The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

22 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1928 WOMEN'S AFFAIRS SOCIETY Kimball for a few days. Miss Walker was formerly a resident of this city. Mr. and Mrs. John D.

Taylor of Oak Avenue are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son Wesson Maternity Hospital Wednesday. Mrs. Taylor was formerly Miss Ferris Titus of South Hadley. Col. and Mrs.

Herman W. Schull have returned to their home mory Square a trip of several days to Washington. Miss Alice A. Morris of Maple Street returned last evening from New York, where she has been spending a week, staying at the Hotel Roosevelt. Mrs.

George Anderson of Street entertained the members of the Bidea Wee Club in her home Wednesday. Sirs. Helen Ericson of Cleveland was a guest of honor. A social evening with cards was cujoyed plans were made for A birthday party for three members. Mrs.

Harry Johnson, Mrs. William Fowler and Miss Agnes McClelland, to take place in the home of Miss McClelland in Middlesex Street, next Wednesday evening. Dinner will be served at 6.30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence P. Marshall Westford Circle announce the birth of a son, Lawrence Parsons, Saturday in Wesson Maternity Hospital. John G. Brooks of Chestnut Street is among the Springfield persons who are registered at the Hotel Roosevelt, New York city, this week. Drs.

D. J. Murphy and Mrs. William Crowe were the winners of high score prizes at bridge, and Mrs. John J.

Hiney, Mrs. Hannah Leahy and Mrs. John Burke, received the honors for whist, at the card party held by Fr. Sherry Court. M.

C. O. in the clubrooms in Pearl Street Wednes day. Following the play, refreshments were served. The last party of this series will take place next Wednesday, the evening.

winners Prizes at each will table be and refreshments will be served. Betty and Jean Friedson of Ringgold Street hostesses Wedpus Club. Bridge played and the nesday to the mentions of the Wamprize went to Miss Rose Braffman. Following the cards A salad supper was served. Misses Julia and Gertrude Hershowitz of Chestnut Street will entertain next week, The Ashleyville Woman's Club held its annual luncheon and business meeting Wednesday afternoon in Mrs.

Raymond Bagg's tea room at the Bagg homestead in Riverdale Street, West Springfield. A program including oldtime stories anad games was enjoyed after the luncheon. Reports were given by the retiring officers and offcers for next year were elected as follows: President. Mrs. M.

L. Brown; vice-president, Mrs. S. C. Cross: treasurer.

Mrs. F. H. Ruggles: secretary. Mrs.

Robert Waite: executive committee, Mrs. W. L. Hubbard. Mrs.

William Howland and Mrs. H. E. Dunbar. At the close of the business session bridge 1'aS played.

Mrs. J. E. Norris winning the prize. White Street are entertaining for SIr.

and Mrs. Arthur W. Soutter of! month Mr. Soutter's sister, Mrs. Helen Ericson of Cleveland, O.

pop a dance to be held at the Y. W. C. Miss Irma Spear is chairman of the A. on Saturday evening.

The dance is to be known as the "Spring Hop" and everyone is anticipating a lively time. The Collegiate Orchestra has been engaged for the evening. Miss Spear is being assisted arrangements by Marion Cook chairman of tickets, Mary Bianlamski chairman decorations and Esther Healy chairman of I refreshments. The Triads Club of association is acting as hostess for the dance. Decorations will be appropriate to the occasion and specialty dances are being arranged.

Tickets may be secured from members of the committee or from the Y. IV. C. A. office.

Mrs. Charles Holyoke. director of the art library department of the Women's Republican Club of Massachusetts, announced at the executive meeting of the club Wednesday that the portrait of Theodore Roosevelt. painted by Adrian deGront. has been purchased by the club.

It is through the activities of the art and library department that the acquisition of the painting has been made possible and hangs permanently in the Green Room of the club. Mr. deGroot, the artist. has done many paintings of famous men, including in his list one of the late Secretary John W. Weeks.

Mrs. M. F. Corcoran and her daughter, Miss Mary Corcoran. of Lathrop Street.

West Springfield. have returned from Atlantic City. where they spent 10 days at the Traymore Hotel. Mrs. Elizabeth Robbins of Manitoba.

