The Aftermath (2024)

← S2The OC Season 3S4 →
#01"The Aftermath"#10"The Chrismukkah Bar Mitz-vahkkah"#19"The Secrets and Lies"
#02"The Shape of Things to Come"#11"The Safe Harbor"#20"The Day After Tomorrow"
#03"The End of Innocence"#12"The Sister Act"#21"The Dawn Patrol"
#04"The Last Waltz"#13"The Pot Stirrer"#22"The College Try"
#05"The Perfect Storm"#14"The Cliffhanger"#23"The Party Favor"
#06"The Swells"#15"The Heavy Lifting"#24"The Man of the Year"
#07"The Anger Management"#16"The Road Warrior"#25"The Graduates"
#08"The Game Plan"#17"The Journey"
#09"The Disconnect"#18"The Undertow"

"The Aftermath" is the first episode in the third season of the Fox drama series The O.C.. The episode aired on the eighth of September in 2005.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • 2 Plot
  • 3 Cast
    • 3.1 Starring
    • 3.2 Guest Starring
    • 3.3 Co-Starring
  • 4 Music
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Gallery


In the season three premiere, Marissa and Ryan, including Seth and Summer, are being investigated for Trey's shooting throughout the entire summer while Trey resides in a coma, leaving the D.A. impatiently waiting to hear his side. Julie goes to malicious lengths to protect Marissa, Kirsten makes a new friend while in rehab, and Sandy takes over the Newport Group while Julie and Jimmy wait to hear about Caleb's will.


Season three opens right after the shooting with Trey being brought into the hospital on a stretcher while Ryan and Marissa follow, closely behind him. The police try stopping Ryan to ask more question while Marissa asks the nurses if Trey will die while voiceovers of the entire conversation between Ryan, Trey, and Marissa from The Dearly Beloved, echo in the background. Ryan runs after the doctors asking if Trey will be okay and one of them notices Ryan pretty banged up as well. Ryan gets dizzy as the police are still trying to question him. Marissa is yelling for Ryan while the police bombard her with questions and Ryan tells her not to answer them. Seth asks Ryan if he is okay just as Sandy runs into the hospital checking on Seth and Ryan. Ryan passes out and falls to the ground, then awakes in the pool house. Ryan says how it was a nightmare and Seth tells him that their lawyer is on the way.

The Aftermath (1)

Summer and Marissa sit out by the pool and talk about their last few days before their senior year of high school starts. Summer argues that Marissa will be innocent since she was saving Ryan's life and that Ryan understands why she shot Trey. Marissa says that it feels like a horrible tragedy hanging over her and Ryan's relationship. Marissa says she isn't sure if Trey will be waking up from his coma. Summer then says how hot it was of Ryan to defend Marissa. Marissa says that she still isn't sleeping at night because she has to deal with the fact that she shot someone for the rest of her life.

The Aftermath (2)

Sandy is pouring coffee for the lawyer who is anxious to start questioning Seth and Ryan. The lawyer says that the D.A. is under a lot of pressure by the community to determine who the prosecutor is. Sandy argues that their is no one to prosecute since Marissa is protected by the truth of everyone. The lawyers says that they are really going after Ryan to which Sandy fires back saying that Ryan is innocent. The lawyer hashes out Ryan's history and questions why Ryan's girlfriend was the one to fire the shot and why Ryan was even there to begin with. The lawyer states that they have cause since Trey was trying to rape Marissa. Sandy asks the lawyer not to go after Ryan because social services could take him away. The lawyer says that it explains why Marissa is trying to cover for him.

The Aftermath (3)

At Suriak, Kirsten is in one of her meetings and the doctor applauds her work ethic in recovering. Kirsten says how she has gotten some clarity in why she turned to alcohol and that it had a lot to do with her dad, Caleb Nichol. She talks about her dad and how hard her life was with her dad. The doctor says that it sounds like Kirsten can go home soon. The lawyer begins questioning Ryan and Seth separately, but they are the same questions they have been answering over the past few months. Ryan and Seth retell the story of the events leading up and after the shooting. Ryan says how Marissa saved his life but the lawyer switches his words to say that Marissa shot Trey. The lawyer then accuses Ryan of shooting the gun since his fingerprints were found on it but Ryan says he turned on the safety. The lawyer finally asks Ryan if he went to Trey's to kill him and there is no response.

The Aftermath (4)

Jimmy and Julie are preparing for the lawyers to come question Marissa. Julie doesn't want Marissa to tell the D.A. that she shot someone to which Jimmy says she has already admitted to. Julie claims that Marissa wasn't in the right headspace and she reveals that she would rather want Ryan to go away for the shooting. Julie blames Ryan for their lives falling apart while Jimmy argues it was all their own fault. Julie says she doesn't want to loose their chance of becoming a family again. Seth goes to Ryan and tries to find something they can do to get some space but Ryan wants to visit Trey. Seth offers to go with him.

