199+ Top Synonyms List to Strengthen Your Vocabulary | Leverage Edu (2024)

Synonyms List: With more than 6,000 spoken languages, English is certainly a universal language and is still emerging. There are educational institutions, business outlets, IT companies, and other corporate sectors across the globe that are embracing the use of the English language in their daily business dealings and educational processes. Further, It is pertinent to mention that the availability of scores of English-speaking books and English-speaking courses has helped tens of thousands of native and non-native speakers to write and speak with utmost perfection.

199+ Top Synonyms List to Strengthen Your Vocabulary | Leverage Edu (1)

However, it is important to know words and understand phrases with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, hom*onyms, idioms, etc., to improve your communication skills along with scoring well in competitive exams like IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, etc. Here is a blog that will take you through the 199+ difficult synonyms list including their meaning.

This Blog Includes:
  1. What Are Synonyms?
  2. 20+ Examples of Synonyms
  3. 199+ Synonyms List
  4. Important Synonyms List
  5. Synonyms List A to Z
  6. Quiz on Synonyms
  7. What is an Antonym?
    1. Examples of Antonym
  8. Tips to Improve Your English Speaking
  9. FAQs

What Are Synonyms?

By the term Synonym, we can understand that it is a word or phrase that has the same meaning as another word. Since it is confusing, children also look for the answer to “What are synonyms and antonyms“. As discussed, synonyms are words with similar meanings, and antonyms, on the contrary, are words with opposite meanings. For instance:

Word: Enter

Antonym: Exit

Synonym: Set foot in/Get into

20+ Examples of Synonyms

Here is a list of a few synonyms for your reference listed below:

  • Beautiful – Gorgeous
  • Happy – Joyful
  • Fast – Swift
  • Big – Large
  • Small – Tiny
  • Smart – Intelligent
  • Brave – Courageous
  • Delicious – Tasty
  • Sad – Unhappy
  • Angry – Furious
  • Funny – Hilarious
  • Cold – Chilly
  • Hot – Scorching
  • Rich – Wealthy
  • Poor – Destitute
  • Loud – Noisy
  • Quiet – Silent
  • Tired – Exhausted
  • Pretty – Attractive
  • Ugly – Hideous
  • Honest – Truthful
  • Evil – Wicked
  • Strong – Powerful
  • Weak – Feeble
  • Bright – Radiant
  • Dark – Gloomy
  • Clever – Ingenious
  • Friendly – Amiable
  • Noisy – Boisterous
  • Hungry – Starving

Must Read: 50 Difficult Words with Meanings

199+ Synonyms List

After understanding the basic difference between synonyms and antonyms with examples, let us now go through the synonyms list to understand it better.

