Are Oats and Oat Flour Gluten-Free? - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group® (2024)


Updated October 2023

Oats area hot button topic within the celiac and gluten-free communities. Oats are not considered a top allergen, and in their pure form, oats aresafe for the majority of people with celiac disease.Unlike wheat, barley, and rye, oats are not considered a source of gluten in many countries.

The concern with oats is that they come into contactwithgluten grains from the field to processing. Theterm for glutengrainsgetting into non-glutengrainsduringgrowth, harvest, transport,or storageisagriculturalcominglingandthe proper term for gluten getting into non-gluten foods during processing is “cross-contact”(notcross-contaminationwhichdescribes bacteriasuch as salmonella, not food particles).Read more about agricultural commingling in our article,Gluten in Your Food: Cross-Contact or Cross-Contamination?”

Agriculturalcomingling and cross-contactwith glutenarevalid concernswith oats, leading to the question “Are these oats really gluten-free?”

Watch GIG’s discussion about oats live from MINICON 2023.

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Here’s a breakdown of oats and oat processing to help clear up widespread confusion about the safety of oats as well as oat flour.

Fact 1: Oats are not considered a gluten source in many countries.

As we mentioned above, oats are not typically placed in the same category as wheat, barley, or rye when it comes to gluten regulations.

Canada, Europe, and many other countries follow a uniform set of guidelines to ensure food safety calledCodex Alimentarius Standard_118-1979.The Codex includes oats in its definition of gluten grains. However, in a footnote, the Codex standard states:

“Oats can be tolerated by most,but not all,people who are intolerant to gluten. Therefore, the allowance of oats that are not contaminated with wheat, rye or barley in foods covered by this standard may be determined at the national level.”

Most European countries allow oats in products labeled gluten-free.Canada issued a Marketing Authorizationin 2015that allows the use of gluten-free claims for gluten-free oats,and foods that contain them,as ingredients.In this case, theoatsmust bespecially grown or processed to ensure that they are gluten-freeand are tested tohaveno more than20 ppm of glutengrains.

In Canada, theterm “gluten-free oats” mustclearlyidentify the oats wherever they are referenced, including in the list of ingredients.Note that in the U.S.,the FDA does not allow any descriptions in the ingredient lists on packaged food labels.

Exceptionsto this ruleareAustralia and New Zealand, two countries thatinclude oats as a restricted grain along with wheat, barley, and rye in any gluten-free products produced or sold in those countries.

Fact 2: Oat processors have different methods to make sure that their oats are gluten-free.

There are two main ways that oatprocessorscurrently avoid or removepotential agricultural co-mingling with gluten grains.Both ways can be used to produce gluten-free oat products, and the two methods are often combined:

1. Purity Protocol takes place during the growing, harvesting, transporting, storage,processing,and manufacturingof oats.Thisprocess consists ofa non-regulated set of stepstoaddresstheearlystages ofoatproduction.

2. Mechanicalsortingtakes placeduring theprocessing of the oats.A set of machinesareused to sort oats to ensure proper size, shape, and color and to eliminatemold and other unwanted particles, includingerrant grains.Sorting happens after oats arrive at anoatprocessingfacility,but in mostcases the processor haslimits on what level of glutenpresencecan be toleratedwhen the oats are received, and will reject oats with high levels of glutengrains.

Someoat processorsusePurity Protocol alone as an assurance their oats are gluten-free. Someprocessorsusea combination ofPurity Protocol followed bymechanicalsorting.Othersrely onmechanicalsortingto rid their oats of gluten grains.

While there is still no consistency inproducing gluten-free oats,more consumers are demanding transparency in oat processing methods to feel confident the oats they are purchasing are safe to consume.Let’s dig into both of thesemethods ofoatprocessingthat take placeprior to packaging.

Purity Protocol

Purity Protocolisthetermdescribingamethod for producing gluten-free oatsdeveloped byMontana Gluten Free Processors, and lateradopted by some U.S.and Canadianoat companies as a way to differentiate their oats from their competitors.The protocolconsists ofa set of steps growers and processors can take to minimize the risk of cross-contactbetween their oats and errant gluten grains.

