The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

pOXTCHABTBAUT BAILWAY. and after April 15th the city terminus of rad will be eetabliahed at Old Depot on 2un Fields street, new the levee, fcxcarsion to aad lrom tha Lake, same day, nri fra. rmntillv Station. 15 cents JSC oJ sad after above date the trains will run as fro the crrr. I s'tJock A.

FROM THE LAKE. o'clock AL tfe 10 life M. UH rs 4 P.M. lk 2H 3W 4H 8fe 0a Sundays the train will, bo run every half mut from 12 o'clock. M.

ahorse car will leave the citv every morula Hiottlorx.and the Lake one hour alter the last pueacers (or Geo tally Station most notify MMnaoctor prior to departure train. pylTI otf Genera Sprtntdn. tf EW OELXANB, MOBILE AND TEXAS B1ILROAD. SAP FROM MOBILE TO TESSAS CLOSED. Railroad and Bridges Completed.

now umw iiArvi J7 aad DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS through. Tthsut transfer, to Washing ton, Baltimore, madelphia, Mew Yerk and all Eastern cities. J.KACESLKEPING CABS through. TaThundred and fifteen miles in distance and Teral hours in time saved. Take the bHOBT rOuTE from New Orleans via Mobile.

passenger trains will leave and arrive as a regular intermediate stations, arrives at Mo Ueet2 1 M. siadays, tor Ocean Springs and intermediate Vjnilar and stations, arrives at Ocean a Fast Expres train wiU leave Mobile daily, JZ.jD p. stopping onlyiat the stations named JV Fast Express from New Orleans, and arrives at irew Orleans at 1:60 A. at. The Coast Accommodation train, returning ulr, except Sundays.

wiU leave Ocean springs iift A M. and arrive at New Orleans at 10 ATneierpress and Mail train, daily, will leave VrSL 7 A. arriving at Orleans Through ticket to all points sold at the office, Mory Butkling, opposite City Hotel, corner of and Common atreett. Local mileage ttojt ZzTrmei tor families and Arms 500 miles tor 20, S3 foSmuee for (30. are sold at the ticket office.

nmifi Freight Trams run daily, except Sun aw morning and evening, to and from Mobile. aneavred at foot ox Birod street, and Sgh bills of lading signed. CTSAW. L. FITCH.

Oeneral Freight allTO ly and Passenger Agent. tyw LOTTTHIAEIA A2TD TEXAS a MAXL BOtrn BETWEEN NEW OB. LA WKaTEKN LOUISIANA AND Tha Ferrr Boat wiU leave the foot of St. Ann net' BAILT, at 714 A. at, connecting with TBAXa, lattvtmc Aldacs at a IVketsfcrSOP miles at and an toe roan seta at omoe ox il'" cm the Tnha.

Inlrvmbl at New Iberia or St. Martiitrrille. Ala freight tar all landings en Bayon Vermilion, nualisililaJrr (Benders i eapt sil) fnam A. M. IMF.

at ttotoeeec Bfc Anns tr sua. Freights far all paints om Bayou Latoorohe, be and Lockportwill batraoa i ft throMtt stasia yet yen, U( Tin xionjna nraa vui naTw frtMB stations and platforms between mi ui Hooaani far and tram all points sa Bsyen Terrebonne between. JFTowma and the llnltflra ttT i 'hbU oa Little Cailkra between J. B. Blwland's Santotkm asm that of P.

J. Favy, Eaq. for and IrOBB ait Man em urana iimi unvini r. i.n'i nd that of Mr. Bntlac Bay via Hoams Branch, and mark destination TemswreGapatcnrmgnt must be delivered as 1 1'lilsnk ail freight received after that tou Will ro forward on nert days train.

gKynp FANTXELY, Saperintendent. For freight or passage apply at corner of Hatches and Magaaine streeta. He freight reeeived after o'clock. CHAS. A.

WHITNEY OCX, mylTl ly Agent. JOXTISIaNA DIVISI0S OI NEW OB trira, MOBILE AND TEXAS R.A IT.ROAD. mum KK TvrTg a T.TiHflTffVTT.T.n. Tmb Kmrn ftrtMM at 8 A. M.

Arrive as Donaldson ville at 12:15 Noon Liava mnaldannvllle at 1 P. M. Arrtvs at New Orleaaa at E0 F. M. Freight and passengers received and landed at wnarx, iooa or lauiiopo buwi.

vu 4omoai beard oX the. ferry boat while crossing the river. w. k. bayliey, Oeneral eaperintendent.

a CHARLES Lw FITCH. Oeneral Freight and Passenger Agent. Fl T3 ly a KJEW OBXiEABB, JAOEHOTf AND NOXXKXBS, ASTD MTSSTSSIPPI GXNTBAX BATLBOADS am their Passenger Oeaehea and Baggage their combined and hut on ahangp pp Nw York and all in. point, soorsper 13. n.

Finmi Tmia Bong DaQy, (axeept Bundays,) close wrniwiUow tarn V1CEHBTXB8 MEMPHIS, ST. LOUIS. CHIAOO. UOVIBVILUC, AND AXX POINTS BEYOND. Oars at night, Canton to Grand Juno.

tiom and Hsnihous. ihUF) flt. 0111 Tnte Baa Daily, preaaTzatna tattpotta, HOETH. EAST AND WEST. PARBTEH THE GSSAT NOBTHEBN 1CAHV Tim i New York, 6T Hears.

Pw pQaaB Palaea fHaaptag Can to Humboldt Ta and Louisville, Xy. Tatkat btoea, Oalrestoa rf. J. and O. and Miaa.

Oenttal Moagan'a Lin New Otliaaa Uader City He IX WtOflT. Oeneral Snpn, i N. J. and CAREY, O. T.

A I O. N. B. D.FE06T, Oeneral Sop lie fries. KB.MOBSY, G.T.aZT AMOBE, Oeneral Passenger Agent.

ehecked from Residwrtoe to Desfiua rra 40HR G. FUE2SINO DEALER IB OAS FIXTUBES, Baa now on hand and far sale at hi stora, Ta lai a snap and finest issni imiail of rood in his Drama, ad bmalmeaa that eaa ha bnTVHt as? the Alleghany Mountain, OaU and as for youraelvea. BlOHT89IENS DEPOT, St. Ckarle rrt Sign of Red Qua. FISHING TACXXE, new and fresh.