Street, a Miss Isabelle Taber of Myrtle Street and Mrs. Lena Buxton of Crystal Avenue left yesterday for Boston. where they will convention of the Dental Hygienists' Club at the Hotel Statler. The annual meeting of the Springfield Mt. Holyoke Club will take place in the Women's Club house, Westfield, Friday, May 18.

Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Miss Agnes Brogan of Carew Street entertained Wednesday at a miscellaneous shower and bridge party hon- "Think of Your Furs Before the Moths Do" STORE YOUR FURS NOW In our cold storage vaults where they will be safe from moths, fire and theft. Fur Remodeling and Repairing by Expert Furriers at Summer Rates COATS RELINED, $12.00 Phone 3-7312 and We Will Call for Your Garments Canadian Fur Up. 2006 Main St. Corner Clinton St.

A Clarence Abbott, the club has enjoyed a most successful season. Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie, president of the Massachusetts League of Women Voters, issued the call to the annual convention of the league, summoning delegates to meet in Boston at the Copley-Plaza Hotel Tuesday and Wednesday, May 22-23, election of officers and the determination of the league program for the coming year. MAY FESTIVAL IS PLANNED BY CLASS Girls Friendship Circle of St.

James Church Announce Party Next. Wednesday. One of the attractive events of next week will be the May festival which will be given by the Girls' Friendship Circle of St. James' Methodist Church next Wednesday evening. An orate program has been arranged under the of Mrs.

Charies Rodgers, Barbara Lamont directions as the May Queen and Aliss Laura Webster as the Queen of the Fairies. The committee assisting Mrs. Rolgers includes Aliss Webster, in charge of tickets and ice-cream; Miss Gwendolyn Carpenter, ice-cream; Miss Eunice Rood, candy; Miss Gertrude Macklin, advertising. and Miss Ger-: trude Bissell, decorating. The program will open with the singing of the club songs by the entire group, after which will come a pretty pageant of sheet music covers.

Miss Webster will represent Miss Hood, Miss Lamont, Miss Virginia Searles, Miss Lena Senaldi, 'Hula Lu." and Miss Violet Tait, "Trixie from Dixie." "Three Fussy Old Maids from Lynn" is the title of the third number to he presented by Miss Lillias Tait, Miss Gertrude Bissell and Miss Wilhelmina Nelegar. The fourth number will be the tin pan parade with Miss Tait as the captain, and Miss Hood, Miss Senaldi, Miss Lamont. Miss Searles, Miss Mabel Gowerig, Miss Christine Fraser, Miss Gwendolyn Carpenter and Miss Webster as soldiers. The final number is the cantata of "The Queen." the entire ciub taking part. Miss Macklin is pianist for the evening.

The dining-room at the church will be transformed into a garden setting and there will be found an ice-crom parlor, May basket booth and the advertising booth. which will be one of the leading attractions. RADCLIFFE CLUB Will Hare Card. Party to Benefit Scholarship Fund. Mrs.

Rudolph Welcker and Mrs. S. Hopkins of Atwater Park will open their homes on Saturday afternoon of next week for a card party to be Club of this city. The proceeds of sponsored by the Radcliffe College the affair will be devoted to the anniversary scholarship fund which has as its aim the bringing of 15 young women, students anniversary. to the one college from durof the districts into which the country has been divided.

The committee in charge of the party includes Miss Bertha Davis, Mrs. F. S. Hopkins, Welcker. Mrs.

Niles 1. Goward and Mrs. Armstrong of Holyoke. Reservations may be made with any member of the club. GUEST NIGHT OBSERVED.

Guest night of Harmony Circle was observed Wednesday evening in the guild 1'00m of the new community house of Hope Congregational Church. The business session was followed by a program presented by the daughters of the members and a group of students from the American International College. The entertainment included readings, piano selections. vocal solos, Italian songs and dances and a Croatian song. Mrs.

H. E. Flint was general chairman and Mrs. Merton D. Dexter arranged the program.

Refreshments were served hy a committee including Mrs. Drs. Dexter. Mrs. Alice Rogers, Mrs.

C. S. McGown and Mrs. Alice Stockwell. MARRIAGE INTENTIONS.

The following marriage intentions have heen filed in the city clerk's office: Paul F. Bever. clergyman. 197 Manjer Street. Brooklyn, N.