In order to create more consistency incarrying out Purity Protocol,Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO) worked withoatprocessorsto come up with anindustry standard for Purity Protocolin 2017.

Mechanical Sorting

Sorting oats by machines may sound like a process that could create more opportunities for cross-contact. The interesting thing about mechanical sorting, however, is that it is a very extensive process with many steps that can literally identify and remove gluten grains, getting oats that much closer to being truly gluten-free. And because of the intricacies of the process and the machine settings, oat producers are not using their sorting equipment for handling other grains, so the process is dedicated to oats.

Producers of mechanically sorted oats often also institute requirements on their growers to make sure that the starting oats have as little contamination as possible, and they perform visual examination of the oats (done by trained personnel) on receipt to make sure the incoming oats meet their requirements. This same type of visual examination is also performed at the end of the sorting process, to be sure the sort was effective and if an unacceptable level of gluten grains are identified during the visual review, the machines can be recalibrated with new parameters and the oats can be run through the system again.

Potential cross-contact can happen at any stage of Purity Protocol or Mechanical Sorting, but both methods are effective ways of producing gluten-free oats.

Fact 3: A thorough third-party certification process can help ensure a gluten-free product

Thebestway to know oats are gluten-free is to look for a third-party gluten-free certification mark, like the one used by GFCO.The requirements of certification are intended to helpprocessorsidentify and remove potential risks of cross-contact with gluten.Manyprocessors ofPurityProtocol andmechanicallysortedoatscome to GFCOto have their oats certified.

During GFCO certification,all procedures involved inoatprocessingareaudited and oats aretested multiple times to verifythat theyare gluten-free. Testing alone doesnotguaranteeoatsaregluten-free because there are many steps before and after testing where cross-contact could happen if proper procedures aren’t followed.

The GFCO certification process includes 80 requirements for product certification that apply to any product, including oats and foods containing oats. These requirements include:

  1. Supplier review and approval
  2. Purchasing protocols to make sure the materials purchased are gluten-free
  3. Examination and review of incoming shipments to make sure they are correct and that there has been no gluten cross-contact
  4. Correct storage of gluten-free and gluten-containing raw materials
  5. Proper facility set-up to avoid cross-contact
  6. Cleaning protocols and schedules
  7. Visual examinations in addition to testing products
  8. Ongoing review of processes, particularly when there are changes in the plant
  9. Training of staff on gluten sources and health risks

You can review all of the GFCO certificationstepslisted in theGFCO Manual.

GFCO also maintains stricter criteria for gluten-free products than the FDA, namely in the amount of gluten allowed in a product: the FDA requires less than 20 ppm whereas GFCO requires 10 ppm or less gluten content.GFCO will not certify any foods, including oats or foods containing oats in any form, unless there is a high degree of confidencethat they are gluten-free becausethey’ve passed the many criteria to earn the GFCO certification mark.

The safest oat products are thosethathave been certified gluten-free. While products labeled gluten-free should comply with the FDA definition of containing no more than 20 ppm of gluten, this is not third-party verified.

Are Oats and Oat Flour Gluten-Free? - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group® (2)

What About Oat Flour?

Some people are concerned about oat flour and the chances of cross-contact taking place during the milling of the flour. Oat flour, like any processed and packaged product, can be tested for gluten.

In fact, it is much easier to test for gluten in oat flour than in whole, unprocessed oat groats because if there are gluten grainspresent, they have been more evenly distributed throughoutthe flour. More even distribution meansit iseasier todetect gluteninmuchsmaller samples taken for testing.

GFCOrecognizes that the distribution of gluten in a milled oat flour is not 100% uniformandrequires manufacturers totestall oat ingredients multiple timesas part of certification.

The Bottom Line about Gluten-Free Oats

When in doubt about the safety of oats, look for a mark on the packaging that says “Certified Gluten-Free” for peace of mindor look for the new GFCO certification mark:

Are Oats and Oat Flour Gluten-Free? - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group® (3)

Gluten-free consumers should be cautiousof oat products that are not labeled or certified gluten-free. If an oat product is certified gluten-free,the certification mark verifies that the product is safe to eat.