The nnderalgned having made rj arrangements with the best houses of tSTE North for anppUee of Fishing him to procure goods at first amateurs, city and country, to ex EOwU" Mtotta Laacewood. Bamboo, Hickory and Vja POLES the finest in tuecityT ebMt bilk, Linen, Cotton, Chinese and Oat Plh Baskets. Artificial Flies of every description. lUmertok and Derby Koocs, xua Fiah, Sheep Perch and SraVt Hooka of all kisds, and other flshlfig Bute too numerous to detail. na, EJne.

Pistols and Ammunition of "i2J CHABXSYXLUE, JM St. Charles stroot. ill stop Only a niguiets, jhj uiuu, jtiwj HstianT Mississippi City, Biloxi, Ocean ttut VHuAiiiia and Bt. Euno. ana ar DtkMbrtdiwiBi afatv iv TICKSBCXO.


Natchez and ad way landings BMnMTlieiteuier FRANK PARQOUD, In place of the B. E. Lee, 2. X. White, master, A.

McVay and C. Holmes, clerks, will leave as aoeve. oaurrrtna' the tj. a. MaiLan couneeBng as vicaaonrg with the tiatcirilo and Sunflower packet, and steamers ATaoer ana jecme a.

i or ng ana Deer CteekA For freight or pasnajre apply on mr or to BINNOTT dk ADAMS afTO otf Oommeratal Plaaa. JNO. JANNKY, lao Oommon at. L. A.

ELTON, 1j0 Cemman street. Through bill oc lading atgnaa ever if erth Louiaianaand Texas Railroad, and through tickets for sale by JOHN JANNKY, Agent, North Louisiana and Texas TUilrtmti P. 8. From and after this date will land an Coast paeeeBgera and freight. FOB VICKSBTTKG.

varr HAXTT RD1Y. it I P. II. FOR VICKSBtJRG, DAVTH Bend. Grand Gulf, St Joseph, Rod ney.

Waterproof, Natohea, Fori Adam. Bed Klvar, Hoga Point, Tnnlea, Bayou Sara, Waterloo, Port Hudson, Baton Bong, uemine, Doaaldsonville and all intermedia ts NATCHEZ. T. P. Leathers, master.

Bam Aries, clerk. will Isava every SATURDAY, conn ec ting at with the steamer LUCY KEIRN tot VioAaborg with Yasoo and Tsllshatehte Ri' LIZZIE tor Sunflower River. For trmght or passage apply oa boar or pa JNO. JANNKY, Agent, OS tt 10 Ooaamon street. Thraaarh bills of lsdinr slraed over the North and Texas Railroad, and through Ucs eta for sale by JOHN JANNEY, Agent, norm mowsbs ana lwxas luunu.


Leave everyMON DAY, at 6 P. and FRIDAY, at 9 A. M. FOR ALL COAST LANDINGS, pX Donaldson ville and 1 landings on fc Baroa XAfourche te LockDort. Th fast pi HENBY TETE.

Joe. DaUeree. master. am. H.

BeturninfL leaves Thibodaux on TUESDAYS. at 1J and SATURDAYS at 6 A. running down the Coast In daylight every SUNDAY ana WEDNESDAY. Care, attention and satisfaction to aH. la net motto.

For freight or ps sea geapply on board, or j. iABuar, atOonti A clerk will be found at all et Oonti sueet. to recerro freight. OPKLOU8AS. Leaves everr SATURDAY, at 5 P.

M. FOR OPELOUSAS. WASHTNG ton. Fort Barr and all landing oa the Coast. Atchatalaya River and Bayou Ooartnblean The fine passenger steamer PEERLESS, H.

Broad, master, J. B. Schmlt, olerhv will leave a ahova, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BRITTON eV EPPLER, JaZI otf 1S5 Qravier st. Will give through nma of lading. Bayou Bo nf.

Wi'U connect with the steamer MINNIE lor Bayon des Glaizes. Will take freight and passengers for all coast landing. Leave every WEDNESDAY at 5 P. M. fc FOR OPKLOUBAS.

WASHINQ Port Barm, aad all on a atfro ooast. Atohafalaya River aad Bavou Conrtahl eaiv The tine sida wheel paaaen gerBteamex SELMA, C. C. Pickett, master. A.

Meynier. Riv, clerk, will leave a above, carrying passengers and freight as cheap aa any steamer in th traaa. For freight or passage apply oa board or to SUBL8 REQUIEB, 4 Tohovpttoolas street. P. H.

The steamer Selma nonaefits at Waaa. inarton with good steamers and line of good barpes, signing through bills ot lading for all points on Bayou Bosuf also connects at Church vUle with barge for Big Cane. ape otf SOSTTCK SEYMOURi HARDWARE. METALS IRON. PIPES AND PUMPS.

Steamboat, BaUroad and Machinist Supplies STOVES, TINWARE. TINNERS' STOCK AND TOOLS. Tha Itlat ample Stack la taa Saata. Good asld at NewYerk Prioe. Tim Plus and Vlttlnn for Steam.

Water 0 Gaa Bras Valve, co*ck, Oil Globes, Steam ana water an gee, joiier 'i uoes, jmum hujikhi Hoc ireeeed Nat. Lag Screws, Washer. Rivet. Blacksmiths' Bellows, Vices Bar, Rod, Sheet and Boiler Irani Iron Block Tin, Tin nn Plate, Zinc, Antimony Bab Copper, Pig Lead and Lead Hand Fore Pump i Bras aad bit MetaL Sheet Pine Cistern. Well Iron Wire Cloth, Bio Cloth Rubber.

Labile, ting and HempPacklngT Rubber Hose, Belting; Lubricating. Xard, Signal, Sperm. Headlignt. Linseed and BoUed Oil White Lead. Paincs.

Gotton Waste, Cotton PacktBg, Gasfltters and Machinist Stock and Dies, Pipe Cutters' Ton rs. Wrenches, Jack Levels and a complete Uulitiilit Tnnla RtAAl KlnS Brushes from 4 to IS inches, Pasent Steer Flue Scrapers, lampa, iaittmis. iiesminm wu Feeders a roll supply of Shelf Hardware, Files, Tinner' Stock, stoves and Tinware. AGENTS For Graff Oo 's Steel Brushes, for boiler flues and cleaning eastings. vnr tt.

wknnn'B praaainm Llrhtnlna Rods. For Powell's Patent BoH ttriadlng iiiob Valve. For Nsw England Manotactaring Oompanys uneaHiwa. For Bnmaey Pump and Well Point. For Asheroft's and Blake's Steam Gauge.

