Fudge (2024)

This top-rated fudge recipe is unbelievably easy to make with just three ingredients and five minutes of prep time.

What Is Fudge?

Fudge is a type of homemade candy with a smooth and creamy texture. It's usually made on the stove with sugar, butter, and milk. There are many varieties of fudge, but the most popular type is chocolate.

This simplified version comes together quickly in the microwave with just chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk, and butter.

Fudge Ingredients

This impressive fudge recipe is easy to make with ingredients you may already have on hand:

  • Chocolate chips: This classic fudge recipe starts with three cups of semisweet chocolate chips.
  • Sweetened condensed milk: A can of sweetened condensed milk ensures a sweet, creamy, and absolutely decadent chocolate fudge.
  • Butter: Butter is melted with the chocolate and sweetened condensed milk, creating an even richer texture.

Recipe Tip

Walnuts are optional, but they add welcome crunch.

How to Make Fudge

You'll be shocked how easy it is to make fudge with sweetened condensed milk. You'll find the full, step-by-step recipe below — but here's a brief overview of what you can expect when you make this easy fudge:

Melt the chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, and butter together. Add walnuts if desired. Pour the mixture into a prepared baking dish, then refrigerate until the fudge is set. Cut into squares.

Fudge (2)

Does Fudge Need to Be Refrigerated?

No, fudge doesn't need to be refrigerated. Store it in an airtight container (with wax paper between layers) at room temperature for one to two weeks.

Can You Freeze Fudge?

Yes! You can freeze fudge for up to three months. Wrap the fudge tightly in wax paper, then wrap it again in aluminum foil. Place the foil-wrapped fudge in a freezer-safe container or wrap it in another layer of foil. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight.

Fudge (3)

Allrecipes Community Tips and Praise

"This fudge tastes so good and people are amazed that it was made in a microwave," says StanConn. "I took the advice from one of the reviews about melting the butter first before adding the other ingredients. I think it really prevented the fudge from turning out grainy."

"I used milk chocolate chips and sprinkled crushed peppermint candy on top," says LizaJ. "It made a nice gift to share with neighbors. Quick and easy recipe to make with kids."

"This is perfect fast fudge," according to weelittlejess. "No, it's not 'old-fashioned' fudge, but who has the time? Not me. It turns out creamy, glossy, and lovely. I like to stir in a cup of peanut butter chips at the last moment before putting it in the pan."

Editorial contributions by Corey Williams

Fudge (2024)


What is fudge usually made of? ›

Fudge is a dense, rich confection typically made with sugar, milk or cream, butter and chocolate or other flavorings. The base for fudge is boiled until it reaches the soft-ball stage (135 to 140 degrees F), then stirred or beaten as it cools to minimize the formation of sugar crystals.

Why is it called fudge? ›

The exact origin and inventor of this delicious confection are hotly debated. However, many believe the first batch of fudge was created by accident when American bakers “fudged” a batch of caramels. Hence the name “fudge.”

What is the secret to good fudge? ›

Valuable tips for successful fudge
  • Don't stir during cooking. Fudge can be cooked on the stove or in the microwave. ...
  • Avoid crystallization. During cooking, sugar crystals can stick to the sides of the pan. ...
  • Let cool before beating. After being cooked, the sugar must crystallize again to create fudge. ...
  • Beat the mixture.

What do Americans call fudge? ›

fudge in American English

a soft candy made of butter, milk, sugar, and chocolate or other flavoring, etc.

What the heck is fudge? ›

Fudge is a type of confection that is made by mixing sugar, butter and milk. It has its origins in the 19th century United States, and was popular in the women's colleges of the time.

Was fudge made by mistake? ›

That appetite for fudge dates back more than a century. Food historian Joyce White says fudge is based on a recipe for chocolate caramels, which was very similar. "What probably happened is that there was someone in Baltimore, messed it up, or 'fadged' it," she said. "Fadge is a word that means you messed up.

Does fudge go bad? ›

Does fudge go bad? Fudge has the potential to go bad, but not necessarily in the ways other foods experience spoilage. It's not considered a potentially hazardous food, but the quality of fudge can certainly be affected, with a change in texture, appearance and flavor.

Is fudge healthy? ›

Whether it's chocolate, nut-filled or even swirled with peanut butter, fudge is a holiday favorite. But clocking in at around 130 calories and 5 grams of fat per ounce, this rich treat is far from a healthy choice. ... Fudge also boasts very little in terms of health.

Why is fudge so good? ›

Between its deeply rich flavor and its silky texture, fudge makes a brilliant treat to pair with coffee. The sweet and bitter flavors complement one another perfectly, making for an unstoppable combination.

Is evaporated milk or condensed milk better for fudge? ›

Evaporated milk doesn't have sugar added. The sweetened condended milk is needed as no extra sugar is added to the fudge. If evaporated milk were used then the fudge would not be sweet enough and also would still be too soft unless the fudge is frozen.

Why is fudge so hard to make? ›

Making fudge can be a challenging endeavor, requiring precision and attention to detail to achieve the perfect texture and consistency. The process of making fudge involves a delicate balance of cooking, cooling, and beating, and the smallest mistake can result in fudge that is too soft or too hard.

What thickens fudge? ›

As the mixture cooks, water evaporates and sugar hardens, thickening the fudge.

Where is the best fudge made in United States? ›

While fudge was not invented on Mackinac Island, it most certainly – and most deliciously – was perfected here.

What is fudge slang for? ›

: foolish nonsense. often used interjectionally to express annoyance, disappointment, or disbelief. 2. : a soft creamy candy made typically of sugar, milk, butter, and flavoring.

Does fudge need to be refrigerated? ›

Fudge is best stored at room temperature for 2 to 3 weeks wrapped up in its original wax paper. NEVER REFRIGERATE your fudge as this will draw out the moisture and leave you with dry, crumbly fudge.

What is the composition of fudge? ›

fudge, creamy candy made with butter, sugar, milk, and usually chocolate, cooked together and beaten to a soft, smooth texture. Fudge may be thought of as having a consistency harder than that of fondant and softer than that of hard chocolate.

What is Dairy Queen fudge made of? ›

Dairy Queen's fudge sauce is made using high-quality cocoa powder, sugar, and butter, resulting in a rich and creamy texture. The fudge is poured over the soft-serve ice cream, creating a delectable swirl of chocolate goodness that will leave you craving for more.

What's the difference between fudge and brownies? ›

Fudge doesn't contain very much besides chocolate, sweetened condensed milk and if you want some inclusions like nuts, marshmallows, cookies, cacao nibs, peanut butter, dried fruit and so on. Whereas brownies contain cacao powder (no chocolate!), flour, eggs, butter or oil, baking powder and nuts.

What makes fudge hard or soft? ›

The amount of time you cook fudge directly affects its firmness. Too little time and the water won't evaporate, causing the fudge to be soft. Conversely, cook it too long and fudge won't contain enough water, making it hard with a dry, crumbly texture.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.