Health Benefits of Prunes and Prune Juice (2024)

Prunes contain a good amount of fiber and essential nutrients that can help with digestion, bone health, mineral deficiencies, and other health issues. However, they may cause gas and bloating for some people.

Prune juice is made from dried plums, or prunes, which contain many nutrients that can contribute to good health. Prunes are high in sugar, making them a good source of energy. They also have a low glycemic index, meaning they don’t cause a rapid hike in blood sugar levels.

What’s more, prunes are high in fiber, which promotes bowel regularity.

Here are 11 top health benefits of prunes and prune juice.

Prunes are high in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Chronic constipation is a common problem in older adults and can also be a painful problem for infants. Constipation can also lead to hemorrhoids.

Prune juice acts as a laxative thanks to its high sorbitol content. Ask your doctor if it’s right for you or your child.

One 1/4-cup serving of prunes (40 grams, or about 5 prunes) contains 2.8 grams of dietary fiber.

Dietary guidelines for Americans: 2020-2025” recommends that females 30 years and younger get 28 grams of fiber each day, and males in this same age group get 34 grams. Females and males between 31 and 50 years of age should aim for 25 g and 31 g of fiber, respectively.

The recommended fiber intake for women and men over 51 is still less, at 22 g and 28 g, respectively.

While prune juice doesn’t contain the same amount of beneficial fiber as the whole fruit, it still retains some fiber and many of the vitamins and minerals that the whole fruit provides.

An overactive bladder can be uncomfortable to deal with, but in some cases, adding fiber to your diet may help. While an overactive bladder can be caused by many things, sometimes constipation can increase the frequency of urination.

To help regulate your bowels, the Johns Hopkins Women’s Center for Public Health recommends increasing your fiber intake by taking 1-2 tablespoons of the following mixture every evening with a large glass of water:

  • 1 cup prune juice
  • 1 cup applesauce
  • 1 cup oat bran or unprocessed wheat bran

However, it’s important to talk with your doctor if you notice changes to your bowel or bladder habits. Your doctor can diagnose the cause and help you select any treatments that may be needed.

Prunes are a good source of potassium, an electrolyte that assists in a variety of vital bodily functions. This mineral helps with digestion, heart rhythm, nerve impulses, and muscle contractions, as well as blood pressure.

Since the body doesn’t naturally produce potassium, consuming prunes or prune juice can help you avoid deficiencies. On the other hand, if you follow a low-potassium diet due to conditions such as chronic kidney disease, your doctor or dietitian may recommend that you avoid prunes.

A 1/4-cup portion (40 grams, or about 5 prunes) contains 293 milligrams of potassium. This accounts for nearly 6% of the Daily Value (DV). Most adults should consume about 4,700 mg of potassium a day.

Prunes aren’t just high in potassium — they also contain lots of key vitamins. A 1/4-cup portion (40 grams, or about 5 prunes) contains:

NutrientAmount in 1/4 cup of prunesPercent of the FDA’s daily value
vitamin K24 mcg20%
riboflavin0.07 mg5%
vitamin B60.08 mg5%
niacin0.8 mg5%

Prunes also contain minerals, including 13% of the DV for copper per serving.

Anemia occurs when the body doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells, which iron helps to make. Shortness of breath, irritability, and fatigue are all signs of mild anemia.

Prune juice is a good source of iron. Depending on what’s causing your iron deficiency, eating a variety of iron-containing foods may help you to prevent and treat it.

A 1/4-cup serving of prunes contains 0.37 mg of iron, which provides just 2% of the DV. A cup of prune juice, on the other hand, contains 3 mg, or 17% of the DV, making it a good source of iron.

Your doctor or a registered dietitian can help you choose the right foods to address iron deficiency.

Dried prunes are an important source of the mineral boron, which may help build strong bones. In addition, boron deficiency may be linked to lreduced mental alertness.

One cup of prune juice contains 1.43 milligrams of boron.

Prunes may be especially beneficial in fighting bone density loss linked to radiation treatments, such as some cancer treatments. A 2016 animal study found that dried plums and dried plum powder can reduce radiation’s effect on bone marrow, preventing bone density loss and promoting bone health.

Prunes even have some potential as a treatment for osteoporosis. Another study presented evidence that dried plums can prevent loss of bone mass in postmenopausal women with bone density loss (osteopenia). Only 50 grams (or five to six prunes) a day were necessary to see benefits.

Further studies suggest that a 50-gram daily portion of prunes may protect bone health in older men and in postmenopausal women.

Fat and cholesterol can collect in your arteries to form a substance called plaque. When plaque builds up in your arteries, it can cause atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries. If left untreated, this condition can lead to heart failure, stroke, and heart attack.

Research suggests that dried prunes may help slow the development of atherosclerosis. There are a few possible reasons for this.

One study found that prune essence concentrate can have a positive effect on cholestorol levels. Pectin, a type of fiber found in prunes, may help to lower the amount of cholesterol your body absorbs.

Another study in postmenopausal women found that a 50-gram to 100-gram daily portion of prunes may lower certain risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including cholesterol levels and signs of inflammation.