WordsMeaningsMeanings/ Synonyms
AbstractActual instancesTheoretical, notional, intellectual, symbolic
AbstruseHard to understandIncomprehensible, unfathomable, arcane
ArduousDifficultHard, toilsome, onerous, wearisome, exhausting)
AugeanDifficult and UnpleasantChallenging, difficult, effortful)
BafflingTo confuse or perplexPuzzle, mistify, bemuse
ConfinedRestricted in an area or volumeCramped, constricted, limited
AustereStrict and serious in appearance and behaviorStrict, harsh, stern, severe
CompetenceThe ability to do somethingCapability, proficiency, ability, skill
ParochialHaving a limited or narrow outlookConservative, insular, short-sighted
MoribundNo longer effective and about to come to an end completelyInactive, stagnant, motionless
IneptitudeLack of skill or abilityInability, inefficacy, incompetence
BystanderA person who is present at an event or incident but does not partObserver, onlooker, watcher)
EntrenchTo establish something very strongly so that it is difficult to changeEstablish, ensconce, install, settle
All-encompassingIncluding everythingComprehensive, wide, extensive
ContagionThe spread of disease by close contact between peopleInfection, transmission, foulness
CohortThe tactic, gambit, trickPartner, companion, comrade
PloyWords or actions that are carefully planned to get an advantage over somebody elseTactic, gambit, trick
IdiosyncrasyAn unusual featureMannerism, trait, eccentricity
QuibbleA small complaint or criticism Minor, criticism, trivial
AghastShocked or scaredHorrified, stunned, appalled
AccruePayments or benefitsCollect, gather, amass
MuzzlePrevent a person or group from expressing their opinions freelyGag, suppress, restrain
SynergyThe extra energyCollaboration, cooperation, associations
OfficiousAssertive of authority in a domineering wayOver-bearing, high handed
DashDestroy or frustrateShatter, destroy, ruin, spoil
WordMeaningSynonyms List
OutcryA reaction of anger or strong protest Furore, uproar, commotion
ProgenitorA person who starts an idea or a developmentFounder, forerunner, begetter
SumptuousVery expensive/impressiveLavish, luxurious, palatial
EnthuseTo make somebody feel very interested and excitedMotivate, encourage, inspire, spur)
UnderscoreTo emphasizeStress, accentuate, point up
SanguineOptimisticHopeful, assured, positive, buoyant
FableA short storymoral, story, parable, allegory
ProtectionistA defensorShielder, hedger, firewall
RemitTask/activity assigned to an individual/organizationOrbit, ambit, jurisdiction
SlackCharacterized by a lack of work or activityLaggard, sluggish, inactive, stagnant
PolemicsThe practice of engaging in a controversial debatedebate, discussion, wrangling
SullyDamage to the purity or integrityDefile, soil, tarnish, stain
SalienceThe quality of being particularly noticeable or importantprominence, eminence, distinction, the primacy
TotterMove in a shabby way/feel insecureBe shaky, be insecure, falter
ReckonTo calculate something/be of an opinionCompute, believe, Figure, Assume
CataclysmicCausing sudden and violent upheavalDisastrous, calamitous, devastating
UnflinchingRemaining strong and determinedResolute, steadfast, dogged, firm
GoliathA person or thing that is very large or powerful (Giant, titan, whopper, colossus
FermentA state of political or social excitement and confusionTumult, uproar, mayhem, furore
MangledDestroy or severely damaged by tearing or crushingMutilated, lacerated maimed, marred
FebrileNervous/excited/ Showing feverTense, edgy, fidgety, feverish, flushed, jittery
ConnoteTo suggest a feeling, an idea, etcRecommend, indicate, signify, denote
SerpentineWinding and twisting like a snakeWinding, zigzag, meandering, twisting
HeydayThe period of a person’s or thing’s greatest successPrime, zenith, acme, salad days
FretAnxious/nervous Worry, agonize, bother, distress
InklingA slight knowledge or suspicionClue, hunch, glimmering

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WordMeaningSynonyms List
DangerousSomething likely to cause injury or damagePerilous
DarkWith no light or very little lightShadowy
DecideThink about two or more possibilities and choose one of themDetermine
DefiniteHaving certain or distinct limits for a definite periodCertain
DeliciousHaving a very pleasant taste or smellSavoury
DescribeTo say what somebody/something is like, or what happenedPortray
DestroyTo damage something so badly that it can no longer be used or no longer existsRuin
DifferenceThe way that people or things are not the same or the way that somebody/something has changedDisagreement
DoTo perform an action, activity or jobExecute
DullNot interesting or exciting; boringUnimaginative
EagerStrongly wanting to do or have something.Keen
EndThe furthest or last part of something; the place or time where something stopsStop
EnjoyTo get pleasure from somethingAppreciate
ExplainTo make something clear or easy to understandElaborate
FairAppropriate and acceptable in a particular situationJust
FallTo drop down towards the groundDrop
FalseNot true; not correctFake
FastAble to move or act at great speedQuick
FatWeighing too much; covered with too much fleshStout
FearThe feeling that you have when something dangerous, painful or frightening might happenFright
FlyTo move through the airSoar
FunnyThat makes you smile or laughHumorous