Julie is trying to kiss up to the lawyers who are absolutely not having it. Marissa and Summer join them and they ask to speak only to Marissa. Marissa argues that Summer knows the truth and would not interfere. They ask Summer again to go inside and Marissa asks not to go through talking the story again. The lawyers say that her testimony lacks credibility and Marissa sits down to talk to them. At the hospital, Ryan sits by Trey's bedside with Seth nearby. Once they leave, Trey's fingers start to twitch. Ryan apologizes to Seth, saying he doesn't know why he came to see Trey. Seth says he can't blame himself to which Ryan says that it could have worked out and that Trey is the only family he has left. Seth tells him that is not true at all. In Trey's room, he opens his eyes and looks around.

The Aftermath (5)

Ryan and Seth are playing video games and Seth answers a phone call to which the hospital tells them that Trey woke up. At Suriak, Kirsten is greeted and meets Charlotte Morgan. They talk about how similar their journeys feel just as Sandy pulls up. Sandy gets out of his car and greets Kirsten. Sandy and Kirsten walk around Suriak, catching up with each other. Sandy tells her about the boys' struggles with making food and then points out that Kirsten will be home soon. Sandy asks her to give him a heads up as to when that will be and Kirsten says she needs to speak with her doctors still. Sandy gets a call from Seth and tells him he will meet him later. Sandy kisses Kirsten goodbye and asks her to let him know what the doctors say.

The Aftermath (6)

Marissa sits alone by the beach when Ryan pulls up to get her. Ryan tells Marissa that Trey woke up and she is shocked. Ryan says that it couldn't have been too long since he just saw him. Marissa is surprised that Ryan has been seeing Trey and wonders why he didn't ask her to go with him. Ryan says that she should never have to see Trey again but he doesn't have the same choice. Marissa says that now that he is awake, he can tell the lawyers what really happened. Marissa and Ryan leave to meet Seth and Summer. Julie is angry with Caleb's attorney's who won't reveal information about his will. Julie tries to bribe the attorney's for information as to how much she will receive from Caleb.

At the diner, Summer suggests that all four of them need to have some fun. Marissa has an idea that involves using Jimmy's boat. Marissa, Ryan, Summer and Seth hang out and talk while they are sailing. They get to a beach and Seth and Summer joke around. Marissa makes sure her and Ryan are okay. The Core Four then runs around and messes with each other in the ocean. Ryan and Marissa make out at the lifeguard tower while Seth and Summer roast marshmallows together. They have a bonfire going and the Core Four gathers around talking and watch the sun set. At the hospital, Julie stops by Trey's room to speak with him. She brings up the night Trey tried to rape Marissa in The Return of the Nana. She then bribes him with money to change the story and say that Ryan shot him.

The Aftermath (7)

Ryan and Seth are watching Teen Wolf when Sandy walks in to tell them that Trey told the lawyers that Ryan shot him. There is now a warrant out for Ryan's arrest and Sandy is determined to figure out why Trey lied. Julie celebrates the fact that Ryan is getting arrested and not Marissa. Jimmy is suspicious of Julie and she says that Marissa would be ridiculed from college if they were to find out she shot someone. Julie goes on to say that Ryan was doomed before he moved in with the Cohen's. Marissa walks in and Julie reveals the news with Ryan.

Summer and Seth consider what to say exactly to Ryan who locked himself up in the pool house. Marissa arrives and immediately goes straight to Ryan. They walk in to find Ryan packing a bag with plans of running away. Marissa refuses that he goes alone saying that all four of them will sail away to which Seth and Summer agree to. Charlotte asks Kirsten about her visit with Sandy and Charlotte can tell she isn't ready to leave yet. Charlotte starts to explain that when she gets home she will go right to alcohol again. Kirsten says she is not ready and wants to be ready for the sake of her family. Charlotte tells her that she doesn't have to rush into anything and that she should take her time. Sandy looks around for Ryan and Seth who are no where to be found just as the police show up to arrest Ryan. Julie goes looking for Marissa and can't find her either.

The Aftermath (8)

Marissa, Summer, Ryan, and Seth are packing up their things on Jimmy's boat in attempt to get away. As they get ready to leave, the police arrive to stop them. Ryan ends up back in jail and Sandy speaks with him immediately. Sandy says he really looks guilty now and Ryan fires back saying it isn't any use as everyone views him as a criminal given his background and his family. Sandy remains hopeful that Trey will change his mind.

Seth, Summer, and Marissa go to see Trey and try and get him to change his mind. Marissa speaks with Trey and he asks if he came to finish her off. Marissa realizes that Trey does remember it was her who shot him. Trey then says he is trying to protect Marissa (ummmm HOW). Marissa says that blaming Ryan is not the way to do that. Trey goes on to apologize to her and tells her that Julie gave him a way out. Marissa is shocked and upset to find out this news. She tells him that if he wants to make it right, he needs to tell the truth.

