The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)

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The Bangor Daily Newsi

Bangor, Maine

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Waldo Tel 942-4881 Bangor Daily News Saturday-Sunday January 4-5 1964 15 tor of the Warren Baptist Church officiating-Interment will be in Fairview Cernetery Warren Deaths And Funerals $96557 Grant Awarded TcT Jackson Lab By Jimmy Hatlo Do It Every Time I NEWSWashington Bureau WASHINGTON A $96557 grant has been fa warded to the Jackson Laboratory at Bar a rbor by the Federal He alth Education and Welfare Dept to support various research projects Sen Muskie (D-Me) announced Friday The department said the laboratory can use the grant for any project it desires Ihumblesoup THE WAITER BLOWS--HIS ROOF WHEN A CUSTOMER HAS THE GALL TO LEAVE A MERE TEN PER CENT Tip- Sherman 71 died Friday at a local hospital after a short -illness She was born here April 19 1892 daughter of William and Annie (Smith) Sherman She was a member of St Episcopal Church Surviving are four sisters Miss Helen Sherman and Miss Hilda Sherman of Bar Harbor Mrs Alfred Gardner Marblehead Mass and Mrs John Gieling of White Plains N- niecp and two nephews Funeral services will be at 2 pm Monday at St Episcopal Church here the Rev Carroll A Hopkins Jr officiating Interment will be in the family lot at Ledgelawn JAMES SICKLES James E- Sicklesr three week old son of Lawrence and Marjorie (Shorey) Sickles of Bangor died Friday morning at a local hospital He was born December 16 In Bangor Surviving besides his parents are two sisters Julia and Donna and tWo brothers Lawrence Jr and David all of Bangor his maternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Lewis Shorey of Dover-Fox-croft his paternal grandfather James Sickles of Waterville his paternal grandmother Mrs Ida McNally of Bangor and several aunts and uncles Friends may call at the Greenlawn Memorial Funeral Home 300 State Street where a prayer service will be held Jus afternoon at 2 More Stocks GRACE CAMDEN Mrs Grace Fiske Richardson 90 of 36 Megunticook Street died at Camden Friday She was the widow of William Richardsor She was born at Brighton Mass October 8 1873 daughter of Amos and Mary (Washburn) Fiske She had been a resident of Camden for the past 48 years a member of the Chestnut Street Baptist Church and a member of the Eastern Star Seaside Chapter Surviving are three nieces Mrs Raymond Thompson of Portland Mrs Marion Wall of Braintree Mass and Mrs Neva Harden of Camden and 6ne nephew Percy Fiske of Rockland Fyneral services will be held Sunday at 2 pm at the Laite Funeral Home Camden with the Rev Gerald Swetnam officiating -Interment will be in Rockville Cemetery Rockport By Unit'd Press International (in buds) Sales Hifh Low Close Chff Amer Cyanamid 52 6(hi 59 60 m' 14 6 64 16 49A 46i 487 Vi 5 254 254 25V- 20 28 4 28 28 ty 58 37 35 36V a 47 52 51V 52 1 88 50H 49V 50V 2 42V 42' 42V- i4 30 14 14i4sl4i4- Callah Mng Chi It NW pi Dome Mm Elec Bond it Fair Cam Georgia Pac Grace li Co Kan Lear Mad Sq Grdn 3 14 1 1 But how is HE ON GIVING OUT A LITTLE OF HIS TAKE YOU'RE ASKING WE'RE TELLING- Mc-Don Air Minn PiL Tel So Car Stand Pkg Stone Web Warren SD 24 51W 50'i 50i-iv 9 43i 42i 491 2- A 13 534 53W 519 13 58V 57V 57' 31 12'- 114s 114- 6 58W 57H 581 i 1 42 42 42 -1 Tcd A0 A TP OP THE HATLO HAT TO 4542 L06AM AUNNEAftolS mnn Bridal Unites itida Shepard VugenelL Eaton ROCKLAND Miss Linda Sue Shepard daughter of Mr and Mrs Leroy Shepard of 12 Rockland third year student at Washington State College Machias became the bride of Eugene Harris Eaton December 21 The double ring ceremony was performed at the home of her parents by the Rev Charles Dartnell of Brewer The bridegroom is the son of Mr Percy Joyce and Earl Eaton of Deer Isle Recorded organ selections by Jesse Crawford included the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin Yours Is My Heart and White chrysanthemums and snapdragons were the floral decoration Given in marriage by her father the bride was attired in a pale pink satin dinner dress trimmed with crystal beads with veil and shoes to match She carried a