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WordMeaningSynonyms List
GetTo receive, obtain or buy somethingAcquire
GoTo move or travel from one place to anotherRecede
GoodOf a high quality or standardExcellent
GreatLarge in amount, degree, size, etc.; a lot ofNoteworthy
GrossBeing the total amount before anything is taken awayImproper
HappyFeeling or showing pleasure; pleasedPleased
HateTo have a very strong feeling of not liking somebody/something at allDespise
HaveUsed for forming the perfect tensesAcquire
HelpTo do something for somebody to be useful or to make something easier for him/herAid
HideTo put or keep somebody/something in a place where he/she/it cannot be seen; to cover something so that it cannot be seenConceal
HurryThe need or wish to do something quicklyHasten
HurtTo feel painfulDamage
IdeaA picture or impression in your mindThought
ImportantHaving great value or influence; is very necessaryNecessary
InterestingEnjoyable and entertaining; holding your attentionFascinating
KeepTo continue to be in a particular state or positionHold
KillTo make somebody/something dieSlay
WordMeaningSynonyms List
LaughAn expression of mirth, derision, etc.Chuckle
LotsOf great numbers or quantities
LabelA short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc.Trademark
LaborProductive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain.Activity
LandfillA low area of land that is built up from deposits of solid refuse in layers covered by soil.Junkyard
LandlordA person or organization that owns and leases apartments to others.Property Owner
LanguageA body of words and the systems for their use is common to people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural traditionDialect
MachineAn apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of workGadget
MailLetters, packages, etc., that are sent or delivered using a postal systemLetter
MajorGreater in size, extent, or importanceConsiderable
MaliceDesire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meannessBitterness
ManagementThe person or persons controlling and directing the affairs of a business, institution, etcAdministration
ManufactureThe making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scaleConstruct
NationThe territory or country itselfCommunity
NearClose to a point or place not far awayAdjacent
NarrowOf little breadth or width; not broad or wide; not as wide as usual or expectedCramped
NearlyWith close approximationClosely
NameA word or a combination of words by which a person, place, thing, body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or knownBrand
ObjectiveSomething that one’s efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplishPurpose
ObserveTo see, watch, perceive, or noticeDetect
199+ Top Synonyms List to Strengthen Your Vocabulary | Leverage Edu (2)

Important Synonyms List

There are certain words that we use in our everyday lives. However, using them too often makes sentences monotonous. So, here is a list of important synonyms for some of the most commonly used words-

Figure OutAscertain
On holdStagnant
199+ Top Synonyms List to Strengthen Your Vocabulary | Leverage Edu (3)

Synonyms List A to Z

199+ Top Synonyms List to Strengthen Your Vocabulary | Leverage Edu (4)

Quiz on Synonyms

Here is a small quiz on synonyms to help you check your knowledge.

Choose the correct synonyms that best match the highlighted word:

Question 1: The king felt a surge of exuberance as he addressed his loyal subjects

a) Exasperation

b) Excitement

c) Exhaustion

d) Embarrassment

Question 2: The tranquil lake reflected the beauty of the surrounding mountains.

a) Transparent

b) Turbulent

c) Tame

d) Tranquil

Question 3: The scientist made a groundbreaking discovery that could change the world.

a) Gruesome

b) Grubby

c) Grandiose

d) Groundbreaking


  1. Excitement
  2. Tranquil
  3. Groundbreaking

What is an Antonym?

An antonym is a word/phrase that refers to the opposite of another word or phrase. View the illustrations.

Examples of Antonym

  • about– exactly
  • above– below
  • absence– presence
  • abundance– lack
  • accept– refuse
  • accidental– intentional
  • active– lazy
  • add– subtract
  • admit– deny
  • adultchild
  • advanced– elementary
  • affirmative– negative
  • afraidbrave
  • after– before
  • against– for
  • alike– different
  • alive– dead
  • all– none
  • allow– forbid
  • already– not yet
  • always– never
  • ancient– modern
  • ancestor-descendant
  • agree– refuse
  • amateur– professional
  • amuse– bore
  • ancestor-descendant
  • angel– devil
  • animal– human
  • annoy– satisfy
  • answer– ask
  • answer– question
  • antonym– synonym
  • apart– together
  • approximately– exactly
  • argue– agree

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Related Read

Synonyms of WasteAdjectives that start with A
Synonyms of JovialAdjectives that start with B
Synonyms of HugeAdjectives that start with C
Synonyms of CaptureAdjectives that start with D
Synonyms of WelcomeAdjectives that start with E

Tips to Improve Your English Speaking

There are a variety of strategies you can use to successfully learn English at home. One can study English at their own pace and convenience when doing so at home. Here are some explanations of how to acquire spoken English at home.