For Downera and "Glebd TAbrioating Oils. Iron Pipe cut and fitted to any engtn or ahape, Send for on of our price Hat. BOSTICK SEYMOUR, 4SMd47FrmtSJrf4Srf 48FultnSt, F17T3 ly NawOTiaana. DEXTEK WHISKY. NEWFOUNDLAND BITTER.

SONS, ef Cincinnati, I hereby inform the pub lic that thl ceiehrated waisxy can had from aU grocers, and at my store in lots of twenty five barrel. I have also, ALWAYS on hand, the favorite NEWFOUNDLAND BITTER, in lota of twenty flv boxes. caution; The pub lie la hereby informed that the BRAND Of the DEXTEB WHISKY consists of a STEAMBOAT, and the ante, EDMUND DEXTEB AND SONS, BURNT ON THE BARBEL. When asking for DEXTEB WHISKY and NEWFOUNDLAND BITTER, ACCEPT NO OTHER. My prices sre ALWAYS AS LOW as those of ANY OTHER BRAND, betas; governed uaiiy oy Cincinnati quotations.

JULES TABDOS. Agent, 69 Tchoupitoula street, ap7 lm New Orleans. La. A. C.

Danner Co, WHey G. Toomer, Mobila, New Oriean. lat at Mobil. i.i. i tm mm i 111 wh IXwiimlwrtoa Merchant for taaaal off Lumber, mnirt tTTfnna aililua.

Glass Ws promise to all who favor us with their bust kua 1i ahs slaiPsl tA a a I thla i Hpecial attonttoa paid to matins; purchase for Mnv tvima AM bxfebencesl Meaar. The. P. Miller Col, MobUsv. If i is Baker, Lawler ew Mabite.

Toomer, syae Biuapa, Mat Wuvl W. 6. Wilmot Ool, New Orleaaa ntarnai mr mia otf PURE, CLEAR WATER BATHS. Warm er Cold, Fresh and Invigorating, At th city HOTEL, ud stairs. The Baths at tha above establishment can be relied on as of pure, clear water, drawn freshly every day from reservoirs prepared for tha pur poee.

Also Shaving. Shampooing aad Hair Cutting, in th best style aad latest fashion by experienced and arttaue barbers. Remttober the City Hotel Bath Boom and raroer bood, up stairs, rear of omoe. WELLINGTON WEST, ap imeod Proprietor. Meam STEAMBOATS OHIO KXTEBU leaves on TUESDAY.

April tt. at P. aL. tvn ujuiaviiiUA, An fviile, Cairo, Memphis sad all Inter imeuiate points The steamer SUSIE SILVER, T. w.

Hi ileitis, master. For freight or passage ap r.l leave as above. vilv on loaru, ui iw 104 Common street. RKOULAR CINCINNATI, LOUlSVlldig AND NEW ORLEANS PACKKT. TyivSaOn It JSiOvA A.PCU A.

ville. Evansville. Henderson. Shaw, naetown. Paduoah.

Oatro. Memphis, and all tntermetuaiie iwhh vhhww steamer 4 TT, S11AI i 'i Samuel Beaty, master, will lea ve as above. For freight or passage apply oo Iward, or to REGULAR CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE AND NEW ORLEANS PACKKT. Lesves on TUESDAY, April CS, at 5 P.

M. FOR CIMjWNaIi. U)Ll Tniw Evansville, Henderson. Shaw Tieetown. Partucuh.

Cairo, Memphis and ail Intermediate point The paasouger steamer ATCT. DEAN, John Shoiik, master, F. B. Shunk, clerk, wiU leave as above. For freigut or passage, Ply on uao8.t0KEEFFE.

75 Poydras street. p3 O.WAYSis, los foyiiras streak Hriil.LAB CINCINNATI. LOU IS VI 11.11, AND NEW ORLEANS PACKKT. WEDNESDAY. 24th at P.

M. Leaveson FOR CINCINNATI. LOUIS Tille, Evansvuie, lienaron. neetown, Paducah, Cairo, Memphis, and all intermeuuite puuiut 1.110 puooougoi steamer AIjTcfDKAN, John Shunk. master.

F. R. Shunk, clerk, ill leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to RKGUIaAB CINCI IV ATI, LOUI8VI LIaK Ai) WAV AKA.l CI I An.Uta Leaves oa WEDNESDAY. April 24.

at P. M. ville, Evansville, Henderson. Shaw. eetown.

Paaucan. Cairo, aiempnis, Intermediate points The passenger LOUISVILLE. Ben M. Memellees, masier. a.

aori, wiU leave as above. For freight or passage ap T1l on board, or to unza FOR LOUISVILLE. Leaves on SATURDAY. April 27. at 5 P.

M. ville. Henderson. Paducah. Cairo, M.mnhia md immediate land ingsThe fine, fast passenger steamer MABY HOUSTUJN, Chaa.

G. Schultze. master. ChaA Miller, Elliott juiuer, ciurss. wiU leave as above.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to BINNOTT A11AM9, 11 uuiLucreuu ruoo. ,0 3 O. WAYNE. 104 Povoraa su REGULAR CINCINNATI. LOUISVILI AND JNfc.W iiki.r.

rw 1 Leaves on SATURDAY. May 4. at 5 M. 411a VT AnairillA TT Anriffrfmn. Shaw.

neMtawn. Paducah. Cairo. Memphis. and all Intermediate point Tne passenger steamer lNDlAnAj v.

NeaL master. J. S. NeaL clerk. wot wn aa above.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to HlAJXVl i OS AUAiao, Commercial Place. G. WAYNE, 10a Poydras street. THOS. KEEFFE, 75 Poydras st.

p. um To Raton Rouse. 4 Nat ches. Vioksburg. 8 OreenviUe, 10 Mem Phis.

Cairo, 15; Evansville, 1 Looisville. i ifi Thmnih ticket for sale on steamer In diana, at redueed rates, to St, Louis, St. Paul, Chicago, Cincinnati ana jtw 1 uiil. apj SED BUTEBU Leave on TUESDAY, April 2S, at 6 P. M.