white satin prayer book with white carnations and ribbons Miss Norma Varisco of Ston-ington as maid of honor wore red velvet with pale pink satin trim Pearl Eaton of Stonington brother of the bridegroom was best man The couple received about 70 guests at the Thorndike Hotel Rockland where the guest book was in charge of Miss Pamela Webb Assisting in serving were Miss Faye Simpson and Mrs Alton Torrey The gift table was displayed at the home of the par ents For their wedding trip to New York City the bride chose a beige suit with brown acces sories The bride graduated from Stonington High School before attending WSTC She is a mem ber of Phi Tau Phi soroity The bridegroom is a gradu ate of Deer Isle High School and Maine Vocational Technical Institute Building Contracting 8 Help Wanted Fem 16 Sales Men-Ladies CARPENTER Painting rtmodeting insid and out Floort ceiling in-(tolled Call 945 3290 of 825 4917 Pete Buribye YOUNG LADY For Record Department experienced Sales girl preferred Viner's Music Co 20 Broad Street IF YOU'RE In making money in selling tee the hundreds of exceptional opportunities in Salesmen's Opportunity Magazine Send name for your copy absolutely free Tel! us what you're selling now Opportunity 848 Dearborn Dept P-5 Chicago 10 III Commodities By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Grains were the only commodities to show sizable gains in fu tures trading at New York and Chicago exchanges Friday Cottonseed oil and wool futures were up slightly and there were minor gains for zinc and lead Lower were copper hides domestic sugar and cocoa New York cotton coffee and world sugar were mixed There was no trading silver soybean oil rubber or wool tops Among grains wheat futures were up -2 cents a bushel rye gained 3-4 cents oats were up Vs-3 cents corn gained and soybeans were unchanged to 1 cent higher Business Services 1 1 harold McPherson Harold Emery McPherson 62 of 97 Parkview Avenue died suddenly Friday morning at a local hospital Born in Wytopitlock September 30 1901 the son of Almon and Lucy (Clifford) McPherson he lived in Bangor the past 11 years Prior to this he resided for a while in Portland and at Drew Plantation where he attended school Mr McPherson was a psychiatric aide at thd Bangor State Hospital Surviving are his wife Mrs Florence A (McLaughlin) McPherson of Bangor a daughter Mrs Elizabeth (Scytkowski) of Chicopee Mass two brothers EarL of Tacoma Wash and REV BEAL Rev Edmund Beal 54 of Saco pastor of the Saco Unitarian Church and the Bid-deford Universahst Church died suddenly Thursday afternoon in Saugus Mass He was born at Jonesport February 28 1909 son of Freeman and Elizabeth (Aliev) Beal He was educated in schools of Jonesport and graduated from Jonesport High School He ttended Gray Business College Portland Tufts College and the Bangor Theological Seminary Before moving to Saco he had held pastorates in Stockton Springs Oakland Peabody Mass Turner Center Clair-mount Harrisville I He was a member of the Arundel Ministerial Association He is survived by his widow Blanche (Grindle) Beal two sons Richard and Donald both of Saco several nieces and nephews Funeral services will be at 3:30 pm Sunday at the Unitarian Church here Dr Henry Schooley of Woonsocket I will be assisted by the Rev Kenneth Hawkes of Portland Interment will be in Seaside Cemetery Blue Hill REFINED Matuie capable woman interested in position as companion-nursa housekeeper for adults Experienced with the elderly Tel Garfield 422-6426 or write Elite Jones Sullivan Maine FREDERICK II1LL SOUTH HADLEY FALLS Mass Fredenck Hill 54 died suddenly December 28 it his home here He was born December 6 1899 son of William and Lydia (Nichols) Hill He was graduated from Ba tavii NY High School and Syracuse University and he received a degree from Columbia University He had taught in high schools In New York and Maine He was a veteran of World War 1 and 11 and since 1955 had resided in South Hadley Falls Recently he was employed as a civilian instructor at Westover AFB From 1946 to 1955 he lived in Bangor Survivors include his widow the former Louise Douglass two daughters Mrs William Reed of Tacoma Wash