If someone believes they are sensitive to oats, they shouldconsult with their physician before adding oats to their diet.If someone is sensitive to gluten or has been diagnosed with celiac disease, looking for a reliable certification onanoatproductwilloffer the best assurances available that the product is safe. When one’s health is on the line, erring on the side of caution can be the best route, but understanding the science and the facts around gluten-free oats can help put their safety into perspective.

More on Oats in a Gluten-Free Diet

The majority of information in the scientific literature supports the case that gluten-free oats are safe for the majority of individuals with celiac disease.Oatsshouldonly be introduced into the diets ofpeoplewith celiac disease under the guidanceofapersonal healthcare team and in limited amounts.

Why oats should be included inadiet at all if there is any question as to their safety? Oats are a good source of nutrientsthatare often lacking in the gluten-free diet. Since the gluten-free diet is already limited, adding additional restrictions can have negative effects on quality of life. Theissue of oats can seem complex and confusing due primarily to the following factors:

1.The risks ofagricultural comingling andcross-contact:Unless certified gluten-free, oatsmay containgluten-containing grains, potentially leading to the belief that the oats themselves are problematic.Gluten grains can still get into oats through wind, animals, and human errorprior to processing.Over recent years, certified gluten-free oatsand products containing certified gluten-free oats or oat flourhave become more widely available, making this issue less prevalent.

2. Some people are sensitive to oats:Oats contain avenin, a storage proteinthatbears some similarities to the gluten found in wheat, rye, and barley. The amount is relatively small. Research on sensitivity to avenin generally indicates that avenin does notcauseareactionin the majority of celiac disease patients.Oats should be introducedin consultation with one’s healthcare teamto monitor any potential issues.

GIG andGFCOwillcontinue to monitor research and food safety issuesregardingoats and willupdate this article accordingly.

Terms Used in This Article

Agricultural Comingling –Theinadvertentmixingofdifferentgrainsdue to shared planting and harvesting equipment, shared transportation and storagefacilities, and other things like the activities of birds, wind,and weather.

Cross-ContactTheproper term for gluten getting into non-gluten foodsduring processingis“cross-contact” (cross-contaminationdescribes bacteria,such as salmonella, not food particles).

Purity ProtocolDeveloped by Montana Gluten Free Processorsand later adopted by some U.S. and Canadian oat companies as a way to differentiate their oats from their competitors.Purity Protocol takes place during the growing, harvesting, transporting, storage,processing, and manufacturingof oats.

MechanicalsortingA specializedprocess involving a complex system of machines calibratedtofindand removegluten grains.Mechanicalsorting takes place in the latter part of oat processing.

Disclaimer:The information on this website is for educational purposes only. Consult your healthcare team when considering this information.

7 Tips for Avoiding Gluten Cross-Contact at Home

Are Oats and Oat Flour Gluten-Free? - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group® (2024)


Are Oats and Oat Flour Gluten-Free? - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group®? ›

“Oats can be tolerated by most, but not all, people who are intolerant to gluten. Therefore, the allowance of oats that are not contaminated with wheat, rye or barley in foods covered by this standard may be determined at the national level.” Most European countries allow oats in products labeled gluten-free.

Are oats and oat flour gluten-free? ›

Oat flour is a whole-grain, gluten-free flour option for those who prefer or require a gluten-free diet or have celiac disease (a severe gluten intolerance). Gluten-free baking recipes call for a gluten-free flour, such as oat flour, almond flour, coconut flour, or a blend.

Are oats OK for gluten intolerance? ›

Yes, pure, uncontaminated oats are gluten-free. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration considers oats a gluten-free grain under its gluten-free labeling regulations and only requires that packaged products with oats as an ingredient contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten overall.

Why am I reacting to gluten-free oats? ›

Oats contain a protein called avenin, which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Symptoms of oat allergy can range from mild to moderate and affect the skin, gut, and airways. A person who has eaten oats can sometimes feel unwell and experience the symptoms of an oat allergy.

