A Timeline of the Backrooms (2024)

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Not to be confused with The Story of the Backrooms Wiki.

A Timeline of the Backrooms is open for user participation!
A Timeline of the Backrooms is open for edits by anyone; add entrances and exits (if this applies) and content, as long as it follows site rules and fits the page. Happy editing!

It is extremely encouraged to help expand it!

As it is likely near-impossible to finish the timeline due to the ever-changing nature of the wiki and the number of pages, I am requesting help in making this more accurate.

An Explanation of the FD System

For this timeline, the Frontrooms Date (FD) System has been used to match up the “date” a specific event occurred in the Backrooms with a date in the Frontrooms.

According to the Frontrooms Date Theory (FDT), which the FD System is based on, the “date” of one specific “day” (24 hours) can be determined by looking at the number of people who noclip into the Backrooms on that day. On any particular Backrooms “day”, the vast majority of newcomers enter from a single 24-hour period (or day) in the Frontrooms (although there are some exceptions). In addition, the day most newcomers arrive from advances linearly in real time; that is, if on one Backrooms “day” most people enter from September 23, 1996, the next “day” most people will enter from September 24, 1996, and so on. As a result, the Backrooms “days” for those periods would be September 23, 1996, FD (Frontrooms Date) and September 24, 1996, FD. However, this system is not perfect—two people walking together could noclip into the Backrooms at the same time, but one could reach Level 0 hours before the other.

This does not mean that time in the Backrooms is the same as in the Frontrooms. Time and time-related things can be affected by the Backrooms; for example, when The First entered the Backrooms, he stopped aging and his lifespan was extended to over 1,000 years (by M.E.G estimates).

  • D after an entry means that the entry is disputed, that is, multiple dates exist for the same thing.
  • H after an entry means that the entry might be hoax, that is, not occurred in entire timeline.


An Era Long Forgotten[]

  • Formation of Level Beta and its objects.
  • Origins of Level Psi.
  • Level Omega is auspiciously formed out of nowhere.
  • The phenomenon known as Life Force manifests and the practice of manipulating it is founded by the first generation of Espers, known during this time as Mages. This results in the creation of “Sorcery”.
  • The Keymaster creates Level Keys and The Hub.
  • Level 909 mysteriously materializes due to unknown circ*mstances, with its long-forgotten discovery thought to have transpired around this time.
  • Level -1000 is unknowingly formed.


  • 400s - 1200s - Level -1000 begins its process in creating the first 6 negative levels.
  • 1250 — According to the transcribed documents from Level 906, The Blue Space was created that date.
  • 1264Backshrooms are discovered.
  • 1302 — It is believed that Level 35 was discovered around this time.
  • 1410Moth Jelly is discovered to be safe for human consumption (albeit in small doses).
  • 1502 — Earliest recorded account of a human arriving in Level 813, marking humanity's first contact with the Penumbras.
  • 1585 — The colony of Roanoke is established in the Frontrooms. Its inhabitants eventually noclip into the Backrooms following a ritual to “summon God”, and resettle in Level 34.
  • 1666 — The first record of Level 666, a preserved journal of unknown origins, was written.
  • 1695Level 16 is discovered.
  • 1724 - The first false faceling is found
  • 1735 - Level 37 was discovered
  • 1749Devil’s Ambrosia is discovered and the emergence of Slashers (known during this time as Revenants) takes place.
  • 1771Caius Taggert becomes the first victim of the Sanguine Festivus virus.
  • 1863 — "Kyoto Holiday," an iconic albumen print, is anonymously created (presumably by the Cameraman) in Level 666. It is widely regarded as the first image taken in the Backrooms, and has been included in many publications including the Database's official article of the level.
  • 1885 — The Major Explorer Group (M.E.G.) is founded by The First.