and Saratf Hill student at the University of Connecticut a brother Tracy of East Bethany NY two sisters Mrs Marion Fuller and Mrs Hael Brink-enoff of Batavia two grand children and three nieces and a nephew Funeral services were held Tuesday and cremation was 'll Springfield Cemetery Mass ARTESIANWEUS Easy terms Average well In 2 doys Free estimates statewide service Foul Scribner Charleston Maine 285 3281 WORK NEAR Earn $50 or more per week taking care of Avon customers daily needs in your neighborhood Choose own hours Openings in Dexter Dover-Foxcroft Guilford Monson Parkman Sangerville Write Mrs Russell Johnson Charland Terrace Waterville ARTESIAN WEILS low wintei rotas No down paymanl threa yaars to pay Modarn rotary equipment Koith Scott Puthaw Road Glanburn 942-2417 RFSPONSIBLE To care for active 3-year-old Modern home All conveniences Must be personable and willing to do light housework Live Meals and transportation provided to Bangor Home Give full information first letter Advertiser Box H-60 Bangor Daily News WANT $23 And a new wardrobe? Show our lovely dresses Fashion Frocks Dept P-4219 Cincinnati Ohio 45202 BANGOR UPHOLSTERING CO 36 yaars axparianca All custom work Frea astimata 10 yaors guorontaad Pickup and dalivary free IS7 Horn mond Street 945 6660 Help Wanted Male 17 Jasper of Presque Isle a sister Mrs Verna Buckingham of Fos-terville two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews Funeral services will be held at the White and Hayes Funeral Home 48 Center Street Sunday morning at 10 Friends may call at the funeral home today from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 Interment will be in Drew Plantation The Rev Lester Perry will officate 3 DAYS Four days at home Man over 45 for short trips near Bangor Worth up to $8000 to $12 500 in a year Write Swallow president Southwestern Petroleum Corp 534 No Main St Fort Worth 1 Texas For freezer Cut and wrapped Wagmon't Meat Market Hanco*ck Pine St Bangor 942 1484 Stock Leaders New York Sales closing price and net change of the fifteen most active stocks Friday: Searle GD 210400 80Vi 2 Korvette 135600 34 1 Parke Davis 110800 34V IV Cont Airl 105400 15V 1 RCA 86200 101 Dymo Ind 84400 53 3 Fairb Whit 67100 67 Magnavox 66900 40 2 US Steel 66500 55 Richfield Oil 65400 41 1 Penn RR 65000 267a Brunswick 64500 12 Am Mch Fdy 62800 20 Sperry Rd 61500 20 Am Tel Tel 58200 139 NOTICE TO IOB SEEKERS REGARDING REFERENCED advisable to tend copies Originals mat not be returned REGARDING WAGES-SALACYi Find out in the beginning how you wil be paid whether on SALARY COMMISSION DRAWING ACCOUNT ot a combination batit A clear under standing in tho beginning may prevent disappointment later BREWER UPHOLSTERING CO Ellsworth Road Brewer Custom upholstering and repairing Antique specialists Free estimates State wide pickup and delivery Terms arranged 10 year guarantee 989-2200 SALESMAN DRY GOODS TOP established line laces Buttons Paby Wear Jewelry Purses Hdkfs Scarves Belts Selling retail stores Companion line acceptable BIG 10 comm PLUS SPECIAL BONUS DEAL BROADWAY MERCH CO 487 Broadway NYC Custom made for truckers contractors organizations Minimum order 25 Write for samples Modern Engravers 175 Exchange Bangor EXPERIENCED TAPERS AND ROCKERS WANTED CONTACT: MAGNO DRYWALL CO 15 O'Brian St Portland Potato Bulletin January I GENERAL Complete attic and cellar cleaning moving Floor waxing scrubbing polishing Free estimates Tel 947-8794 LOIS MAY FIELDS FRANKFOR T-Mrs Lois May Fields 62 died Friday in a Searsport nursing home She was born here July 15 1901 daughter of William A and Lillian (Reed) Francis She is survived by two daughters Mrs Maxine Hussey of Frankfort Mrs Frances Saucier of Brewer three sons Ralph Fields of Frankfort Atwood Fields of Torrington Conn Arnold Fields of Pittsfield a brother Thornton Francis of St Petersburg Fla 20 grandchildren one greatgrandchild several cousins nieces and nephews Funeral services will be at 2 pm Sunday at Foley Funeral Home Winterport the Rev Evelyn Grindle of the Methodist Church officiating Interment will be in Oak Hill Cemetery Winterport Friends may call at the funeral home Saturday from 7 to 9 pm