1 Corinthians 16 Lesson (2024)

In1 Corinthians 16, Paul shares four unique insights about howhe managed hisministry.

These insights areincredibly valuable forus aswe seek outthe best ways torun ourown ministries.

Today’s lesson isbroken down into four insights andfive calls toaction.


  1. Paul arranged forthe financial needs ofthe Church.“Nowconcerningthecollection forthe saints, asI directed thechurches ofGalatia, sodo youalso.Onthe first dayof every week, each oneof youis toput aside andsave, ashe mayprosper, sothatnocollections bemade when Icome.When Iarrive,whomever youmay approve, Iwill send them with letters tocarry your gift toJerusalem;andif itis fitting forme togo also, they will gowith me.” – 1Corinthians 16:1-4,
  2. Paul planned hisnext move tospread theGospel. “ButI will come toyou after Igo throughMacedonia, forI amgoing through Macedonia; andperhaps Iwill stay with you, oreven spend thewinter, sothat youmay send meon myway wherever Imay go. ForI donot wish tosee younow justinpassing; forI hope toremain with youfor some time ifthe Lord permits.” – 1Corinthians 16:5-7,
  3. Paul fished where thefish were.“ButI will remain inEphesus untilPentecost;fora wide doorforeffectiveservicehasopened tome.” – 1Corinthians 16:8-9,
  4. Paul assisted inthe ministry ofothers.“Nowif Timothy comes, seethat heis with youwithoutcause tobe afraid, forhe isdoingtheLord’s work, asI also am.Solet noone despise him.” – 1Corinthians 16:10-11,

These four areas ofconcentration areareas that wecan apply toour ownministries aswe dothe work ofthe Lord.


AsPaul concludes hisfirst letter tothe Corinthians, heleaves behind five calls toaction that apply tous today:

  1. Beon thealert.” Aswe work tospread theGospel, Satan will beplotting against ourefforts. Wemust remain vigilant. 1Peter 5:8 says, “Beof soberspirit,beon thealert. Your adversary,thedevil, prowls around like aroaringlion, seeking someone todevour.”
  2. Stand firm.Ephesians 6:11 says, “Puton thefull armor ofGod, sothat youwill beable tostand firm against theschemes ofthedevil This includes bettering ourunderstanding ofGod’s Word aswell asallowing theHoly Spirit towork inour lives.
  3. Actlike men.” Aswe mature inour faith, ourbehavior should reflect ournewfound maturity inChrist. This means that weneed tostop doing those things that arenot inaccordance with God’s word. 1Corinthians 13:11 says, “When Iwas achild, Iused tospeak like achild, think like achild, reason like achild; when Ibecame aman, Idid away with childish things.”
  4. Bestrong.” Laboring forthe Lord isnot always easy. Wewill betempted anddisciplined along theway. Wemay even want togive upsometimes. Butwe must finish therace! Joshua 1:9 says, “Bestrong andcourageous!Donot tremble orbe dismayed, forthe Lordyour Godis with youwherever yougo.”Hebrews 12:1-3 says, “Letus runwith endurance therace that isset before us, fixing oureyes onJesus, theauthor andperfecter offaith, whofor thejoy setbefore Himendured thecross, despising theshame, andhas satdown atthe right hand ofthe throne ofGod. Forconsider Himwho hadendured such hostility bysinners against Himself, sothat youwill notgrow weary andlose heart.”
  5. Letall that youdo bedone inlove.” 1Corinthians 16:14. Godvalues love more than anything else. Aswe live toserve Him, nothing ismore important than making sure that allthat wedo isdone with love. Colossians 3:14 says, “Beyond allthese thingsputon love, which isthe perfect bond ofunity.”


Aswe work toshare theGospel, wedo well tolearn from those whohave gone before us. Ourlesson today revealed four insights into Paul’s ministry that apply tous today:

  1. Paul arranged forthe financial needs ofthe Church,
  2. Paul planned hisnext move inspreading theGospel,
  3. Paul fished where thefish were,
  4. Paul assisted inthe ministry ofothers.

Ourlesson then highlighted five calls toaction forus totake inour ownministries:

  1. Beon thealert!
  2. Stand firm!
  3. Actlike men! (Orwomen)
  4. Bestrong!
  5. Doeverything inlove.

Wewill conclude today’s lesson with thefollowing quote which isoften referred toas, “TheGreat Commission.” Itreminds usthat weall must play apart inthe sharing ofthe Gospel.


  • “Go, therefore, andmake disciples ofall thenations,baptizing them inthe name ofthe Father andthe Sonand theHoly Spirit,teaching them tofollow allthat Icommanded you; andbehold,Iam with youalways, tothe endof theage.” – Mathew 28:19-20.

1 Corinthians 16 Lesson (1)

1 Corinthians 16 Lesson (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.