  • 1900 — The leadership of the M.E.G is finalised.
  • June 22, 1905 - Level 201 materializes into existence, supposedly "engulfed" some levels to grow more.
  • November 11, 1918 — Level Eta and its Scribe are created due to the mass destruction WW1 caused.
  • Late-1900s — The sixth edition of The Backrooms Journal of Neurobehavior and Psychopharmacology is released featuring a publication titled: Review of Report on the Census of Hallucinations while Dying in The Backrooms.
  • Late-1910s — The Party Crashers are formed.
  • 1916Level -571 is discovered, but during the time it was inhabited by unknown wanderers.
  • 1921Royal Jelly Farms™ is founded by the M.E.G. and its first president, Pierce Waxford (Head of Backrooms Entomological Research) is established.
  • Unknown — While the exact date is unknown, the Backroom Colonists is presumably established in Level 1 around this time, and the first minister (S.T.) is elected.
  • April 30, 1934Level 13 is discovered and cataloged.
  • 1937Fungi Farms™ is founded by the M.E.G. and its first president, Lila Abu-Ezam (Head of Backrooms Mycological Research) is established.
  • 1940 — The first member of what will become Level 14’s Hospital Society noclips into the Backrooms.
  • 1941Level Mu is discovered by Henry Kevv.
  • 1943 — Wanderers first discover Level 6.1, with efforts to turn it into a sanctuary for humanity beginning just 2 years later.
  • January 2, 1954Level 0.22 was accidentally created by an individual named Shapur Cajetan.
  • July 2, 1955 — Pam-Am Flight 913 (or 914–the data is confusing) takes off from New York City and disappears. All crew members and passengers noclip into a plane on Level 36 and become immortal.
  • February 3, 1961 - Level 817 is discovered.
  • 1963 — “Run For Your Life!” is discovered.
  • 1964 — Hutsan Arden creates a prototype version of the modern-day Hutsan Survivability Classification System (HSCS) on paper.
  • January (?), 1965 — The exact date of this choice is unknown, but it occurred around this time. The HSCS was finally adopted after various discussions about incorporating it into all articles and future articles, as well as unanimous agreement among M.E.G. higher-ups.
  • 1971Level 911 is fully explored and discovered by the M.E.G.
  • 1974Level -1 is discovered, and is named the “Glitched Halls”.
  • 1977 — The category of negative levels is created.
  • 1978The End is discovered.
  • April 2, 1982 The Republic of Level 153 is founded.
  • 1983 — Devil’s Ambrosia and, by extension, Slashers, begin to become widespread to a concerning degree.
  • 1988 — The Major Numbering System (MNS) becomes discontinued in favor of the Casper-Bray Numbering System (CBNS) within the M.E.G database.
  • August 5, 1984The Midnight Train picks up its first passenger.
  • July 10th, 1987Level 789 is discovered by M.E.G. employees, with the first outposts rising rapidly.
  • August 6, 1988Level 350 is discovered by the M.E.G.
  • November 23, 1988Level -2 is discovered by an unknown wanderer.
  • 1990 — The Backrooms’ Slasher population reaches an all-time high and the Devil’s Ambrosia starts to become an infestation. Eventually, they are regulated and contained through a collaborative effort between the M.E.G and The Crimson Wanderer.
  • March 14, 1990Jerry M. Sercher founded the B.W.O..
  • 1991 - Backrooms Red Cross is established
  • June 19, 1992Memory Flame was discovered by Jerry M. Sercher in Level 2.
  • April 23, 1993Level 112 is unearthed by a group of cavers that stumbled across strange mushroom species.
  • 1996 — The Backrooms Research Team begins conducting experiments in Level 28.
  • February 24, 1998 — The first sub-level of Level 188 is discovered, that being Level 188.8.
  • October 27, 1999Level Critical is discovered