Potassium-rich foods such as prunes and prune juice may help some people with high blood pressure manage the condition. According to the American Heart Association, healthy adults with high blood pressure can discuss this approach with their doctors.

However, increasing your potassium intake is not recommended for people with certain health conditions such as kidney disease.

While there’s no scientific evidence that prunes alone can lower your blood pressure, you can ask your doctor whether this food may be beneficial for you.

Prunes can help you manage your weight. They do this by keeping you feeling full for longer. The reason for this is likely twofold.

First, prunes contain lots of fiber, which is slow to digest. Slower digestion means your appetite stays satisfied for longer.

Second, prunes have a low glycemic index (GI). This means they raise the glucose (sugar) levels in your blood slowly.

In animal models, the high sorbitol content of prunes may reduce glucose absorption during digestion. However, human studies are needed to confirm this effect.

Avoiding spikes in your blood sugar levels, for example by following a low-GI diet, can help keep your appetite at bay.

A 2022 review found that a low-GI diet was more effective for managing weight and blood glucose when compared to a high-GI diet. These effects were found in people with metabolic conditions such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Prunes contain polyphenols, antioxidant compounts that may reduce inflammation in your body. Polyphenols are thought to support healthy functioning in many areas — your digestion, nervous system, heart, blood vessels, and more.

The polyphenols found in prunes appear to have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In test tube studies, markers of inflammation and oxidation dropped by 43% and 32% when prune polyphenols were used. Researchers are continuing to study the benefits of prune polyphenols in humans.

It might come as a surprise, but your overall health is linked to the bacteria in your gut, also known as your gut microbiome.

One animal study suggested that eating dried plums can positively affect and increase microbiota (or beneficial bacteria) throughout the colon. The researchers suggest that this might help lower your risk for colon cancer. However, more studies are needed before making any strong anti-cancer claims.

Another study in humans suggested that eating prunes may increase bifidobacteria in your gut microbiome. This type of bacteria has been linked to good gut health.

Although they’re tasty and have many health benefits, prunes and prune juice can also have a few negative effects.

Gas and bloating

Prunes can cause gas and bloating for some people. They contain sorbitol, a sugar that is known to cause these effects. Dietary fiber, also found in prunes, can also lead to gas and bloating.

If you’re concerned about bloating or gas, consider introducing prunes into your diet slowly. This will give your digestive system time to adjust to them, and symptoms may be reduced.

Anecdotally, some people connect eating prunes with digestive upsets like diarrhea and constipation. But based on the available evidence, prunes are generally well tolerated, and a daily serving of prunes is not likely to cause these symptoms.

You shouldn’t drink prune juice if you’re already experiencing diarrhea.

Sugar and calorie content

The sugar and calories found in prunes makes them a good source of energy. But if you’re trying to manage your weight, consuming large quantities of prunes and prune juice could have undesired effects.

A 1/4-cup serving (40 grams) of five uncooked prunes has 96 calories and 15 grams of sugar. A 1-cup serving of prune juice has about 176 calories and 41 grams of sugar. The calories and sugar in these food items can add up if you consume them often throughout the day.

If you follow a specialized eating plan

If you follow a specialized eating plan due to any health conditions, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor or a registered dietitian before adding prunes or prune juice to your diet.

For example, prunes may not be suitable for people who are following a low-potassium diet to manage kidney disease.

Other considerations

While it’s rare, it’s possible to be allergic to prunes or prune juice. Should you experience allergy symptoms that you think are related to consuming prunes or their juice, stop eating prunes or drinking prune juice and consult your doctor.

Prune juice naturally contains a substance known as acrylamide in very small traces. Acrylamide is considered to be a carcinogen by the National Cancer Institute.

However, the amount of acrylamide found in prune juice is small compared to other foods such as potato chips and french fries, or other exposure sources such as cigarette smoke.

The amount of acrylamide in a serving of prune juice is not known to pose any risk to human health. What’s more, there is plenty of evidence supporting the beneficial health effects of prunes.

Prunes come with a large number of health benefits and can improve digestion while offering needed nutrients. Some people, however, may find it difficult to incorporate prunes into their diet.

Here are some easy ways to add prunes to your diet:

  • Eat them alone as a snack.
  • Add prunes to your breakfast oatmeal.
  • Mix them with nuts, other dried fruits such as apricots, and dark chocolate chips for a healthy trail mix.
  • Add them to baked goods.
  • Blend them (or use prune juice) for drinks or smoothies.
  • Puree prunes and eat them as “prune butter” or jam.
  • Add them to a savory stew.

Adding prunes to your diet can be much easier — and more fun — than you’d think. For best results, make sure that you gradually increase your prune intake over time.

Health Benefits of Prunes and Prune Juice (2024)


Health Benefits of Prunes and Prune Juice? ›

Rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin K, prunes may help improve bone mineral density, heart health, and more. Snack on fresh plums, add chopped prunes to morning oats, or prune juice to smoothies. Or use prunes as a nutrient-dense sugar substitute in baking to add fiber, sweetness, and color.