Y. and Beatrice Elizabeth Steup, clerk, 24 King Walter F. Robinson. timekeeper. 179 Oak Grove Avenue and Ger: Hypatia Taylor, clerk, '131 College Street.

Edward Everett, dairyman, 111 Groveland Street and Gertrude Davis (Hilton) Aldrich. 35 Riverview Street. Joseph Romano. dripman. 41 Rutledge Avenue and Ida Caroline Garreffi, machine operator, 67 Marble Street.

Bradley's 1509 Main Bridge second FloorOver Lerche's Drug A Group of the Newest Arrivals Frocks All Colors AlL Sizes For Misses and Women $12.95 Values to $19.95 To Close Out Limited lot picked from our highest priced frocks for Today and Tomorrow Girls No Longer in School Are Interested in Contest Church Clubs, Y. W. C. A. Groups and Continuation School Students, Are Enthused Over Dressmaking Project.

Girls under 18 years of age who have already left school or are working and attending school part time are manifesting much interest in cotton dresmaking contest. At the Continuation School in particular much enthusiasm has been expressed by many of the students who plan to enter. Business girls at the Y. W. C.

A. and girls enrolled in church or Junior Achievement Clubs have informed leaders of their interest in the project. Girls who are competing in the contest are to be found in school and out of school and at both extremes of the age limits, little girls of nine being quite enthusiastic as big girls of One young miss has been so filled with admiration over a pretty cotton frock which her teacher wears, that she is endeavoring to copy the pattern. reduce it to her own measurement and her contest dress along similar lines. Meeting Tonight.

dress rehearsal held late yesterday afternoon at the Junior Achievement Foundation Pearl Street, placed everything in readiness for the dressmaking demonstration and fashion show which will be held evening in Technical High School auditorium as the week's primary event in the cotton dressmaking contest. A dozen girls carefully chosen by Miss Ruth Miller. assisting Miss Marion Ober, director of the dressmaking contest, reported for the rehersal and six of them were chosen as models and the remaining six named as ushers for tonight. The girls are Rhea Vanasse, Doris D'Amours, Simone Boucher, Rose Benoit, Thais Cratser, Marion Linton, Lorraine Balkam, Thelma Macfarlane, Cecelia Ilealey, Constance Crandall, Dorothy Young and Emma Verona. The pretty cotton frocks, featuring sports wear, school dresses and party dresses, were carefully fitted to the models at the rehearsal.

They are made of the lovely fabrics which are a product of the M. C. D. Borden mill in Fall River, which firm is cooperating in the contest here and is sending two of its leading stylists, Miss Mary Walker and Miss Lenore McCormack. to take part in this evening's program.

Miss McCormack is the leading attraction at the meeting tonight and while on the stage will make in 30 minutes a complete dress of cotton materials. E. F. LeMoine of the SingF.ler Sewing Machine Company is loaning the machine with which the sewing will be done. The stage will be attractively set for the show with palms, cut flowers and forsythia.

Broadcasting the News. The story of Greater Springfield's cotton dressmaking contest is spreading far and near and several national publications are retelling it to their readers all over the country. Miss Flora Smith of Forbes Wallace has sent newspaper clippings and special story of the contest to the Dry Goods Economist of New York, the Merchant's Record of Chicago and NEW CONTEST RULES ATTENTION entered of the girls cotton who dressmaking contest is called to, two new rulings which been made since the ch contest opened. 1. More than one dress may be submitted for judging by each girl.

Only one registration will be required, however. 2. The cotton dresses may be trimmed with other materials such as silk pipings, ribbon girdles or lace frills. Fairchild's Publication of New York, three house organs of the retail merchants of the United States. The New England Council also been sent the story of the contest for use in its bulletins while the national Junior a a a Achievement Magazine is likewise spreading the news.

Widespread interest is being manifested in the contest in cities and towns not included in the contest territory. Inquiries have been received by the Junior Achievement Foundation from several Connecticut cities, from Northampton, Boston and New York regarding it. ANNUAL BANQUET. The Arcadia Club closed its season with the annual banquet Wednesday evening in the Clinton Hotel. Table decorations were in pale pink and Schultz i Beauty Salon Extends a Cordial Invitation To Its Patrons On Monday, May 14th, to attend a free demonstration the newest process of permanent waving brought from l'aris and personally demonstrated by Dir.