FOR Jrl jiRuxt, auiijuvni 'port, Coushatta, Urand Ecore, Alex anuria ana way lanmiigs in iwu Iflver TheAl light draft passenger steamer CARRIE A. THORN, ChaA Thorn, master, 3. W. Ong. clerk.

will leave aa above. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to ap21 J. E. CARLIN, 4 Tchoupitoalaa street. REGULAR NEW ORLEANS ALEXANDRIA AND UKAND ECURi AC li Leaves every SATURDAY, at 5 P.

M. a. X)K CANE RIVER, NATCHI Lprf toches. Grand Ecore, Alexandria sm and all way landmga on Boadieu, Norman'a and Barbia'al anrtlnga The new and elegant passenger steamer B. I.

HODGE NO. a. John Hetnn, master, J. C. Mitchell, clerk, win leave as above.

Tor freight or passage apply on board, or to BRITTON it EPPLER. dl7 otf 138 Oravier st. OUACHITA HIYBtU REGULAR INDEPENDENT OUACHITA RIVER PACKETS. fT 3. FOR CAMDEN, OUACHITA La 'CT City.

Trenton, Monroe, Columbia, Harrisonburg, Trtnity, and all way landings oa Oaaehita and Black River Th new and elegant passenger steamers Leaves at 5 P. M. LESSIE TAYLOR, J. W. Blanks, master.

Leaves TUESDAY. April 23. at 5 P. M. OUACHITA BELTiE.

A. Blanks, master, will leave as above, connecting with light draft steamers ODBITT for irArboune, (1008 for Tensas and Little River. EOONOBU8T for Bayou Bartholomew giving dear bill ot lading as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to BRITTON A EPPLER, 135 Oravier St. S1NNOTT A ADAMS.

JalS otf 11 Commercial Place. REGULAR TEN DAY CAMDEN PACKET. Leaves on WEDNESDAY. April 24. at 6 P.

M. fn? a FOR CAMDEN, OUACHITA it1 City, Trenton. Monroe and an land. Buiara on unaflmra ana "imr kits in its The light draft si ST. MARY'S, J.

Woodbnm, master. Andw. Robinson, clerk. connecting with the following steamers Goose, ror cittle River ana Tens: J. t.

i Taser, for Saline River; Economist, for Bartholomew; Native, for Little Missouri Jessie and BlueUa, tor Arkadelphia. BINNOTT ADAMS, 11 Coavmercuu Piaoe, J. E. CABXIN, 4 Tchoupitoalaa street. apl9 Agent.

LORD A McPEAKK, 70 Oravier st. REGULAR WEEKLY OUACHITA RIVER FAUuT. Leave every WEDNESDAY, at 5 P. M. I JEffeli FOB CAMDEN, TRENTON, Lr ltT Monroe, Columbia, Harrisonborg, Trinity, and all intermediate landings on Ouachita and Black Rivers The new and elegant side wheel passenger packet MAYFLOWER.

I J. W. Carle Van, master, E. Latapie, clerk, will leave as above, connecting with the light draft steamers ODDITY, for IArbonne, GOOSE for Tnsaa and Little River; J. FRAZER and ECONOMIST, for Bayou Bartholomew, glvtag through bills lading aa above.

For freight or passage apply on board or to GEO. D. HITE. Agent, apis otf 17 Tchonpltonla at. LO COAST.

ST. BERNARD AND PLAQUEMINES DAILY EXPRESS PACKET. Leavas DAILY at half past 3P.M. I JHL FOB ENGLISH TURN, JESUIT Ls" tBsnd, Bell Air Plantation aad all in landings on the Lower Coaat. The fine, last side wheel passenger MARTINE, J.

A. Bnlx, master, will leave regularly a above. For freight or Pge, apply on board. Will loaTe BU Air Plantation for the city every morning at 4 o'clock. apis 4m LOWER COAST PACKET.

Leave every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at o'clock, A. I 1Cr POR FORT JACKSON, BURAS ZZfT Settlement, Blceland, Pointe a la Jesuits Bend and all intermediate landings on the Lower Coast The tine and last running aldewheei steamer SALLIE V.f A. F. Jeanfreao, master, John Titus, clerk, will leave regularly as above. For freight or Page apply oa board, or to A.

H. VERRET. 12S Old Levee street. A clerk will be on the Levee, at th foot of St. Louis street, to receive freight.

p7 otf FORT ADAAI9. Vna WRT ADAMS THE United State mall packet W. S. PIKE, In place of the Frank Pargood, J. J.

Brown, master. Holme, clerk. leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY far For quanta ana sjM aMsrmealat lanaings Her. Freight with passenger taken for all landing on the Coast. Th Pike will hereafter always land at the Sugar AU hail aa and all steamer BINNOTT at ADAMS, STEAMBOAra jLojraavANB Eart4uNwYra ta aetata East via BaOroad Belmont and.


PACKETS. OB ST. LOUIS, CAIBO, HHHJlfali nad Bead Th of thia Una will leave aa fol owe, at P. JC.I THOMPSON DEAN, Pepper, MONDAY.

April 22. CITY OF CAIBO, Capt Dix. TUESDAY, April 24. No Mil lading will be recognised by the above boat except thrtaa algnail by the clerks of earn or at this office. BO FINGER A PEG RAM.


THOMPSON DEAN. One ot which leave dally at P. and will take freight from New Orleans, and give through bills lading for Memphis, Cairo, Chicago, Milwaukee. Dubuque, Detroit, Buffalo, Indianapolis, Cincinnati. Wheeling, Pittsburg, Kansas City, St.

Joseph, Denver City, Salt Lake, San Francisco, and all points North, East and West, at the lowest rates, via Illinois Central Railroad. Jas. T. Tucker. General Southern Agent, 2t Carondelet street.

Will also give through bilia lading to points on the A rkansaa, White and Ohio River, and to Nashville via the Northwestern Railroad from Hickman, Ky. Bate of freight given, bills lading signed, and stateroom secured at the office ot the companies. BO FINGER A PEG RAM. Agent. ly 104 Oommon street.


M. tUR SI. PAL HI. UJUIO, Cairo, Memphis, Helena, moutn of White River. Greenville.

VU ksburg. Natchea, and all intermediate iouits The passenger steamer BELFAST, J. P. Sedam, master. R.