PRODUCE SALESMAN Inside sales work for wholesale produce company located In Aroostook County Experience in produce preferable salary plus benefits send resume to Advertiser Box C-60 Bangor Daily News MRS MAURICE WOODMAN Mrs Grace Woodman 89 of 302 Ohio Street died Thursday night at a local hospital The widow of Maurice Wood man she was born in Lagrange September 15 1874 the daugh ter of Benjamin Franklin and Theresa (Kenney) Hinkley Surviving are a daughter Mrs Cornelius Fox of Bangor a sister Mrs Ethel Doble of Hindsdale 111 two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 at the Clark-Mitchell Funeral Home 299 Union Street The Rev Edward Ernst of the Hammond Street Congregation al Church will officiate Burial will be in the family lot at LaGrange INCOME Preparation qualified accountant with Degree For appointment call Edward Mdnnis 942-5943 Slate Itinerary Representatives of the Ban gor Social Security Office will be at the following places dur-ng the week of January 5: Tuesday Belfast City Hall 10 am Thursday Dover Foxcroft Town Hall 10 am Thursday Milo Town Hall 2:30 pm Coming Events AT ROCKLAND The Rev Cleaves Henderson of the Littlefield Memorial Baptist Church will hold a study at the church Saturday at 10 am for Boy Scouts working on God and Country requirements The Prayer Circle Fellowship of the First Baptist Church will meet in the vestry Saturday at 7:30 pm ROBERT IVEY IIOULTON Robert Ivey Sr 62 died Friday at a local hospital after a short illness He was born at Maxwell North Lake NB April 4 1901 son of Robert and Martha (McKay) Ivey He had been a resident of Houlton for the past 33 years He is survived by his widow ilrs Carrie (Esterbrook) Ivey Of Houlton four sons Robert Jr Ralph A and Paul A all of Houlton and Mysten of Fair-field three daughters Mrs Richard Barton and Mrs John McCarthy and Donna Ivey all of Houlton five brothers Mun-roe of Florida and Verne Mo-rart and John all of Canada and Ralph of Stillwater two Bisters Mrs Lois Faulkner Woodstock NB Mrs Edward Davidson Eel River NB and 12 grandchildren Funeral services will be con ducted at the Dunn Funeral Home here Sunday at 1 pm with the Rev Gordon Buzza officiating Friends may call at the funeral home Saturday from 7 to 9 pm Burial will be in Hodgdon Cemetery APPLICATIONS Now being accepted for young man age 20-25 to train for exterior decorating management Call for interview at Victor Perkins Son 53 State Brewer Phone 989-3284 Oattpr Sally Nnoa Kitchens family rooms all kinds repair work done expertly and neatly Free estimates Donald A Smith home builder and contractor Dial 947-7835 With tools for work on prospective America's Cup contender Top shipyard rates Apply Luders Marine Construction Co Box 1275 Stamford Conn telephone SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned Stamps given George Tree Orono 866-2145 SNOW PLOWING Drivtways parking lots Phone 942 0455 SALESMAN Curtis Industries Inc AAA-1 Company needs an experienced salesman over 25 with ear interested in earning $7000 to $8000 per year to start in 5 Counties in Maine Sell thousands of fast-moving replacement parts and kits direct to dealers fleets and garages Sell keys and key machines and hardware specialties to many ether accounts Draw against commission plus bonus Established accounts group insurance company paid field training For interview please call: Mr Kaplan Bangor House 947-7321 After 12 noon Monday all day Tuesday and Wednesday CRANE To load pulp must be experienced bantam Crane two months job contact Gerald Graham Greenville Junction Maine Ox-Bow 5-2560 if no answer call Ox-Bow 5-2709 VENETIAN vBLIND LAUNDERING Repairs retaping and recording New custom made Venetian blinds and window shades Barton Venetian Blinds Brewer Tel 945-6838 FOREIGN Information Construction other work projects Good paying overseas jobs with extras travel expenses Write only: Foreign Service Bureau Det 223 Bradenton Beach Florida Trucking Storage 12 AT ROCKPORT An illustrated lecture from the Photographic Society of America on the subject of Top will be featured at a meeting of the Knox County Camera Club Tuesday at the Berry Studio Plan Session All girls