  1. Read fiction and children’s literature to learn about language structure.
  2. Make sure to record any new words you learn through reading or listening.
  3. Converse with family or friends
  4. Watch or listen to YouTube channels that discuss practical advice
  5. Learning through entertaining games like Scrabble is usually beneficial.
  6. The recordings of one’s speech can be made and listened to for identifying any errors.
  7. An audio blog test can be taken once some practice has been had.


Why synonyms are important?

The synonyms will help you come up with different types of words that will prove helpful in you’re into writing

Why antonyms are beneficial?

Antonyms will help you enhance your vocabulary skills

How can you improve your synonyms?

Consider reading dictionaries and take help from the Google Translate application to come up with more synonyms.

To read more exciting blogs, do check out ourLearn Englishpage and don’t forget to followLeverage Edu.

199+ Top Synonyms List to Strengthen Your Vocabulary | Leverage Edu (2024)


What are the 200 examples of synonyms? ›

200 Synonyms Words List in English
abandon – desertabbreviate – shorten
genuine – authenticgigantic – immense
give – donate,presentglad – happy
gloomy – darkglorious – splendid,
good – nicegratitude – thankfulness
95 more rows

What are the 100 examples of synonyms? ›

List of Synonyms
18 more rows

What are some words to improve your vocabulary? ›

15 Words to Improve Your Vocabulary
  • Adept. When used as an adjective, "adept" means very skilled or expert. ...
  • Articulate. As an adjective, "articulate" refers to a person who can speak clearly and effectively. ...
  • Candor. ...
  • Conducive. ...
  • Deference. ...
  • Egregious. ...
  • Entail. ...
  • Facilitate.
Sep 28, 2020

How can I learn 100 new words? ›

6 Tips for Learning New Words
  • Read, read, and read. The more you read -- especially novels, but also magazines and newspapers -- the more words you'll learn. ...
  • Keep a dictionary and thesaurus handy. ...
  • Build your own dictionary. ...
  • Learn a word a day. ...
  • Play some games. ...
  • Engage in conversations.

What are 100 antonyms? ›

List of Antonyms
15 more rows

What are 10 good synonyms? ›

  • acceptable.
  • excellent.
  • exceptional.
  • favorable.
  • great.
  • marvelous.
  • positive.
  • satisfactory.

What are 25 synonyms? ›

Here are 25 synonyms you can add to your dictionary to flaunt your vocab
  • Awful: Terrible.
  • Begin: Commence.
  • Calm: Tranquil.
  • Delicious: Scrumptious.
  • Dicey: Risky.
  • Everlasting: Eternal.
  • Fortunate: Lucky.
  • Get: Acquire.
Sep 28, 2015

What is the fastest way to improve vocabulary? ›

Read, read, read! The best way to improve your vocabulary is to read. Read novels, history books, primary documents, newspapers, and academic articles. The more you read and the more variety in the types of works you read, the more your vocabulary will expand!

What is a smart word for vocabulary? ›

dictionary, glossary, jargon, terminology.

How to spice up your vocabulary? ›

7 Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary
  1. Develop a reading habit. Vocabulary building is easiest when you encounter words in context. ...
  2. Use the dictionary and thesaurus. ...
  3. Play word games. ...
  4. Use flashcards. ...
  5. Subscribe to “word of the day” feeds. ...
  6. Use mnemonics. ...
  7. Practice using new words in conversation.
Aug 23, 2021

What are the 50 examples of antonyms? ›

List of 130 antonyms
  • Artificial – Natural.
  • Arrive – Depart.
  • Argue – Agree.
  • All – None.
  • Amateur – Professional.
  • Alive – Dead.
  • Advanced – Elementary.
  • Adult – Child.
Nov 3, 2023

What is the meaning of 200 in English? ›

The name of number 200 in English is “Two Hundred”. The word two hundred is used in many real-life situations. For example, there are two hundred people in a community hall. Thus, it is a counting number. Also, to represent the currency equal to 200, we can write it in words as Rupees two hundred or Two hundred rupees.

What are antonyms of a to z? ›

The following are the 30 opposite words in English from A to Z:
  • Active-Lazy.
  • Afraid-Brave.
  • After-Before.
  • Big-Small.
  • Beautiful-Ugly.
  • Bitter-Sweet.
  • Close-Open.
  • Cold-Hot.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.