How to Soften Hard Cookies (2024)

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Whether you just accidentally overbaked your cookies or waited too long to eat them, this baking guide is going to show you how to soften hard cookies in 5 different ways! So you can now say goodbye forever to dry or stale homemade and store-bought cookies hard as a rock!

How to Soften Hard Cookies (1)
Jump to:
  • How to make hard cookies soft again? 5 easy ways
  • 1. White Bread
  • 2. Microwave
  • 3. Sugar Cubes
  • 4. Sliced Apple
  • 5. Wrap them immediately
  • +1 Tip: Use a correct recipe
  • What to avoid when trying to soften cookies
  • Tips for baking soft cookies
  • Tips for storing cookies to keep them soft
  • Soften Hard Cookies FAQs
  • Cookie Recipes
  • More Baking Guides
  • How to soften hard cookies

How to make hard cookies soft again? 5 easy ways

So you just baked a batch of your favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies but you left them in the oven too long! Now if you’re thinking, can I make hard cookies soft again? Yes! I’m going to show you how to soften hard cookies with these 5 easy methods!

1. White Bread

It's so simple to make hard cookies soft again with bread. All you need is a container or jar with a tight-fitting lid and a fresh slice of white bread. It’s important to use white bread so that the cookies don’t absorb other flavors.

Place the bread on the bottom of the jar. Then put the cookies on top and tightly close the jar. Now, keep the jar closed for at least 24 hours so that the cookies have time to absorb moisture from the bread. If after 24 hours the cookies are still hard, replace the bread with fresh bread, and then put the lid back on for another 6 hours.

2. Microwave

Next, let’s learn how to soften hard cookies in microwave! This method works wonderfully well if you want to know how to make cookies soft again fast and plan to eat them right away. Just keep in mind once they cool off the cookies become even harder.

Just wrap a cookie or two in a damp paper towel and then put them in the microwave for about 10 to 15 seconds. The moisture from the paper towel should soften the cookies right up. So if you wonder how to soften hard cookies quickly? Microwave is the way!

3. Sugar Cubes

For this next method, I’m going to show you how to soften hard cookies without microwave, but instead using sugar cubes! Sugar cubes will just add some moisture back into them similar to how the white bread method works.

All you have to do is put some sugar cubes in the bottom of an airtight container and then place the cookies on top. Just make sure to secure the lid tightly. Then leave the cookies in the container with the sugar for 12 hours.

4. Sliced Apple

This tutorial even covers how to soften hard cookies with apple, which is also a great way to learn how to soften stale cookies as well! Yet, your cookies may take on a bit of apple flavor, which could make them even tastier if you’re trying to soften my Oatmeal Craisin Cookies.

First, put some sliced apple in the bottom of an airtight container or jar. Then put the cookies on top and close the container. Now, leave the cookies in the container for about 24 hours.

This method teaches you how to soften hard cookies after baking. It’s perfect for when the cookies first come out of the oven and you realize that you’ve baked them for too long.

Just wrap each individual cookie in plastic wrap while they are still warm and the moisture created should soften them back up. You could also try putting all the cookies into a container to lock the heat in and steam them a bit. These are both super easy ways to soften hard cookies quickly by using steam.

+1 Tip: Use a correct recipe

Most cookie recipes require chilling time before baking for butter to solidify which helps to avoid flat cookies. However, some less reliable recipes simply use a higher proportion of flour that makes the cookie dough already solid enough to bake immediately, claiming it is a "no chill cookie" recipe.

This extra flour, in fact, make the dough less soft, however, also results in dry and hard cookies, simply because the dry ingredients (flour) are off compared to the fat (butter). Do not trust cookie recipes that claim that they are "no chill" as they almost always result in overly dry and hard cookies. Browse our cookie recipes here: Cookies.

How to Soften Hard Cookies (2)

What to avoid when trying to soften cookies

Now that I’ve shown you how to soften hard biscuits and cookies, I should also mention the things that you shouldn’t even consider when thinking about how to make cookies soft again.