wishing to try out for officers of the Rockland Assembly of Rainbow for Girls are to meet at the Rockland Masonic Temple Tuesday at 7 pm ASHES And rubbish hauled general trucking furniture moving lowest rates Chapman Tel 848 3489 local call TRUCKS To haul pine logs 30 miles $12 per Thousand Edward Bernard West Enfield Tel 732-2341 MAURICE DINSMORE Maurice Wendell Dinsmore 75 died at his home in Whiting Friday Mr Dinsmore was born at Whiting June 11 1888 son of Os car and Lillie (Crane) Dinsmore He lived in Whiting all his life He is survived by his widow Phyllis Genevieve (Nickerson) Dinsmore of Whiting one uncle Fred Crane of Bangor and several cousins He was a member of Whiting Community Church and a Golden Sheaf member of Lubec Grange He had been employed by the Lubec Water and Electric District for 39 years Funeral services will be helc at the residence Sunday at 2:30 with the Rev Warren Hedrick and the Rev Chester Axline officiating Burial will be at the Whiting Cemetery Why Not let Won! Adt Work For Youl BUY SELL FIND RENT HIRE IT NO SECRET WANT ADS GET RESULTS LIGHT TRUCKING Furniture rubbish or what have you? Special low rates Call Mr Wilson 942-7812 PHILIP GRAY FRIENDSHIP Philip Gray 58 died Friday at a Rock and hospital after a short ill ness He was born at Bucksport March 5 1905 son of Manley and Georgia (Bonzey) Gray He had been a resident of Friendship for the past 12 years and was employed at Fisher En gineering in Rockland For sev eral years he was a steel work er at Bucksport While in Bux ton in 1948 he saved the life of two children by rescuing them from a house fire He is survived by his widow Mrs Muriel (Burns) Gray three sons Norman Gray Elwin A Gray and Lloyd Gray all of Friendship two brothers Elmer Gray of North Berwick and Freeman Gray of Bucksport one sister Mrs Doris Parker of Belfast 10 grandchildren and several nieces nephews and cousins Funeral services will be helc Sunday-aMf-pm-at the Hal! Funeral Home at Waldoboro with the Rev Forrest Fowle of ficiating Interment will be in Harbor Cfemetery at Friendship Experienced man on dairy farm understands feeding and milking Only experienced ones need apply Ansel Thompson Sr Washburn Maine AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN Three combination men to sell extra clean used cart and new Dodge cars and trucks We offer top commissions plus guaranteed monthly income We need men who want to earn $700 monthly and more We need a man who lives in Hampden one from Brewer and one from Bangor to cover these and other outlining districts Selling experience preferred Call Mr McFarland at Atwood Motor Co Bangor 945-5674 Furniture or appliances Reasonable efficient Dave's Furniture Company 100 Center St Bangor Tel 942-5291 YOUNG MAN WANTED For stock work full time Apply in person only Clare's 30 Hammond Street imm Weekend Funeral Services BOB'S TRUCKING-Trash hauled furniture moving special low rates Call Bob Chapman 942-2430 ACTUAL In Europe So Am Many high pay Write Employment Info Center Room 53 739 Boylston St Boston 16 Mass Lost and Found CHARLES Twin City Truck Ing Experienced furniture movers Call Bob 942-3026 Attention Housewives BEAGLE Brown whito and black lost in Lagrange and Bradford area Please call Old Town 827-2862 COLLECTOR Repairing-Refinish 14 BERNICE BERRY NORRIDGEWOCK Bernice Libby Berryr 57 died at the home of her son Robert Berry here She was born at Winslow January 9 1906 daughter of Edward and Louise (Bellows) Libby She had been a resident here eince her marriage to Verne A Berry June 10 1921 and had leen a former employe of the Norrwock Choe Company She was the only local Gold Star Mother and was a member of the Norridgewock VFW Auxili iry Survivors besides her husband include two daughters Mrs 1 Edmund Bernard and and Mrs HarveyAustlnrbofh of Norridgewock a son Robert Berry of Norridgewock sever al grandchildren three sis ters Mrs Alcide Michaud Mrs Valerie Michaud both of Waterville and Mrs W'yman Webber of Salt Lake City Utah four brothers Albernie of Bell Gardens Cal Roland of Portland Clyde of Madison and Edward Libby of Moodus Conn and several aunts un ties and cousins Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 