  • Early-2000s — The 611th edition of The Backrooms Journal of Neurobehavior and Psychopharmacology is released featuring a publication titled: The Light/Dark (LD) Test Can Be Used to Model and Assess Human Fear and Anxiety Condition After Fear and Anxiety Priming in a Light or Dark Environment.
  • January 3, 2002 The first sub-level of Level 6 (Level 6.5) is discovered.
  • June 28th, 2002 Level 154 is discovered by a wanderer simply known as Ryanlam123456.
  • March 31, 2003 (allegedly) — The building which will become Level 16 noclips into the Backrooms, arriving in the dimension sometime before 1695.
  • October 28, 2003 - Negative levels are officially added into the database.
  • February 23, 2004Level 246 was discovered by a wanderer named Jerry M. Sercher.
  • Early April, 2004 — The Euphoric War begins with the Party Crashers invasion of Level 338.1. H
  • October(?), 2004 — Level Mu is re-discovered by the M.E.G.
  • June 28, 2005 — M.E.G explorer M. Drew unintentionally discovers The Corrupted Instability, making it the earliest mention of the level recorded. Howbeit, it is undetermined if this was actually the first time the level was discovered, as there are other conflicting resources.
  • October 14, 2006 - Level 71 is discovered by Norwegian wanderer Ephraim Bjørk.
  • September 29, 2007 — The Euphoric War ends with the razing of Tealwatch in Level 4 and the Party Crashers temporarily retreating into hiding, resulting in an SFV victory.
  • November 26, 2010Level 66 is discovered via an anomalous door in Level 35.
  • December 11, 2010 — 43 People have been reportedly missing because of a certain painting, dubbed "The Mystery Of Yellow" in a Utah Museum.


  • June 12th, 2011 — Incident 06-12-2011 happens on Level 11 and Level -599. (D?)
  • 2012 — The Astarte Automated Survivability Difficulty System (AASDS) is selected and chosen to replace the old HSCS.
  • 2013Level 350 begins to decay for an unknown reason. It would be entirely abandoned the same year.
  • 2014 - The devastating infection and collapse of Level -6 begins.
  • Late 2014 — The Party Crashers start to re-emerge from hiding and resume their old duties, establishing the new outpost of Taggertsbane in Level 4.
  • 2015 — The AASDS gains popularity after being used on a revised version of The Hub.
  • October 13, 2015Level 22 is severely damaged by multiple powerful explosives. Fourteen of its floors are either mostly destroyed or mostly collapse into the Void.
  • November 18, 2015Level 699 has been discovered and confirmed to be true.
  • February 01, 2016The Flicker occurs, temporarily sending the entirety of the Backrooms into darkness. To this date, some levels are still being affected.
  • February 06, 2016Level 188 is first discovered during the Flicker.
  • 2017 — The Casper-Bray Numbering System gains popularity outside of the M.E.G after the onset of the Flicker.
  • April 23, 2017Level 455 is discovered when a member of Outpost Astasia faced the truth.
  • 2018Level 28 is abandoned by the Backrooms Research Team for an unknown reason. They relocate to Level 11.
  • Febuary 22, 2018- The Scribe of Gamma attacks a research team in Level Gamma in an attempt to deter humans from lingering in the Level.
  • April 6, 2018 — An unknown passageway from Level -6 to Level 22 is opened, causing Nuclear Infection to pour into and corrupt the latter level like Level -6.
  • June 21, 2018 — ████████ █████████ tragically dies at Level 93, due the 093-CC cognitohazard. He was the first to fall the victim of it.
  • July 13, 2018Level 283 is discovered by 2 kids, whose current __cpLocation is unknown.
  • July 16, 2018Level -2 is flooded by almond water, reason is unknown.
  • October 3, 2018 — BackOS is officially inaugurated as the Backrooms operating system. It immediately became a necessity for wanderers and major organizations alike.
  • October 3, 2018Level 166 was discovered around 2 hours after BackOS went online. The similarities between BackOS and Level 166 suggests it is a level copy of the BackOS concept.
  • March 4, 2019Level 9.6 is discovered via entering from Level 9.
  • March 8, 2019 — The Peekers are discovered in Level 9.6 by an expedition into the level's basem*nts.
  • March 15, 2019Level -12 is discovered by an unknown wanderer.
  • May 12, 2019 — The first post regarding the Backrooms has been posted on the 4chan site.
  • July 22, 2019Level 293 is discovered.
  • October 1, 2019 — A new type of Viscera is discovered in Level 412 and is brought to an E.R.C. laboratory in Level 1 to be studied.
  • December 23, 2019 — The text report of an anomalous area known as "The City of Lost Souls", located within The Blue Space was attached to The Blue Space's page on M.E.G database by an anonymous account.
  • December 25, 2019 — Just a few days after, A Mysterious Force pulls most city levels into its range causing most of Level 123 to shatter off From Level 85.
  • December 28, 2019 — The first discovery of Level -12 is proven to be false.