You may be surprised that I haven't mentioned how to soften hard cookies in oven. Putting the cookies back into the oven will just dry them out more making them even harder. The oven removes moisture and to soften cookies you need to add more moisture.

You should also never warm cookies in the microwave without wrapping them in a damp paper towel. You need the moisture to make them soft again. Without it, they will just become even harder when reheated.

Tips for baking soft cookies

It’s always best to bake cookies that are soft and yummy, to begin with, so you don’t even have to ask how to make cookies softer!?!

1. Measure your flour accurately

Any time you are making cookies you should always use a digital scale to properly measure all your ingredients. Accidentally adding too much flour to a cookie recipe can easily lead to dry cookies. To learn more about how flour works in baking, check out my flour guide.

2. Use a timer

One of the easiest ways to almost ruin perfect cookies is by leaving them in the oven for too long. But this can easily be avoided by setting a timer.

3. Bake at the correct temperature

Make sure that your oven is heating correctly by double-checking it with a digital oven thermometer. It could be baking at a much higher or lower temperature, which will dry out the cookies.

4. Don’t overmix the dough

Over-mixing is one of the leading causes of hard dense baked goods. If you beat the dough too much it aerates the cookies, which causes them to fall and spread creating flat crispy cookies. My article, Why Are My Cookies Flat? explains the science of how it happens.

5. Use a cooling rack

Once the cookies come out of the oven transfer them to a cooling rack after about 2 minutes. This prevents them from continuing to cook on the bottom. They only need to stay on the baking sheet long enough to set.

6. Use brown sugar

Replace all or some of the white granulated sugar with brown sugar the next time you bake cookies. Brown sugar naturally has a bit of molasses in it, which means it has higher moisture content. To learn more about how to use sugar in baking check out my guides on Cane Sugar vs Granulated Sugar as well as Brown Sugar Substitute, which explains the different types of sugar.

7. Add baking powder or baking soda

A lot of cookie recipes don’t include baking powder but it’s what makes cookies soft and fluffy. However, baking powder also makes the cookies cakier so if you prefer chewy cookies, use baking soda instead of baking powder. If you are looking for substitution options, check out my Baking Powder Substitute or Baking Soda Substitute guide.

8. Consider adding cornstarch

Cornstarch helps to tenderize gluten, which prevents cookies from becoming tough. Cornstarch is an ingredient in cake flour meaning it will make your cookies softer, but at the expense of a fudgy chewy texture. I cover everything there is to know about cornstarch in my Cornstarch Substitute guide.

How to Soften Hard Cookies (3)

Tips for storing cookies to keep them soft

1. Store the cookies in an airtight container

Putting the cookies in an airtight container or cookie jar with a tight-fitting lid is how to keep cookies soft after baking. This will prevent them from drying out.

2. Store the cookies in a sealed bag

You can also store cookies in a ziplock bag. Just make sure to push all the air out before you seal the bag.

3. Store the cookies at room temperature

Putting them in the fridge makes them tough because it causes the fat in them to harden.By storing them at room temperate you shouldn't even have to think about how to soften hard cookies.

4. Separate soft and crispy cookies

Different textured cookies should be stored separately. If you store crispy cookies and soft cookies together the crispy cookies will absorb the moisture from the soft cookies. So you will end up with crispy cookies that are now soft and soft cookies that are now dry.

5. Cool the cookies

The cookies need to cool completely before you store them. You don’t want warm cookies to steam up a closed container. While it is true that steam will make cookies soft, just like with any food it can also make them go stale faster due to the excess moisture. So steaming cookies only really works when you are trying to figure out what to do with hard cookies.

How to Soften Hard Cookies (4)

Soften Hard Cookies FAQs

Why do my cookies get hard after they cool?

Cookies begin losing moisture through evaporation from the moment that they come out of the oven. So it’s totally normal for them to harden up a bit. Yet, this is why you need to store them in an airtight container once they completely cool or they will continue to lose moisture.