at Norridgewock Federated Church with the Rev William Baran officiating Friends may call at the residence of Robert Berry i in DOROTHY SHERMAN BAR Miss Dorothy Femols Beagle in vicinity of Stetson and Carmel Has choker chain Reward 989-3966 A National concern requires the services of a part time collector to service delinquent accounts in the Bangor area Write Advertiser Box F-60 Bangor Daily News BEACON AUTO BODY For expert body fender repairs and painting Call 942-4878 244 Main Street Funeral services for Mrs Georgie Er Fellows wiir be" held at the Brookings-Smith Funeral Home 133 Center Street Bangor this afternoon at 2 with the Rev Stanley Stevens of the All Souls Congregational Church officiating Interment will be in the family lot at Silver Lake cemetery Bucksport LOST Sable collie Answers to Sport License number 75789 Reward Unity 948-2214 Get those bills off your mind Sell Avon to women in a neighborhood territory A few openings now available We train you For interview Tel 943-9500 Mrs Edmond Lebrun District Manager Hampden Highlands Maine Mrs Yvonne Beckett District Manager Fort Fairfield Maine Openings- Bangor Brewer Veazie Ed-dington Orono Old Town Alton Ar-gyle Bar Harbor Ellsworth Milbridge Milltown Eastport Lubec Siamese male cat 3 years old lost in Brewer Name is Tiki Tel 589-4285 Help Wanted Fem 16 Personals APPLY NOW INEXPERIENCED OR EXPERIENCED DRIVERS TRUCKMEN Make more year around earnings in your own business with no selling required Trailers and loads supplied AGE 21 OR OVER PASS PHYSICAL Must own or be able to finance 1958 Diesel 1959 gas or later truck BOX 107 DEPT 35 AERO MAYFLOWER TRANSIT CO INDIANAPOLIS 6 INDIANA EVERETT HUNTLEY HARRINGTON -Everett Huntley 83 a lifelong resident of Harrington died Friday morning at Marlboro Mass after a long illness He was born November 4 1880 at Harrington son of George and Mary (Young) Huntley Survivors include his widow Mrs Ellen Huntley of Marl boro Mass one son Herber Huntley of Marlboro Mass with whom he had made his home for the past two years one daughter Mrs Harry Hart ford of Warren five grandchil dren and six great-grandchil dren Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 pm at Simmons Funeral Home Warren with the Rev Sterling Helmer pas co*ckTAIL Wanted Experienced Apply in person Gas Light Room 200 Exchange St Bangor Maine Electronically removed Margaret Harter 22 Street Bangor 942-8867 and Saturdays Funeral services for Phineas Brewer Sr who died Thursday in Blaine will be held Monday at Blaine Baptist Church at 2 The Rev Cameron pastor will officiate Friends may call at the Blaine residence Saturday and Surtday Interment will be in Tapley Cemetery Blaine Wanted for one adult no hard work Inquire 1 9Vfi Boyd St Bangor Work Wanted Fem 20 EDMUND STINSON DEER ISLE Edmund Stin son 60 died suddenly at his home Thursday He was born here June 8 1903 son of Alphonso and Florence (Gray) Stinson He lived here all his life anc drove a school bus for 15 years He was employed by Cannery in Stonington for many years He is survived by a niece Mrs June Greenlaw of Rosedale and several cousins Funeral services will be at pm Saturday at the Sunset Parish House Michael Whitley pastor of Sunshine Advent Church officiating Interment will be in Hillside Cemetery Sunset Sales Men-Ladies 19 WOULD LIKE To keep house for elderly person Write Advertiser Box D-60 Bangor Daily Newt AMAZING New radiomatte short wave method removes unwanted hair permanently safely Monday through Friday Shirley Schneider S46 Center Bangor 942-0781 Wanted for an adult alone one that wants home instead of wages age sixty or older Young Gouldsboro Maine Vocational Instruc 22 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT Selling Fuller Brush Products in Greater Bangor Area Please include phone number Write A-l Box 291 Bangor Maine With own income to live in light duties 2 children Call 945-3124 after 6 MONEY LOANED On rifles shotguns hand guns of all types Central loan Pawn Shop 89 Central Street Bangor Funeral services for Albina Good will be conducted at the Dunn Funeral Home Saturday at 2:30 pm with the Rev John Ruth officiating