H. Kerr, clerk will leave as above, taking passengers at the following rates, viz To Natchez $ti, to Vicksburg 8, to Greenville 10. to Memphis 112, to Cairo tlS, to 1st. Lwais tlS, to St. Paul tas.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to ap23 C. WAYNE, 106 Poydras St. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Leaves on TUESDAY, April 23. at 5 P.

M. a. FOR ST. LOUIS, CAIItO. (CON necting with Illinois Central Rail ahBHMasI road.) aad Memphis The steamer MARY ALICE AND BARGES, James Dawson, master, will leave as above.

For freight apply on board, or to J.T. BURDEAU. Agent, 18 Poydras street. Freight taken for Chicago and all points on the linings Central Railroad and its connection. ap21 Leaves on TUESDAY, April 23, at 5 P.

M. JHrj 1X12 ST LOrlS' CAIBO, MEM ewBHHBaatf phis and all Intermediate landings The new passenger steamer CITY OF CAIRO. Ed. F. Dix, master.

Chas. Dix, clerk, will leave aa above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to BOFINGEB A PEG RAM. 104 Common st. A plan of the cabin ran be seen and rooms en (aged by applying at the office, 104 Common street.


HlakA master, J. H. Sullivan, clerk, will leave lor Cairo, Memphis and the usual bend landings, as per schedule THURSDAY, April 25, at May 9, at May 23, at June 6, at one 20, at Jnly 4, at July IS, at The BELLE LEE will ticket passengers through to St. Louis and Louisville; will pay strict attention to way aad plantation business, and will also sign through bills of lading for all points over the Illinois Central Railroad. For freight or passage apply on board, or to SLNNOTT ADAMS, Agents, i mhlfl 11 Commercial Place JOHN JANNEY, lid Oommon St.

A plan of the cabin can be seen, and state, rooms secured at the office of Sinnott fc Adams. The Bel'e Lee will furnish on board" threugh tickets to all points North and East. Through bills to all pointa on Illinois Central Railroad signed by JAMES T. TUCKER, 29 Carondelet street. NEW ORLEANS AND CAIRO AND OHIO RIVER PASSENGER PACKET.

EVERY ALTERNATE THURSDAY. The large and niaguinoent passen. ger steamer ROBERT E. LEE, John W. Cannon, master, will leave tor Cairo.

Memphis, and tnej usual bend landings, as per schedule THURSDAY, May at P. M. May 18, at Mays, at June it, at June 27, at July 11, at The BOBEBT E. LAE will ticket passenger through to St. Louis and Looisville will pay strict attention to way and plantation business, and will also sign through bills of lading for all points over the Illinois Central Railroad.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to SINNOTT i ADAMS, Agent, II Commercial Place. JOHN JANNEY mh27 tf ua I L. A. WELTON, ISO common street. A plan of the cabin can be seea, and staterooms secured, at the office of SinnoCt A Adams.

Through bills to all points on Illinois Central Railroad signed by JAS. T. TUCKER, 29 Carondelet street. JBAYOTJ DBS GLAIZES REGULAR BAYOU DES GLAIZES PACKET Leaves on WEDNESDAY. April 84, at a f.

M. fO FOR BAYOU DES OL4.IZES, Jw? MoreaavUle. Oottonport, Enterprise, bsms Evergreen ana way landings The wilt passenger packet OZARK, oiuriv.i. master. Wm.

Culberson, clerk. win leave a above, and remain in the trade dor. lug the entire season. For tretgnt or passage ap ply on board, lower wharf. ap2 Leave oa TUESDAY.

April 23, P. M. TOR f*ckT HSilll. VA OU ren. Little bock, ana au interme diate points on nrisnsas Aiver Steamer CARRIE V.

KOTJNTZ, A. H. Shaw, master. A. Murdock, clerk.

will leave a above. For freight, or pasasa; apply on board, or to aol4 M. W. OYCE, Agent, Front st. BAYOU IATOriRCHB.

REGULAR BAYOU LAFOURCHE PACKET. Leave New Orleans every TUESDAY aad a r. xu FOR DONALDSONVTLLXL PalncourtvillA Flatten villa. 5m Sbodaox. leonvtu.

lAnaaievma. Thi Xxickpon aaa an wayianninga in landings In tha pariaheaoc ngn i draft TAHLEQUAH, laasar. B.H. arm leave as abova. For fxatgkt ply oa beard aSSaS" STEAMSHIPS.

FLORIDA. Leaves on TUESDAY, April 23, at 4 p. M. FOB APALACHICOLA AND Cedar Keys The steamship LAVACA, Cooksey, master, W1B leave aa above, and give threogh bill lading to all landings on Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers also, all stations on railroads In Middle and East Florida, Tampa and Manatee. For passage apply onboard.

For freight apply to POST at HOBBY, ap20 td SB Carondelet atreet. PHILADELPHIA HAVANA. FOB PHILADELPHIA VIA HAVANA. To sail on SATURDAY Mar 4, at 6 P. M.

The fine Al steamship JUNIATA, Catharine, Commander. For freight or passage apply to WM. CREEVY, Agent, corner Carondelet and Gravier streeta. TM steampsnip 1AYOO. Barrett.

maoder, will follow. aad sail oa bar regular day. S6 tr EUROPE. ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. Sail every WEDNESDAY and PASSENGERS BOOKED TO and from any railway station or seaport in Great Britain.

Ireland. Nor. way, Sweden, Denmark. Germany, France, Holland. Belgium and the United State at Lowest Currency Rates.

Cabin fare from New York to Glasgow, Liverpool, London or Queenstown, $75 and Intermediate, 23. steerage, $28. Drafts issued for any amount. Parties sending for their friends in the Old Country can purchase tickets at reduced rates. For further pan ion lars apply to the Agents, HENDERSON 7 Bowling Green, N.

Y. Or to ALEX. HAY. ridfcWam 50 Commerce street. N.

O. HAVANA. FOB HAVANA. Touching at Cedar Keys and Key West, Carrying U. 8.

Malls. Leaving every WEDNESDAY. THE NEW ORLEANS. FLORTDA and Havana Steamshi'D Oomnanv will dlanateb tha Btw and ysiseiigrr steamship HAVANA, L. W.

Pennington. Commander, On WEDNESDAY. April 24th. at from foot ot Calliope street. First District.

