when I boil them? ›

Over proofed dough will lose its strength too early and cause the bagels to deflate either during the second rise or while cooking. To correct this, try to find a warm, — not hot — spot to rise your dough.

Why are my bagels so chewy? ›

What Makes a Bagel Chewy? Bread flour is the essential ingredient to creating that distinct chewy bite we all crave in a bagel. Its high protein content creates a stiff dough that holds its shape while baking and develops more gluten for more chew.

Should bagels be served warm or cold? ›

A bagel should be eaten warm and, ideally, should be no more than four or five hours old when consumed. A few more bagel stipulations from my Times story: Bagels do not need six ounces of cream cheese on them.

Are you supposed to toast bagels? ›

"When it's a well-made bagel, you should toast only once it begins to [get] stale, which is usually two to three hours after it comes out of the oven," Weller told Insider. "Once it is stale, you should always toast a bagel."

What do you put inside a bagel? ›

  1. favorite bagels.
  2. almond or peanut butter with sliced bananas.
  3. almond or peanut butter with shredded coconut and mini chocolate chips.
  4. jam with chia seeds.
  5. cream cheese with sliced cucumbers and sun-dried tomatoes.
  6. cream cheese with sliced green and black olives.
  7. hummus with sliced tomatoes.
Oct 10, 2017

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