Are prunes and prune juice good for you? ›

Rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin K, prunes may help improve bone mineral density, heart health, and more. Snack on fresh plums, add chopped prunes to morning oats, or prune juice to smoothies. Or use prunes as a nutrient-dense sugar substitute in baking to add fiber, sweetness, and color.

What happens if I drink prune juice every day? ›

Prune juice is high in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, which work as a laxative and can help maintain a healthy digestive system along with preventing heart disease, strokes, and other health problems. It's also an excellent source of: Vitamin A. Vitamin C.

How many prunes should you eat a day? ›

One 2021 study in the Journal of Medicinal Food, for one, found that postmenopausal women who ate 50 to 100 grams of prunes a day — that's about five to 12 individual prunes — lowered heart disease risk factors like cholesterol, oxidative stress, and inflammation.

Do prunes clean your bowels? ›

Supports digestive transit

As well as being rich in fibre, prunes also supply a type of sugar called sorbitol, this increases the amount of fluid your gut absorbs which helps soften stools making them easier to pass. This means eating prunes can increase stool volume and frequency making them a natural laxative.

Should you eat prunes in the morning or at night? ›

“From a health standpoint, prunes can be eaten any time of day,” says Azzaro. Some people may enjoy having them in the morning to help stimulate digestion throughout the day. But they also make a great sweet option to have at the end of the day.

What are the disadvantages of prune juice? ›

Risks of Prune Juice

Prune juice is considered generally safe. However, since prune juice can have a laxative effect, you may experience digestive symptoms, such as gas or diarrhea, especially if you drink it in large quantities.

What simple trick empties your bowels immediately? ›

Try These Tricks for Quick Bowel Movement Stimulation
  1. Drink coffee. Regarding drinks that make you poop, coffee is probably the first that comes to mind. ...
  2. Squat when you poop. ...
  3. Use a fiber supplement. ...
  4. Take a stimulant laxative. ...
  5. Take an osmotic laxative. ...
  6. Take a lubricant laxative. ...
  7. Try a stool softener. ...
  8. Use a suppository.
Aug 2, 2022

Is prune juice bad for liver? ›

A study in 2010 showed that prune juice can help reduce some of the more harmful chemicals that occur as a result of problems with the liver. However, more research is necessary to explore the full potential of prune juice as a treatment in liver health.

Is it better to drink prune juice at night or morning? ›

If you're an adult trying prune juice for the first time, it's best, to begin with a four-ounce serving (half-cup) in the morning. If it's well-tolerated, consider having another half-cup serving before bedtime. Children should consume half of the amount recommended for adults.

Are prunes too high in sugar? ›

Prunes are high in sugar, making them a good source of energy. They also have a low glycemic index, meaning they don't cause a rapid hike in blood sugar levels. What's more, prunes are high in fiber, which promotes bowel regularity.

How long do prunes take to work? ›

How quickly prunes or prune juice will work depends on each individual. Some will see results in as little as a few hours. For some, it may take a day or so. Using this “go-slow” approach makes you more likely to improve symptoms without rapid urgency or even diarrhea.

Are raisins better than prunes for constipation? ›

Raisins. Between prunes and raisins, Cording still recommends reaching for the prunes. Still, raisins are a good source of fiber, she says, and can definitely help relieve constipation. Sprinkle them on top of oats or yogurt for extra sweetness and texture.

How long after prune juice will I poop? ›

How long after prune juice will I poop? Most people will have a bowel movement about 1-3 hours after drinking 4-8 ounces of juice.

Do prunes need to be refrigerated? ›

Information. Fruits such as dried apricots, prunes, and raisins will keep at top quality in the pantry for six months. After opening, you may wish to store them tightly sealed in the refrigerator to preserve the quality for up to six additional months or freeze them for one month.

What are the worst foods for constipation? ›

Foods to Avoid When Constipated

High-fat foods ― those rich in oil, butter and grease ― can contribute to constipation. If you are chronically constipated, overeating fried food, processed meats, commercially baked goods and other high-fat items may be responsible. Cheese as a particular constipation culprit.

How long does it take for prunes and prune juice to work? ›

How quickly prunes or prune juice will work depends on each individual. Some will see results in as little as a few hours. For some, it may take a day or so. Using this “go-slow” approach makes you more likely to improve symptoms without rapid urgency or even diarrhea.

Should I drink prune juice in the morning or at night? ›

If you're trying prune juice for the first time, the general recommendation is for adults to start with a half-cup (4-ounce) serving in the morning. (Research shows that drinking as little as 2 ounces of prune juice a day can increase bowel movements.)

What is the best juice for constipation? ›

Prune, apple and pear juices have higher amounts of sorbitol than other fruit juices. Prune juice might be the juice most known for its laxative effects. A 2022 study in The American Journal of Gastroenterology suggests that prune juice can soften hard, lumpy stools in people with chronic constipation.

Does prune juice help blood pressure? ›

Prune juice has long been known to help alleviate constipation. But one of prune juice's lesser-known health benefits is that it also lowers blood pressure. This effect was reported in a 2010 study.

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