Th advantage to traveler seeking safety, comfort and pleasure on Steamship, are app rent in selecting thia route, a rough seal almost unknown in those waters, aad th voyage from New Orleans to Havana la only a few hoar longer than if going dlree. RATES OF PASSAGE To Havana. I Cedar Key. 40 I I Cabin fm 20 Steerage. 11 Through bill lading Issued to aU point oa line of railroad in Florida and on th St.

Johns River. Ala to New York, Savannah and Chart ton. Through bllla of ia" and naaaam thilata given to Tampa, via Cedar Keys, and landing freight on wharf at Tampa. None one tne oosapamya una or laoing signeft. Bpiennui passenger aooommoaaaona aaa through tickets given to above point.

no freight xeoerrea without pernm rrom uw office. For rreigbt or passage apply I. K. ROBERTS; TreaVr, 120 Common sk, mnjs otf over Louisiana NsUonal Bask The steamahtp MARGARET will follow oa Wednesday. May 1.


CHINA, JAPAN, TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS, And carrying th U. S. mallA FARES GREATLY REDUCED. One of the large and splendid steamship of this line will leave Pier Na 42. North River, foot of Canal trjeet, at o'clock, noon, on th 16th and 30th ol every month, except when those dates iaii on sunaay, ana men on we preoeamg HiTTRniiV.

tnr lfiPrNWiLL msnMUnv. via Panama Railway, with on of th CompanyYr steamships from PANAMA for SAN FBAN CISCO, todching at MANZANILLO. All depar Cure connects at rename witn steam era for Stuth Paoln and Central Amerioaa ports De art ores of 18th touches at Kingston, Jamaica. For Jap a and China, steamer leavea San Franciaoo irst of every month, except when It falls on su iday, then on the day recoiling. One hundred pounds of baggage allowed to each adulti.

Baggage masters accompany bag gage through, and attend to lames ana enuarea without male protectors. Baggage received on the dock the day before sailing, from steamboat, railroads and pseaeagera, wno prefer to send down early. mjna tfnrwl aiwwi fraew For passage tickets, or further Information, apply at the Cotnpanya ticket offloe, on the wharf, foot of Canal atreet, Nertn River, New York. F. B.


O. Reed, Corn man CUBA 1100 ton, Carrying th U. s. MallA FIRST CABIN: Thrwugh Tlcketa to New York, fm FOB BALTTMOBX AND HA. VAN A Touching at KEY WEST O.

W. LORD, Soger, Commaader, 'WHi leave bar wharf, foot of Oaiennle street. on THURSDAY. April lath, at 7 P. vrlna the Tf.

H. Malla. For freight or paaaage, havtnc MMmttUttaa imlr J. M. WITHE R8POON, Fll 4 Agent, 44 SHIPS.

UTERPOOL, jSkjt. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al very fart sailing American ship CARRIE BEB engaged, wiU have Immediate dispatch. For passage only, apply to iLLOCK, JONES A mhl VStT FOR LIVERPOOL The Al Britiah whark MAULDSLIE. Capt. Gale, la now mmm loading, and having the greater portion of ner cargo engaged, and going on board, will ii.w imuMiiiLi dlsratrh, For balance of freight iif WILLIAM GRJiJCVY.

A' vrtn i iVTDPnniTlii Al bark LEONIDA8, Gate, master, la new 'loadinr. and being of small capacity will have a nick dlsnateh. For balance of trmght, apply ol GEO. A. FOSDICK A OfX, wrva rivm Tha Al Amerioaa bark SOLOMON, Carter, master, aaa mil nave onion Carondelet SU set.

BELIZE, HONDURAS. wHfi, ma HKLIZX (HON.) DIRECT fine Tand fas sailing "ef Jii" EBSTER, nZTJZZZ inra. above. For balance apM bi" BABINB PASS, ing and will saU in a few day. For balance of freight apply ta J03rEa A 88 Carondelet street.

Clipper schooner CORA 8MYZEB will tot low. mhI7 At FOB SABINE PASS Regular Line Te connect with the steamer Era Na at th Pass Th new Al alipper sehooaer KATE BUCHANAN, Cap Bufihanaa. having Dearly all ber carge cugaxed. will hava hamuli ate dispatch, at rate offering indnoam ts ta ahlppera. pTqlloCK, JONES Otk, 2t Carondelet atreei.




H. Talbot, Commander, will leave foot of st Joseph street, April 24. at Through bills lading signed for Victoria, via Morgan Line nndGulf Western Texas and Pacific Railway. FOR BRAZOS SANTIAGO DIRECT Via Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and BrsAhear The Iron steamer MORGAN, J. B.

Lookwood, commander, will leave Brashear on the arrival of the 8 A. M. train from Algiers, Lighterage at Brazos Santiago at expense and risk of consignee. FOR ROCK PORT, FULTON, ST. MARY'S and Corpus Christ! via Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railway and Brashear The iron steamer MARY, Jas.

Brown. Commander, will leave Brashear on the arrival of the 8 A. M. train from Algiers, WEDNESDAY, April 24. Freight for Corpus Christ! and St.

Mary's landed at Bockport. FOR GALVESTON Insida Mail Rout, via Morgan's Louisiana and Texaa jtaureaa gar yaaawngeia aaa Mau only. Passen gera take the Railroad Ferry Boat, foot of St. Ann street, at 7B A. reaching Braahear City at life A.

there eonnaottng with ataamar JOSEPHINE, TUESDAYS aad FRIDAYS. WHITNEY, WEDNESDAYS and CITY OF NORFOLK, THURSDAYS and SUNDAYS. Ticket aad ataterooma secured until 5 P. XL, dally (Sundaya excepted), at Agents' Office, or at ha Parry Landing on th morning of departure. CL A.

WHITNEY A (XX, Agents. cor. Magaatne aad Natch sttv HOUSTON DIRECT NAVIGATION COn FOB THE YEAR 1873. Through bill of lading from. Galveston to all pointa In.

the interior of Texaa via MORGAN LINE, from New Orleans via HOUSTON AND TEXAS CENTRAL and HOUSTON AND GREAT NOBTHEBN RAILROADS from Houston to all pointa in the interior. Forwarding, commission and drayag saved on good by thia line at Galveston if marked H. D. N. Co.