  • January 1, 2020Level 169 is discovered after an anonymous wanderer traveled down a grass-covered hallway from Level 170. Its sublevels were discovered soon after and outposts were erected in this primal paradise.
  • Ancient scrolls containing myths and legends surrounding a royal court, their treasures and the Crown of The Throne are unearthed in Level 8 during an archaeological expedition by the M.E.G.
  • February 13, 2020 — A small group of wanderers, led by Robert H., discover Level -12 using the train system in Level 154.
  • July 3, 2020 — The new type of Viscera that was being studied escapes containment and massacres most personnel in the area before escaping; this event is later formally designated as Incident V1.
  • July 29, 2020 — A single Wanderer travels 10,000 miles into Level 0.01.
  • September, 2020 — The first Blood Wasp are discovered dead and dried in Level 11 by a wanderer.
  • September 20, 2020 — A group of Blood Wasps has been discovered wandering at Level 13.
  • December 3, 2021Level -31 is semi-successfully purged through nuclear means by the M.E.G.
  • The Keymaster begins to seek power from other prominent entities, in order to supposedly prevent a cataclysm that he foresees. However, most of them turn him away, either believing his concerns are unfounded or suspecting ulterior motives.
  • Adrian Waxillium interviews The Keymaster, who doesn’t like his line of questioning and punishes him by forcefully making him into his champion.
    • Adrian is ordered by The Keymaster to steal the Lens of Wisdom from The Alchemist. Instead, Adrian ends up becoming The Alchemist’s own champion.
  • October 18, 2022Behemoth was discovered.
  • November 14, 2022 - Level -2, Level -3, Level -4, and Level -5 collided into a singular level; Level -1 and its sub-levels were also affected.
  • November 18, 2022 - The birth of The Grayscale Nexus and Level -1's new sub-level's
  • January 10, 2023 — The first variation of a Blood Wasp has been discovered, named as Coagulated Blood Wasp at Level -12.
  • Olivia Bellerose no-clips into the Backrooms.
  • The Keymaster “adopts” a child faceling named Maria.
  • November 2, 2023 - B.I.F., M.E.G. and The Backroom Colonists have collaborated in publicly exposing the criminal organization known as Z.E.T.A..
  • January 1, 2024 – A strange form of energy is found in Level 99 by M.E.G Explorers.
  • February 1, 2024 - First Pedipulator discovered.
  • February 14, 2024 - A M.E.G. base in Level 9, colloquially known as Base Vox, falls after an attack by Procul Lumina.
  • March 1, 2024 - Level -100 is' suddenly affected by The Flicker due to anomalous causes, Level 154 is suddenly sent into darkness but is powered back up in 2 hours.
  • March 16, 2024 - Temporary Manifestation is exposed on public.
  • March 19, 2024 - The long forgotten Entertainland Theme Park is rediscovered after The Flicker.
  • March 24, 2024 - A planned attack regarded as "The Level 154 Incident" occurs after an argument between The Liberators and The Scribes leading to mass destruction across levels, The attack lasted approximately 4 hours before stopping, The damage was eventually reverted and Level 154's trainlines were eventually put back into business.
  • March 27, 2024 - A japanese version of this article was uploaded. However, it included temporary manifested context "level 154 getting closed by vandalism".
  • April 1, 2024 - Explorer reported a demon-esque figure with magenta hair and guitar being chased by a demon-esque figure wearing a diamond patterned red and black sweater without guitar.

Canon-Specific Timelines[]

Here, comprehensive timelines of the lore in specific canons may be listed:

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

A Timeline of the Backrooms (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.