Can celiacs have gluten-free oat flour? ›

Typically, commercially available oats are not suitable in a gluten-free diet for celiac patients due to their routine contamination with wheat, rye, or barley. Only gluten-free oat is acceptable as a foodstuff for celiac patients. The cultivation and processing of gluten-free oat requires sophisticated technology.

What oats are not gluten-free? ›

While oats themselves do not contain any gluten proteins, it is very easy for them to become contaminated by grains that do. Large, big-box commercial rolled oats are often produced, processed or packaged in facilities that also handle other grains like wheat, barley or rye--all of which contain gluten.

Are Quaker gluten-free oats celiac safe? ›

Based on all of the information available to us, including Quaker's testing and our own independent testing, Gluten Free Watchdog does not oppose the use of Quaker gluten-free oatmeal by the celiac disease community.

How to reverse gluten intolerance? ›

There's no cure for gluten intolerance. But most people find relief from symptoms by following a gluten-free diet. You should work with your healthcare provider and a dietitian to plan your diet. You can also ask your healthcare provider about adding probiotics to your diet.

What are the symptoms of oat intolerance? ›

Oat Allergy Symptoms
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Irritation of the mouth and throat.
  • Hives and oat allergy rash.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Eye irritation.
  • Difficulty breathing.

What triggers celiac disease later in life? ›

Celiac disease is caused by specific genes, eating gluten, and possibly by some other triggers such as childbirth, surgery, stress, or other autoimmune disorders. However, medical science is still working to understand the roles of these potential causal factors.

Do oats cause gut inflammation? ›

Their results have outlined that oats are a valuable source of nutrients without gut inflammation, but other aspects, such as noninflammatory associated symptoms and the benefits of modulating the gut microbiome, have not been studied.

Why can't I tolerate oats? ›

Sensitivity or allergy to oats is uncommon. People with these conditions have an immune system reaction to avenin, a protein found in oats. People who are sensitive to gluten, such as those with celiac disease, may also react adversely to oats due to cross-contamination of products.

Why does my stomach hurt after eating oats? ›

Oats can cause gas and bloating. To minimize side effects, start with a low dose and increase slowly to the desired amount. Your body will get used to oat bran and the side effects will likely go away.

What is surprisingly not gluten-free? ›

20 foods you think are gluten-free but aren't
  • Stock cubes. Some brands of stock cubes contain wheat – check the label or make your own stock at home to be sure it's free from gluten.
  • Buckwheat flour. Buckwheat is naturally gluten-free. ...
  • Dry roasted nuts. ...
  • Couscous. ...
  • Chocolate. ...
  • Taramasalata. ...
  • Some soft, spreadable cheeses. ...
  • Chips.
Apr 3, 2023

Are rice krispies gluten-free? ›

You may think that classic Kellogg's Brand Rice Krispies are gluten-free because rice is a naturally gluten-free grain, but they are made with malt flavoring. The malt is derived from barley which is a gluten-containing grain. Therefore, they are definitely NOT gluten-free!

Are Trader Joes gluten-free oats celiac safe? ›

It is the recommendation of Gluten Free Watchdog that individuals with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders avoid single ingredient gluten-free oat products from Trader Joe's.

Why are oats not added to gluten free flour? ›

The issue is that sometimes oats are produced in the same place as wheat, barley and rye, and then become contaminated with these other grains. Only oats labelled gluten free may be eaten by people following a gluten free diet.

What grains don't have gluten? ›

Here are 9 gluten-free grains that are super healthy.
  • Sorghum. Sorghum is typically cultivated as both a cereal grain and animal feed. ...
  • Quinoa. Quinoa has quickly become one of the most popular gluten-free grains. ...
  • Oats. Oats are very healthy. ...
  • Buckwheat. ...
  • Amaranth. ...
  • Teff. ...
  • Corn. ...
  • Brown rice.

Is oat flour just blended oats? ›

Making homemade oat flour couldn't be easier! All you need is whole rolled oats (not steel-cut or quick oats) and a food processor or high-speed blender. Place the oats in the blender or food processor and blend until they form a fine flour, stopping to stir occasionally. That's it!

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