Passenger taking HOUSTON DIRECT NAVIGATION COMPANY'S daily line of steamers at Galveston save all expenses making connection with day train and avoiding night travel by rail. Insurance at lowest rate. Consign to HOUSTON DIRECT NAVIGATION COMPANY. Galveston. ah Just for loss or damage promptly paid.

JOHN SHEARN, President, Houston, Texaa. CAD. M. HITS, Agent. Offloe, 17 Tchoupitoula sb.

New Orleans. Ja23 am BBEMEN, rs fSr SyJ NORTH OEBMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN BREMEN AND NEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVRE, SOUTH AMPTON AND HAVANA. Tha steamships of the North Ger. naaUova will resume their recniaf trip a foUowa Front Bremen.

From BT. Ot FRANKFURT December 1 January 20. EOLN lanuaxy 27 Alareh 9. HANNOVER. 14 A pril 6.

KOLN April Jons 1. Touching outward at Havre and Havana, aad on their home trip at Havana and Southampton, land and receive pssaiigs and freight. Later day ef departare will be advertfawJ hereaftetv PRICES OF PABSAGX. or Nsw Orwanat Cabin. 4tialA steerage.

From New OrUasaor Havana Booth ana ptna. Havre or Bremen lgeW StMorag. Front New Orleaaa to Havana i Cabin. in 24 Paaaag tieketa fro Bremen, Soathamptoa of Havre ta New Orleaaa lasnad bp taa nadaa For fartnar VtmiMn to ED. F.


GERMAN IA BATtrTf A Hebaah. 1 The above aamad Steamar of tat win lveafaOowat Bantanv Ham vniinrt. Havre. der. der.

Ml IT. Wandali 10 Feb. U. Men. 2.

Men. U. Men. A Following steamers ta be aamed hereafter. t'rutfa or road From New Orleans to Havre, isai rrom HairTi ip der.

Havana or Nov Orleeaa cabin, tl steerage, m. Prepaid jiaaaage carat naalw freaa aB taa Bmedporta, Havana ar New Huborr. Havr. Fteaf) For parttonlars apply ta Wn.IJAMH, BUPEBTI 4k CO, ISO C. B.

RICHARD A BOAS. Oeneral Paaaanger Areata, Barclay street, Nw York. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MANDXYILLE AND NEW U. 1 FOX MANDEVILLXr LaTwia bars, MadissnviU aad Ilia aad twvis xna etegaas United wm le aahove mI rSSJ' MONDAY ana 1 QOHEN M.

SORIA, pjylTl IT UandMUaJomttrapt, ana Btetee oaaielia; riM aftar danartare whioh Ttaa beat SmAMSHIPS new to; SOUTHERN LINE. FOB NEW YORK VIA, KEY WEST. To sail WEDNESDAY. April 24, a P. at The steamship EQUATOR, McLellan, Commandar will leave her wharf opposite French Market, Second District, as above.

Cabin paaaage to New York For freight or paaaage, having accommodation, apply to GEO. A. FOSDICK 39 Carondelet street. Bills of lading aigned fhrough Liverpool. The steamahip GEN.

SEDGWICK. Firs. a mandor. will fallow, and seal oa regular day. s2 TO otf FOB NEW YORK MEBCHANTS STKAaV SHIP LINE Ossaprising tha nrtt class steamship HHERM A Thoa.

Hals GEN. MEADE. A. W. fltinnaaj UNITED STATES K.

Howes. Mississippi W. P. Henry. WESTIKH METROPOLIS, H.

S. Quick. EMILY B. SOUDER, Capt. B.

F. Bnraeak. Sailing from New York everr IXURDAT haw ruRK nmn Th steamahip SHERMAN, Halsey, Commandar. Will leave her wharf, toot ot j8rsoa streee oa SAT BBAT, April 27, at 8 aTm; The st sera an have superior aeosoodattaa for passenger. Cabin pssssf Bteeraga Bill of lading signed' throng to Lit OTasgow.

aaauian aaa Baaabarg. Throuan Tieketa for First Osmus Passenger for Liverpool and the run ri a am. connecting with Galon's Lin of Steamer, aaAV lng from New York every WEDNESDAY. For freight or passage apply to JOHN H. LUDWIGSXS.

Agea '8 ott lm Common treat. Th ateamantp WESTERN METROPOLIS will foilow, staving oa SATURDAY. May 4, at 8 A. M. THE CROMWELL LINE.

FOR NEW YORK DIRECT. TO sail an SATURDAY. April 27, at 8 A. A. toUoW xniauna i cc ateamahtnai BTXS, GEO.

WASHINGTON. ST. LOUIS. The steamship ST. LOUIS, Whitehead, Commandar.

will leave her wharf, toe at Touleoan in sat. aaa, it for fJverpooi. Bresaan aad Hwa Freight Aea by thi Una. and throuxh bills givea tor tha asm. For freight or paaaage appry te ALFBED MOTTLTOl.

41 Carondelet street. ITMtPOOL FOB LIVERPOOL. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al Britaatt steamship ELLA, Capt. MarshatU having a portion of her cargo engaged, will hav dispatch. For freight apply to WILLIAMS, BUPEBTI A CO 180 Common street, or to J.

H. AS HB RIDGE ap9 SS Carondelet street LiVEBPOOL SOUTHERN STXAMBaXr LINE. 5R.KW) tons. CHANCELLOB.a00tonA STATESMAN. ISM tona.WlIllmaoa.

HISTORIAN, I860 Commandarl WARRIOR. ISO ton ThomaA OMuua4f. CORDOVA, 1600 tana Coaunaadari LiLtja. uue MNW, Hi I us, FIRE QUEEN. IW The steamship ALICE, Ellis.

will sail from her wharf opposite LIverposM Warehouse. Third District, ua SATURDAY, April 13, 1872. Will receive cotton and sign through Mils af lading for the Oontusent, between Havr aaa Oronstadt, Thee steamships, being of light draft, will cross the bar of to Mississippi at aU tunas win, out detention. Cabin passage LtverpoaL klZS tn gold Prepaid steerage paasage tieketa issued here, For freight or passage apply to DECAN, ZEREGA A auzi uanaaoaiet su ntw prle HEW IJVEBFOOI IOISX OF STEAMJBSaV BUILT EXPRESSLY FOB THX NEW ORLEANS TRADE. Tacroeeth Bar at aU time, without THE LIVERPOOL AND MISSISSIPPI STEAMSHIP FIBST OLASS POWEBFUL SO EX XI STXAMEBSi ST.