Schultz. Matinee Wanted 3 P. M. Two Evening Subjects 7.30 With Auburn P. M.

or White Hair Schultz Beauty Salon 1421 Main St. at Harrison Ave. M.T. Cummings Co. 1564 Main St.

Near Worthington Clearance 300 New Hats Specially Grouped for This Event at 3 Attractive Prices -Trimmed Hats -Sport Hats -Visca -Satin -Tailored Hats. Hats Hats 1 $2 -Hair Hats -Pedaline Hats that are wanted Colors RIGHT and NOW. styles $3 CUMMINGS MILLINERY Announcing the Re-Opening of Silfen's FURRIERS At 1456 Main Room 425 Telephone 3-4295 Fur Storage And Repairs At this season we invite your inquiries concerning our facilities for Summer Fur Storage and Repairs; all handling of garments under personal supervision of Mr. Samuel Silfen. Telephone 3-4295-Prompt Service.

yellow with a May basket containing Social Gossip Club Calendar for Today. Cotton Dressmaking. Contest; 7.45 P. Demonstration, Technical High Speech Readers' Club; Open House, Community Welfare Building, State Street. Mittineague Parent Teacher Association: 8 P.

West Springfield Community Y. C. A. Afrs. Charles J.

Bellamy of Colony Road will be matron of honor at the wedding of Miss Anna Catherine Ehlers Montclair. N. and John F. Foster of Glen Ridge, that will take place on June 15. in Montclair.

Mrs. Bellamy has issued an invitations for a luncheon in honor of Miss Ehlers to be held in the Biltmore Hotel, New York city on Saturday, May 26. Mr. and Mrs. John M.

Hopkins of Blake Hill have left for Princeton. N. where they will make their future home. Mr. Hopkins is owner and manager of the Princeton Motor Shop.

Mrs. Dean Townsley of Field Street, West Springfield, entertained the members of the Club in her home yesterday afternoon. In the game of 500, Mrs. Marshall Richardson took the first prize, Mrs. Edna Pomeroy the second and Mrs.

James Fitzgerald. the third. Afternoon tea was served the close of the game. The hostess be Mrs. Ralph Cook of Groveland Street.

Miss Elizabeth C. Brown of West Springfield was guest of honor at a surprise shower on a recent evening! in the home of her sister in Mrs. P. T. Brown of Day Street.

Miss Catherine Conners save vocal solos and Mrs. Charles A. Sheridan entertained with piano selections. The guest of honor received many beautiful gifts. A buffet supper was served with decorations in white and green.

Miss Brown will marry Eric W. Olson of Union Street, in June. Members of Group of the First Baptist Church are busy rehearsing for the presentation of "Distrik Skule at Six pa Corners" which will be given in the parish house Wednesday evening. May 16. The cast is being coached by Mrs.

Philip Eaton. The advance nutrition club East Springfield met in the home of Mrs. Victor Dumas, 718 Page Boulevard. Wednesday evening. Officers elected were: Chairman.

Mrs. Victor Dumas: vice-chairman, Mrs. R. L. Mathison of Center Street: secretary.

Mrs. H. C. Rowe. This was the last meeting of the club until October.

Final plans have been male for the Mother and Daughter banquet that will take place in Trinity Community House this evening under the auspices of the educational department of the Women's Society. Mrs. Philip C. Landers is ceneral chairman and is being assisted by a committee including Mrs. Albert F.

Mrs. J. Foster. Mrs. Wallace E.

Higgins is in charge of the diningroom and Mrs. Edward T. Malone has arranged an unusual and interesting program. entirely different from any that has been Expansion Sale Special A group of garments from our regular stock offered for Friday and Saturday. 2 DRESSES for $14.50 They are absplutely of the latest fashion.

Do not miss this sale. Get two dresses for the price of one. Make sure of Yours. Come Early! Style Dress Shop 284 Bridge St. THE Greatest PROOF! OTHER women will admire your Barnett Permanent Wave Short Hair $7.50.

Long Hair $10 All waves given by Air. Barnett Satisfaction guaranteed. and 1 Finger Shampoo $1 Shampoo and $1 Expert operators in attendance BARNETT'S 281 Bridge St. Phone 4-0117 COOL OFF! Right at Home! A glass of Root Beer so cold that it might have been setting just outside an Eskimo igloo. How refreshing! How delicious! What a treat for a hot day! A bottle of Williams' Root Beer Extract, plus sugar, water and yeast, makes 5 gallons.