Burial will be In New Limerick Cemetery SALESGIRL Experience preferred Neat appearance Apply in person Post Office Pharmacy Death Notice SHERMAN Miss Dorothy 71 at Bar Harbor Friday Funeral services will be at 2 pm Mon day at St Episcopal Church In lieu of flowers con tributions may be made to St Episcopal Church For local accounting office must have several years typing and shorthand experience Excellent working conditions and fringe benefits Call 942-7329 for Card of Thanks I with moat sincerely to express my Sppreclatlon to all mv friends nelgh-ors'and relative! for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown during mv recent be-eavement In the loss of mv husband Mrs Bessie Belyea I Presque Isle Maine WE LOAN MONEY-On diamonds watches TV's guns and all articles of value Central Loan Pawn Shop 89 Central Street Bangor CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Men-Women 18-52 Start high en $10200 a Week Preparatory train-ing until appointed Thousands of jobs open Experience usually unnecessary FREE information on jubt salaries requirements W-it TODAY giving name address phone and time home Writl Lincoln Service a3v Box $-59 Bangor Daily News BOSTON Life 'nsurance Co has openings for two highly cap-cble men in the Bangor area Salary arranged liberal group benefits Phone Wesley Rand Manager Bangor 947-8333 between '9-5 WE LOAN Money on watches diamonds rifles TV Anything of value Enrice Fratl Jeweler Pawnbroker 91 Pickering Square Bangor Neat appearing and ex perienced Day or night shift Apply in person Miller's Restaurant 427 Main ROCKVILLE Funeral services for Mrs Nellie Benner 92 will be held Saturday at 2 pm at the Burpee Funeral Home Rockland with the Rev Carl Small pastor of the Rockport and Rockville Baptist churches officiating Interment will be in Blaine Cemetery Warren Public Notices ROUTE OPENING Ellsworth-Belfast area start with $8750 earn up to $12500 Good car age 24 to 45 Write Manager Box 126 Haf-lowell Maine Wanted to help with care of three children and general house work No cooking Own room In suburb of Boston $35 Coll Bangor 15 il MRS BLANCHE ARCHER Mrs Blanche (Sproul) Arch er 79 of Hamlin Avenue died early Friday morning at a loca hospital following a long il ness Born In Orland October 31 1884 she resided in Bangor the past 44 years after moving here from Aurora She waS member of the Salvation Army Surviving are two daughters Mrs Rueben Gray of Ellsworth and Mrs Nettie Curtis of Ban gor 16 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren Funeral services will be he at the White and Hayes Funera! Home' 48 Center Street Mon day afternoon at 2 Friends may call Sunday a -ternoon and' evening naficsa NEW For Christmas? Children or adults' lessons Soundproof studio For information Mrs John Coombs 67 Boutelle Road Tel 942-9071 Business Op'tunltles 23 wsp ROUTE Married store experience helpful Car references $8750 weekly Apply Main State Employment Office Presque Isle Tuesday January 7 2-3 pm CAPABLE For Physician home Sudbury Mass 5 motherless children ages 3-9' private room bath ond TV excellent wages for the right person Write Advertiser Box G-60 Bangor Daily News i BUSY BEE MARKET Comer Cedar and Second Street Bangor New equipment new stock Clean reason- able I ROCKLAND Funeral services for Ernest Payson 66 will be held Saturday at 2 pm at Davis Funeral Home with the Rev Charles Monteith pastor of the Rockland Congregational Church officiating Interment will be in Achorn Cemetery Rockland 4 Building Contracting 8 SALESMENr-Must be experienced selling plumbing and heating supplies to wholesale trod Write full particulars to Adv Box No J-60 Bangor Daily News CARPENTER WORK Repairs end remodeling small obs or large Lewis Whittaker 862-3953 IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOU'VE GOT TO TELL USE WANT ADS RETIRING Successful franchise top lint hearing aid business 15 yearf same location Write ''Advertiser Box 0-59 Bangor Daily Newi i 1 i 1 'V I- 7 ti 1 ('' I Vef' i.

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The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Views: 5636

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.