Why are my cookies soft after baking?

When cookies first come out of the oven the fat in them is still warm, which makes them soft. Yet, once they cool off the butter begins to solidify.

Why are my cookies hard and crunchy?

You most likely either used too much flour or baked them for too long. This is why it’s important to use a digital scale to properly measure your ingredients and a timer to remind yourself to take them out of the oven.

How do I stop my cookies from going hard?

First, by making sure that your cookie dough is properly made by accurately measuring out your ingredients and not overmixing the dough. And then by making sure to take the cookies out of the oven before they overbake and storing them in an airtight once they are completely cool.

Cookie Recipes

  • Coffee Cookies
  • Biscoff Butter Cookies (VIDEO)
  • White Chocolate Matcha Cookies
  • Strawberry Cheesecake Cookies (VIDEO)

More Baking Guides

  • Why Are My Cookies Flat? And Learn How To Fix Them!
  • How to Soften Butter Quickly
  • How to Store Brownies (Ultimate Guide)
  • How to Make Butter at Home
How to Soften Hard Cookies (13)

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How to Soften Hard Cookies (14)

How to soften hard cookies

Say goodbye forever to dry or stale homemade or store-bought cookies with this guide on how to soften hard cookies! Whether you just overbaked your cookies or waited too long to eat them, these 5 methods can help you save your cookies!

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Author: Katalin Nagy

  • Cookies


1. White Bread

  • Put a slice of fresh white bread on the bottom of a jar or container with a tight-fitting lid.

  • Place the hard cookies on top of the of the bread and securely close the jar.

  • Leave the cookies in the jar for 24 hours.

  • If the cookies are still hard after 24 hours, replace the bread with a fresh slice and then leave the cookies in the jar for 6 more hours.

2. Microwave

  • Wrap up to a few cookies in a damp paper towel. The paper towel must be damp not wet.

  • Microwave the cookies in the paper towel for 10 to 15 seconds.

3. Sugar Cubes

  • Place some cubes of sugar on the bottom of an airtight jar or plastic container.

  • Put the cookies on top of the sugar and then seal the jar with the lid.

  • Leave the cookies in the jar with the sugar for 12 hours.

4. Sliced Apple

  • Put some fresh slices of apple on the bottom of a jar or container that has a tight-fitting lid.

  • Lay the cookies on top of the apple and then seal the lid of the container.

  • Leave the cookies in the jar for 24 hours.

5. Wrap them immediately

  • Your cookies must have just come out of the oven for this method to work.

  • Wrap each cookie individually in plastic wrap while it's still warm.

  • Let the cookies stay wrapped for about 3 to 5 minutes.

How to Soften Hard Cookies (2024)


How to Soften Hard Cookies? ›

The easiest way to soften cookies with bread is to place the cookies in an airtight container with a slice of bread and leave them for a few hours. The bread will release moisture and help to rehydrate the cookies, making them soft and chewy once again.

How to soften cookies that got too hard? ›

How To Soften Cookies
  1. Place the hard cookies in an airtight container.
  2. Add a slice of fresh bread to the container.
  3. Seal the container and leave it overnight. ...
  4. Check the cookies in the morning. ...
  5. Be sure to remove the bread from the container before storing the cookies, as the bread can become moldy over time.
May 24, 2023

How do I make my cookies softer? ›

Baking cookies quickly in a hot oven – at 375 degrees F as opposed to a lower temperature – will make for soft results. They'll bake fast instead of sitting and drying out in the oven's hot air. Ever so slightly underbaking your cookies will give you softer results than cooking them the full amount the recipe says.

What can I do with hard cookies? ›

Here are a things you can do with them:
  1. MAKE SOME PIE CRUST. Toss cookies into a food processor and pulse them until they turn into a fine crumb. ...
  2. TOP ICE CREAM. ...
Dec 26, 2023

How to make stale cookies crunchy again? ›

Just turn on your oven

Water gets absorbed by the starches in the snack, which leads to a softer texture and lack of crunch. Placing them in the oven for a spell can drive out moisture, restoring them to their former crispy selves (and, if you store the snack in an airtight container, they'll stay crispy).