LOUIS, Capt. Smith. 1837 tana, MEMPHIS, Capt, Weaka. MISSTSHIPPL Capt. Pierson.

ZO TEXAS, (hnlldlngj 2SX M. VICKSBURG, MISSOVBX. Are intended to sail from Liverpool aa follow, i ST. March April IS. FOB LIVERPOOL DIRECT "ateaaaahip ST.

LOUIS, Ta aaU an TH.B RSD AT, Apxfi ZA From her wharf, foot of St. Mary street, Flrat District, wm reoerve aad sign through hUla at lading te Havre, Bremen, Hasubarg, Ant ma. aad aU nap. pnrenaaa prepaid aal4Tatlontioktahar8v av redncttoa aUowal whan applied formjrronp. apply ta KNOX sk OO, Carondelet treat.

rt.nnt, MAIN a) atOXTT GOMERT, IS Laaaealat Bar. Li NBvT WHITE STAB LINE. NEW' YORK, COBEt AND LTV rpoo Nw aad fnlLpowersd ataaaa hlpTh Six Eecgest la th Wend OCEANIC CELTIC. REPUBLIC, ATLANTIC BALTIC ADRIATIC gaaa tea hard 3Ow0 U. p.

eaebw Hailing from Nw York on SATURDAYS, from. Liverpool en THURSDAYS, and Cork Harbor the day following. From the White Star Dock, Pavonia Ferry. Jersey City. iiipenger aeeoimaoonona iiur au.

ctasses nnrivs raiea SPEED, SAFETY AND COMFORT. Saloons, stateroom, smofcmg room, and batfc, rooms In midship section, where least motion felt. Surgeona and steward ssaes aecompany these steamers. RATES Saloon. $80 gold.

Steerage. $30 currency. Those wishing to send tor friends from, the Old Oomntrycan now obtain steerage prepaid oertlhcaies, t33 currency. Passengers booked to or from all parts of An. A Paria, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, India.

Australia, China, etc Excursion ticket granted at the lowest rate. Draft fros Al upwards. For inspection of plans and other inrermanon apply at the Company's omrse, No. 1 Broadway rnhsl J. H.


The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


What happened to The Times-Picayune newspaper? ›

On May 2, 2019, Advance Publications announced that The Times-Picayune had been sold to Georges Media, owner of The Advocate. The new owners stated that both papers would be folded into a single operation by June 2019 and that the brand would be maintained for the combined newspaper's digital operations.

Why is New Orleans paper called Picayune? ›

Originally published as The Picayune in 1837, the New Orleans paper was named for the price for which an issue was sold—about six and a quarter cents. Picayune can additionally mean "petty or trifling," as in "picayune complaints."

Why has the New Orleans Times-Picayune gone to only 3 days of publishing per week? ›

To try to combat the industry's decline — in readership, advertising and profits — a handful of newspapers are now cutting back their publishing schedules from seven days a week in print to just three.

Why is New Orleans called NOLA? ›

The first letters of “New Orleans” and the state abbreviation for Louisiana, LA, combine to derive the nickname “NOLA. Put those together and you get N.O. LA or NOLA. Residents and visitors commonly use this shorthand or acronym to refer to the city.

Why is the newspaper disappearing? ›

Television's arrival in the 1950s began the decline of newspapers as most people's source of daily news. But the explosion of the Internet in the 1990s increased the range of media choices available to the average reader while further cutting into newspapers' dominance as the source of news.

What is the biggest newspaper in New Orleans? ›

The Advocate is Louisiana's largest daily newspaper. Based in Baton Rouge, it serves the southern portion of the state. Separate editions for New Orleans, The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate, and for Acadiana, The Acadiana Advocate, are published.

When many people buy one newspaper per day but rarely do they buy two of the same newspapers on the same day? ›

Many people buy one newspaper per day, but rarely do they buy two of the same newspapers on the same day. What is the economic justification for this behavior? The marginal benefit of purchasing the second newspaper exceeds the marginal cost of purchasing that paper.

Who founded Picayune Mississippi? ›

Mrs. Nicholson was the owner and publisher of the New Orleans Daily Picayune, named after a Spanish coin called a “picayune.” She chose to name the city after her beloved newspaper.

What was the first newspaper in Louisiana? ›

In 1794, the Moniteur de la Louisiane was founded in New Orleans as the first newspaper in Louisiana. In the 19th century, numerous French-language newspapers were established, mainly in New Orleans, but also in places like Opelousas, Thibodaux and Natchitoches.

What do you call a person from New Orleans? ›

Generally speaking, people who live or were born in New Orleans and vicinity are called New Orleanians. Some of the suburbs' denizens have more colorful terms for themselves, such as “Metroid” for citizens of Metairie or “Chalmatian” for those from Chalmette.

What is a nickname for New Orleans funny? ›

City That Care Forgot

Although this nickname might seem like an insult, it's actually meant to exemplify that New Orleans is free from care. “The City Care Forgot” became the St.

What do locals call New Orleans? ›

New Orleanians rarely refer to the city as the “Big Easy.” Locals like to say “New Or-leens,” or “New Or-lee-ans.” Also, if we're giving someone our current location we tend to use street names, “heading to bourbon,” getting some beignets in the Quarter,” or “brunch on Canal” The one thing we do not say is “Nawlins,” ...

Where to find Times-Picayune? ›

The Times-Picayune | | The New Orleans Advocate
  • 840 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans LA 70130.
  • (504) 636-7400.

What happened to the mirror newspaper? ›

In 1984 the paper was sold to Robert Maxwell, who held it until his death in 1991. In 1992 the paper was bought by Sir Peter Parker, a former British Railways chairman. Acquired in 1999 by Trinity Mirror PLC, The Mirror continues to be one of the leading mass-circulation papers in Britain.

What happened to the Hard Times newspaper? ›

Hard Times Media LLC sold The Hard Times to Project M Group, the parent company of Revolver magazine and Inked magazine, in July 2020, while maintaining ownership of Hard Drive.

Are there newspapers anymore? ›

A new report by Pew Research Center finds that despite a decline in the mid-2000s, Americans are still seeking news from newspapers. An estimated 20.9 million print and digital newspapers were in daily circulation for both weekday and Sunday editions. This is down 8 percent and 10 percent respectively from 2021.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.