The Aftermath (9)

Sandy meets Jimmy and talks through his thinking of why Trey would accuse Ryan, saying that someone had to have paid him and that he knew it was Julie. Sandy then asks Jimmy why he didn't stop her and he claims that he found out too late. Sandy straight up tells Jimmy that at some point in his life, he needs to do what's right. Jimmy starts to tell Sandy to put himself in his position to which Sandy fires back saying that he has better position. Jimmy then says that he is trying to protect his family. Sandy questions his motives saying that as soon as Caleb dies, he decides to show up. Sandy gets a phone call and says to Jimmy, sarcastically, how Julie will love to hear it.

Marissa gets home and gives Julie Trey's signed confession that says that if Marissa hadn't shot him, Trey would have killed Ryan. Julie argues with her saying that it will get out to everyone. Marissa then tells her to stay out of her life. Ryan gets out of jail and immediately asks Sandy what happened. Sandy tells Ryan that it is all thanks to Marissa that he is out and Julie who got him in jail. Ryan goes to Trey's hospital room to talk with him and realizes he left. Trey is getting on a bus going out of town and gets on just as Sandy and Ryan pull up to the stop. Ryan runs up to the bus but the doors have already closed. Trey sits down by a window and sees Ryan. They wave goodbye to each other and Ryan watches the bus drive away. Sandy gets out and comforts Ryan who melts in Sandy's arms.

The Aftermath (10)

Kirsten looks at a picture taken of her, Sandy, Seth and Ryan at Chrismukkah while Charlotte watches her. Marissa sits at the lifeguard tower and Ryan shows up to thank her. Ryan kisses her and sits down with her, really upset. Marissa notices and asks if he is okay. Ryan tells Marissa about a story from his childhood that involved Trey leaving him one night after a fight with his mom. Ryan says that Trey left him alone again to which Marissa tells him that he isn't alone this time. Ryan says that he knows and Marissa says she wants to put it all behind them. Ryan agrees and embrace each other.

The Aftermath (11)



Guest Starring[]




  • Summer: You got to admit Coop, whatever happens, Ryan facing off with Trey to avenge your honor. God, that is so freaking hot! In a mythic, biblical, samurai, western kind of way.
  • Ryan: I confronted Trey about what had happened and that's when he pulled the gun on me...
  • Seth: Then, we called Marissa to see if maybe she could stop Ryan...
  • Ryan: And that's when Marissa saved my life.
  • Seth: I kinda like him this way. He's a better listener. Sorry I get talkative around coma patients, it's a compensation thing.
  • Summer: You know Cohen? With your two hands on the wheel and the wind blowing through your hair. You actually looked kinda hot.
  • Seth: Let me guess Summer, you have a weakness for sea-men.
  • Summer: Ew, Cohen! And then there's that.
  • Julie: Look at you. Lying there all helpless. Unable to stop me from doing whatever I wanted to. Kind of like the night you tried to rape my daughter.
  • Trey: I'm sorry.
  • Julie: Oh you should be you son of a bitch.
  • Jimmy: You got to understand what I'm dealing with. Put yourself in my shoes.
  • Sandy: In your shoes? I got a wife in rehab who doesn't want to come home and a kid who has been locked up for something he didn't do. I think your shoes are looking pretty good right now.
  • Sandy: You have a hell of a girlfriend and if you two get married, you will have a hell of a mother-in-law. But you're free.


  • In the first scene after the opening credits, Summer and Marissa are sitting by the pool. This exact same scene, albeit with different dialog, occurred in the second season premiere, The Distance, right after the credits.


The Aftermath (12)

The Aftermath (14)

Summer and Marissa try to enjoy their last few days before senior year

The Aftermath (15)

The lawyers argue Marissa's testimony is not supported

The Aftermath (16)

Seth reminds Ryan that he still has family, even if Trey is no longer that factor anymore

The Aftermath (17)

Kirsten meets Charlotte Morgan

The Aftermath (18)

Sandy and Kirsten <3

The Aftermath (19)

Marissa learns that Trey has woken up

The Aftermath (20)

Summer suggests that all four of them need to have some fun

Seth jokes around with Summer

The Aftermath (22)

The Core/Fantastic Four:)

The Aftermath (23)

Ryan and Marissa make out at the lifeguard tower

The Aftermath (24)

Ryan and Marissa <3

The Aftermath (25)

Ryan makes fun of Summer

The Aftermath (26)

The Core Four watch the sun set on a beautiful day

The Aftermath (27)

Marissa is not letting Ryan run away on his own

The Aftermath (28)

Neither are Summer and Seth

The Aftermath (29)

Charlotte encourages Kirsten to take her time as she is not ready to go home yet

The Aftermath (30)

Marissa gets Trey's confession that explains the truth

The Aftermath (31)

Sandy tells Ryan that Marissa is the reason he is free

The Aftermath (32)

And that Julie will be a pain if him and Marissa ever get married

The Aftermath (33)

Ryan thanks Marissa for getting him out of jail

The Aftermath (34)

Ryan opens up to Marissa about his relationship with Trey

The Aftermath (35)

Ryan says he is alone again and Marissa reminds him that she is there

The Aftermath (36)

Ryan and Marissa agree to move forward

The Aftermath (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.