Just think of 80 glasses at less than each. Ask your grocer for it today. WILLIAMS' ROOT BEER EXTRACT 1 'u Miss Sabina Markels Bride of Texas Man in New York Monday MONG the brides of this week was Miss Sabina B. Markels, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Darkels of Leyfred Terrace, whose marriage to Jesse Lee Starnes of San Antonio, took place Monday in New York city.

Following a wedding trip to Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Starnes will live in New York, where Mr. Starnes is a chemical engineer, associated with the chemical laboratory of the Borden plant. He is a graduate of Carlisle Military Academy and the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas.

Mrs. Starnes has been engaged in the practise of nursing in New York. given in previous years. Ten young men from the church 11 assist in serving the dinner at which 3 large a'tendance is expected. Mr.

and Mrs. Bertrand Perry of Atwater Road have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Colton Perry, and George F. Weston, son of Mrs. F. H.

Weston of Washington Road, which will take place Thursday. May 31. in the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony will be performed at 6.30 o'clock by Rev. John H.

Nolan, rector of St. Peter's Church, in the presence of a small number of relatives and close friends. Miss Ferry chosen for her matron of honor her sister. Mrs. Chauncey Pease of Larchmont, N.

and her nieces. Betsy Day Pease and Deborah Dudley Pease, will he flower girls. Windsor Sturtevant of George Street will attend Mr. Weston as hest man. A reception will take place im-: mediately after the ceremony.

Miss Perry attended the MacDufte School and nas graduated from Central High School and Connecticut Co'lugo, Mr. is 4 graduate of Dari mouth Collese and is now associated with Harris Forbes (o. Mrs. Sanford Lawton has. Been named chairman of the punch committee for the Garden Mart which will he held on June 5 on the grounds of the adjoining estates of Mr.

and Mrs. Douglas B. Wesson and Mr. and Mrs. Victor H.

Wesson of Forest Glen Road. Longmeadow, Assisting Mrs. Lawton will be Drs. Lawrence Baker, Drs. Donald McClench.

Mrs. Lewis Stewart and Mrs. Carl Graesser. The committee is making plans for an appropriate decorative setting for the punch table. which is one of the best patronized booths at the festival.

Mrs. Sumner T. Packard of Long Hill Street has returned from Troy, N. where she was called by the illness of her daughter. Miss Polly Packard, a student at the Emma Wil.

lard School. Miss Packard was operated on recently for appendicitis and is now recovering in the Samaritan Hospital at Troy. Mrs. Packard will return early next week to spend a few days with her dauzhter. Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin Southworth of Crescent Hill are spending A few days ir: Now York city. where they are guests at the Roosevelt Hotel. Mrs. Raymond L.

Wheeler of Olmstead Drive was quest of honor yesterday at An attractive bridge tea given by members of the Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club in the Hall Tea Balcony. Three tables were in play, after which tea was served. Mrs. Wheeler will leave soon to make her home in Washington. SIrs.

George R. Webber Avenue was in charge of Mrs. Richard Bridgman of Brown Street was hostess Wednesday afternoon to the members of the Merrikroft Club. The meeting took the form of a handkerchief shower in honor of Mrs. F.

O. Sinclair of Brown Street, who leave next week to spend the summer in California. Miss Mary Walker and Miss Leonore McCormuck of New York city, who have been attending the Better Homes Exposition in Boston this week, arrived in Springfield last night and will be guests at the Hotel Miss Rose Cocchi Will Become Bride in June Ceremony MR. of and Olive. Mrs.

Street TALEVIO announce COCCHI the engagement of their daughter, Rose, to Ludger LeClair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis LeClair of Brunswick, Me. The wedding will take place In Mt. Carmel Church on June 21.

oring Miss Norma Darcy of Edgemont Street, who will become the bride of Kenneth J. Ashe of Carew Street June 5. Decorations were in pink and yellow. with apple blossoms used in profusion. At cards Miss Pearl Barlow received the prize for high score and Miss Lindy Cameron took the consolation gift.