How do you soften hard cookie dough quickly? ›

Take it out of the fridge and let it soften at room temperature for while, perhaps 30 minutes to an hour. If you are in a particular hurry, divide the dough into smaller parts; a small amount of dough will warm more quickly than a large lump. Do not put it in the microwave oven. Do not put it in a conventional oven.

What is the secret ingredient to keep cookies soft? ›

If you enjoy your cookies soft and chewy, chances are likely the recipe contains a common ingredient that serves a very specific purpose. No, it's not granulated sugar, nor the butter. It's not the egg, all-purpose flour, or even the vanilla extract. The simple, yet oh-so-necessary component is cornstarch.

What ingredient makes a cookie soft? ›

Cornstarch helps product soft and thick cookies. Using more brown sugar than white sugar results in a moister, softer cookie. An extra egg yolk increases chewiness. Rolling the cookie dough balls to be tall and lumpy instead of wide and smooth gives the cookies a bakery-style textured thickness.

What is the secret to a crunchy cookie? ›

A lower oven temperature will give your cookies more time to spread before they start to rise, resulting in a crispier cookie. I recommend baking your cookies for a bit longer at a lower temperature to achieve the texture you're looking for. You can also play around with the type of pan you're using.

What makes cookies soft after baking? ›

Airtight container

A simple hack: A slice of bread in the container can keep cookies soft.

What can I do with tough cookies? ›

The best way to soften up those hard cookies is something you probably already have in your kitchen… bread! That's right, a piece of fresh bread will make those tough treats soft and chewy.

Are hard cookies still good? ›

Most homemade cookies will maintain their taste and texture for up to 3 days. If you leave them out for too long, the cookies begin to harden or dry out. To prevent cookies from becoming stale, cover them with plastic wrap or keep in an airtight container.

Why do my cookies turn out so hard? ›

Baking the cookies for too long, which can cause them to become dry and hard. Using too much flour or sugar. Baking at a lower temperature, which allows the cookies to spread before rising. Using a combination of butter and vegetable shortening, or even using all butter.

Is there a way to make hard cookies soft? ›

Here is the simplest method to soften hard cookies quickly in a microwave.
  1. Wrap the cookies in a paper towel.
  2. Place in the microwave for 1 minute.
  3. The paper will absorb any excess moisture.
  4. That's it! Your cookies are as deliciously warm and crisp as the day they were baked.
Oct 18, 2023

How to bring stale cookies back to life? ›

Grab a slice of bread – any type will do – and place it in the container with your stale cookies. Seal the container tightly and leave it overnight. The magic lies in the bread's ability to release moisture, which the cookies will absorb, rejuvenating them in the process.

How to reheat cookies to make them soft? ›

Steam: This method is great for single cookies that may have gotten a little hard. The steam from the paper towel will help to soften and warm the cookies in seconds. All you have to do is wrap the cookies in a damp paper towel and microwave them for 10-15 seconds. Voila!

Can you revive stale cookies? ›

Grab a slice of bread – any type will do – and place it in the container with your stale cookies. Seal the container tightly and leave it overnight. The magic lies in the bread's ability to release moisture, which the cookies will absorb, rejuvenating them in the process.

Can I rebake cookies that are too soft? ›

Once it's clear that you do have limp cookies or less-than-crispy crackers, put them back into a preheated 300° F or 325° F oven, regardless of the original (presumably higher) baking temperature. I tend to use 300° F for items that can't afford to get darker, and 325° if a little extra color won't hurt.

Why do hard cookies get soft and soft cookies get hard? ›

Think of it like this: When you're on an airplane, your skin is sucked of all hydration and you feel like a dry, shriveled up raisin. It's the same for cookies in your kitchen. They go from soft to hard because they start to dry out, and it begins as soon as you pull them from the oven.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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