Miss Darcy received a large number of beautiful and useful gifts. The Kensingtr" Avenue School Mothers' Club will hold its annual business meeting on Monday evening at o'clock in the school. Reports from the chairmen of committees will be given and offcers for next year will be elected. M'ss Fanny Sadick, a teacher at the school, will entertain! vocal solos and the playlet, "Mrs. Black's Pink Tea." will given by a group the mothers under the direction of Drs.

Jessie Bowman. Members of the cast include Mrs. John Dooley, Mrs. Harry Samble. Mrs.

Russell Sayre, Mrs. Albert Day and Mrs. Bowman. Refreshments will be served and a social hour will follow. Mr.

and Mrs. Miles Holden have returned to their home in Sumner Avenue after stay in New York city, where they were guests for a few days at the Hotel Roosevelt. Mrs. William R. Parsons of Clarendon Street was elected president of the Current Events Club at the annual luncheon and business meeting Wedon nesday at the Bookshop Inn, South Hadley.

Other officers chosen were: Vice-president, Mrs. Harold Bellows and secretary -treasurer. Mrs. Donald Palmer. Following the luncheon.

Mrs. Parson's rave a report of the annual meeting of the Federation of Women's Clubs. Mr. And Mrs. Abraham Chiz Woodlawn Street are receiving congratulations on the birth of :1 son Tuesday in Wesson Maternity Hospital.

The Review Club will hold its annual business meeting and luncheon in the Manse at Northampton on Donday. Under the leadership of Mrs. ing attractive morning dresses that are smart enough to wear for porch or marketing. Design No. 3023 will appeal to the thrifty woman, for it is possible to make it in an hour.

Two major parts to pattern! A youthful line is carried out by inverted plaits below jaunty patch pockets. Printed sateen, radium silk. wool jersey, ombre striped cashmere, dimity, rayon crepes in jacquard patterns, silk pique and printed linen are effective. The pattern is furnished in sizes 18 years, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 Inches bust measure. For the 36-inch size yards 40-inch material with yards of 27-inch contrasting.

Price 15 cents in' stamps or coin (coin preferred). Our patterns are made by the leading fashion designers of New York city and are guaranteed to fit perfectly. Address, Springfield Union. Fashion Service. .23 East 18th Street, Now York.

FASHION'S FORECAST (Annabel Worthington) 3023 Attractive Morning Frocks. There is entire satisfaction in hav. York. a gift for each member, forming an attractive centerpiece. Following the dinner a program was enjoyed.

Mrs. John Sheehan and Mrs. John Grimes entertained with piano selections. Mrs. (Villiam Sorenson, Mrs.

Herbert Zimmerman and Mrs. Ted Strahn gave specialty dances and Mrs. August Tremblay sang several solos. Readings were given by Mrs, Elmore Pahl, Mrs. Roland Vogel and Mrs.

Arthur Johnson and Mrs. Walter Rohan and Mrs. William Sears gave humorous skits. The president, Mrs. James Williams, was presented a green glass water set by the members.

Party Frocks "That Are Adorable Graduation, Sports, and Bridesmaids' Dresses that are unusual. $15 Franken Frocks Bookstore Bldg. Second Floor FRESH- We speak of fresh Not just to be fresh But you should know And it's just because That hosiery too can be Same Ash fresh bread--meat APOLOGIES People like eave" keeps hose 3 our -stocks ever new knots J. And It's great to That when you buy A pair of "ClearA pair of FRESH home At wholesale price. You always buy OINKI -1 THANK YOU- ALWAYS BUY THE FAMOUS "CLEAR-WEAVE" AT WHOLESALE PRICES Fashion Weights Elsewhere $1.00 ALI.

SILK SURFACE (Guaranteed Against Garter Runs) WONDER WEAR FIRST QUALITY Why not enjoy 8 pair of these good looking hose? OUR WONDER VALUES Full Fashioned FRENCH SERVICE WEIGHTS CHIFFON .03 .27 Pure Silk Pure Top to Japan Silk Toe First Quality First Quality M. T. CUMMING CO. 1061 DIAIN ST. VOGUE SHOPPE For the Sportswear Scason Washable Crepes and Flannel Sport Frocks Regularly $14.75 and $16.75 $0.50 White and All Pastel Shades Also a' Few Lined Velvet Coats $18.75 Regular $25.00 Vogue Shoppe 3rd Floor Bookstore Bldg.

RECOMMENDS IT TO OTHERS Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound Helps Her So Much Cleveland, sure recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to any, woman in the condition I wag in. I was so weak and run-downl that I could hardly stand up.

I could not eat and was full of misery. A friend: living on Arcade Avenue told me about this medicine and after taking ten bottles my weakness and nervousness are all gone. I feel like living again. still taking it until feel strong like before. 'You may use this letter as a ELIZARETH Toso, 14913 Hale Cleveland; Ohio.


The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Why is Springfield so famous? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Does every state in the union have a town named Springfield? ›

According to a common factoid, there's a community called Springfield in all 50 states, but the U.S. Board on Geographic Names says that's not true: only 34 states have a Springfield. The real champ is Riverside. Unless you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, or Oklahoma, there's at least one Riverside in your state.

Is it expensive to live in Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Pro: Affordable Cost of Living

Though the Northeast is often thought of as an expensive place to live, the overall cost of living in Springfield is around 31% lower than the Massachusetts average and only 1% higher than the national average.

What weapon such as the Springfield named after the Massachusetts city? ›

Until 1968, the Armory made small arms. Its first American muskets (1794) were followed by the famous Springfield rifle and the revolutionary M1 Garand and M14s.

What is Springfield best known for? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

Why is Springfield MA called Springfield? ›

In 1641, the town of Springfield, named in honor of Pynchon's English birthplace, was incorporated. Springfield officially became a city in May of 1852. Springfield's location at the crossroads of New England is the most significant reason for its progress and continuing economic success.

What town name is in every U.S. state? ›

That would be Greenville. Riverside in all but four states (it does not exist in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, and Oklahoma).

What city name is in the most states? ›

  • 2.1 Washington (91)
  • 2.2 Franklin (45)
  • 2.3 Clinton (39)
  • 2.4 Arlington (38)
  • 2.5 Centerville (38)
  • 2.6 Georgetown (35)
  • 2.7 Lebanon (35)
  • 2.8 Springfield (35)

What is the cheapest area to live in Massachusetts? ›

If you're considering shifting to the Bay State, here are some cheap areas to live that offer affordable living options:
  • North Adams. Cost of Living Compared to National Average. ...
  • Springfield. Cost of Living Compared to National Average. ...
  • Pittsfield. ...
  • Chicopee. ...
  • Holyoke. ...
  • Gardner. ...
  • Fitchburg. ...
  • Taunton.
6 days ago

What is the racial makeup of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

How much do you need to make to live in Springfield, MA? ›

Typical Expenses
0 Children1 Child
Required annual income after taxes$37,609$66,025
Annual taxes$6,884$9,524
Required annual income before taxes$44,493$75,549
8 more rows

What is the nickname for Springfield Massachusetts? ›

  • City of Firsts. This moniker has been earned through a history of innovation, including America's first military arsenal, first American-made automobile, the birthplace of basketball, and of Theodor Geisel, better known as "Dr. ...
  • City of Homes. ...
  • City of Knowledge. ...
  • City of Innovation and Vibrancy.
Dec 9, 2021

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Why did the Springfield Armory shut down? ›

In 1968, citing budgetary concerns, the U.S. Government closed Springfield Armory. Now the walls of Springfield Armory would house historians, paying homage to the past rather than those with an eye to the future.

What is Springfield or known for? ›

Springfield, Oregon is believed to be the famous typical American town behind the acclaimed Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation's "The Simpsons". Take a self-guided and unofficial Simpsons tour around the city.

Why did The Simpsons choose Springfield? ›

Springfield was named after Springfield, Oregon. The only reason is that when I was a kid, the TV show “Father Knows Best” took place in the town of Springfield, and I was thrilled because I imagined that it was the town next to Portland, my hometown.

What is so special about Springfield, Illinois? ›

An agricultural centre, Springfield became known for coal mining at the turn of the 20th century. The city is a wholesale and retail centre for a rich farming area producing corn (maize), soybeans, and livestock. It is the site of the Illinois State Fair, held annually since 1853.

What is Springfield Armory famous for? ›

Within decades, Springfield Armory had perfected pioneering manufacturing methods that were critical to American industrialization. Reopened in 1978 as the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, the original 1840's arsenal houses the world's largest collection of historic American military firearms.

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